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>You wake up and find you're being given involuntary
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>You wake up and find you're being given involuntary sex reassignment surgery so you can better service the underground ring of sexual predators who had you kidnapped and added to their collection of human fucktoys

How do you respond?
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cuntboys are my fetish, so i would try it out, but i would probably end up killing myself.


What the fuck is wrong with you? That's the worst of both worlds.
When do I get paid?
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>Teleports out of there
>Slash them all with my katana
Tch, nothing personnel kid.
Well I'm gonna be an ugly girl if that's the case, enjoy you sick fucks.
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I'm king of the manlets 5'11", muscular, and balding.

Honestly though that's a fetish of mine if I was actually a cute twink. I've even fapped to that exact doujinshi many times. Wish there was more like it, but that fetish isn't too popular compared to the other stuff.
This is probably FujoshiBot. Go kill yourself, pathetic failed-life-on-easymode cunt.

>This is probably FujoshiBot.

op here. I'm not her. I've never used a trip before and I'm also male. Why would you even make a guess like this based on nothing but a thread about an extremely well known exhentai doujinshi?
Go kill yourself, pathetic failed-life-on-easymode cunt.

I'm not part of your tripfag drama you schizophrenic muppet. I'm a random anon who decided to make a forced feminization thread because men getting degraded into girls is my fetish.
Jokes on them, I want SRS anyways.
Pic actually doesnt look bad desu desu. I could live with that.
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