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>tfw 15 yo girls are having more sex than you will ever have
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>tfw 15 yo girls are having more sex than you will ever have in your entire existence.
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friendly reminder that you lost your chance of teenager sex
I'm living with my aunt and her 15 year old daugher came home yesterday from being with her boyfriend and going to parties. I wish I could waste my life on parties instead.

My brother had teenager sex, but still turned out to be an even bigger piece of shit than me.

It makes me feel better knowing a failed normie can sink lower than me.
>I wish I could waste my life on parties instead.
me too, i'm start going to parties now, but i'm beta af and couldn't get a single girl the last time i went to one, all those rejections were depressing me even more.
I train 6 times a week, act alpha as fuck, just not getting invited to parties is the issue.
I have no idea where they even have the parties at. Kind of hard to get out there when you have no foot in the door, senpai.
First of all, don't fucking write senpai if you want to get to parties holy fuck. Second of all, you need to get invited to parties. Doesn't matter if you know where it is, you need the host to know he invited you or someshit.
Oh well then I have no chance, because I will never be invited. Guess that saves me some time.
>tfw not even your best friends to who you talk everyday invite you to normalfag parties

it's the filter you moron desu senpai
>tfw your first love is now a whore
>tfw you will never take the virginity of someone special to you
>tfw didn't have a prom date
>ywn be the captain of the football team who slayed all the qt cheerleaders
Fucking faggot cunt
Im friends with a faggot that goes to parties, he ain't invited me to one yet. We do have parties with our other friends though and get high on hash.
yeah man, i already bought my normalfag cosplay and i'm trying to act alpha, but feeling is the biggest issue.
if you live in a big city like me it isn't that hard at all to find a party just look up for them on normiebook.
So what? I'm getting /fit/ and I always go to the cash register with a girl on it. In a year or two I'll have a gf, I know it.
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