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>tfw you will never get to go back
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>tfw you will never get to go back
nostalrius is great bro come join us

Fuck off Alliance and take your OP paladin bullshit with you.
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>not going to ashenvale after the barrens as horde

>leaving the barrens as horde

Do you have something against Chuck Norris jokes and walking forever?
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>tfw it will never be the same
I'm also playing on nostalrius. You should go sign up OP.
>trying to sneak these feels in on me
Nope, not tonight motherfucker
>tfw i lost the most important years of my life thanks to WoW
>tfw i did nothing orther than just play WoW since i was 13 to since i was 17
>tfw i have an elementary degree
>tfw my only way out is either to become a hobo or just end it right here

Fuck this shit man I'm such a mess

Also >>27273801
Nostralious is a nice server even tough i only played it from since they launched to BWL bit it's very well scripted but i just couldn't stand playing the game that basically ruined my life anymore.
How much time do you spend on /r9k/? 4chan? I mean I definitely understand you lamenting the time you wasted on WoW; I've been there, but if you just traded WoW for 4chan..
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what he said. Dont get stressed over that. i grew up near the mexico border and somehow got addicted to smack at 14-19 and now im a functioning wagecuck enjoying life. shit happens when youre young, its all good, move on.
Tbh not much. As much as it sounds strange, i'm too much of a loner to even interact on the internet. I used to visit 4chan daily (like in 2008-2009) but i kinda stopped doing it and do it from time to time (1 time in 2 weeks) instead i'm searching at orther skinnerbox videogames just to pass my time waiting for death, and even if it's going to sound fucking ridiculous but it's like that and the most pathethic thing of all my life is that i actually managed to reduce myself to be one of the most pathetic human beings i've ever read about IRL or online.
Nice, freerealms.
I loved that game.
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Fuck wow.
Biggest waste of my precious time.
>saying it was a waste of your "precious" time
>implying your life wasn't being wasted with other things like internet or vidya before you found WoW
>implying anything fun, inspiring and comfy is a waste of time
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>there are robros who played wow instead of eqoa for ps2 during the 00's

you missed out but atleast your shit game still exists. you dont know true suffering
>you will never go back in time to november 2004 and enjoy the whole ride since the very beginning
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