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>that feel when this is the only think you can think about.
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>that feel when this is the only think you can think about.
I kinda feel the same with losing my left testicle to torsion
Can't believe that's legal in America. Here in Europe else don't mutilate our children's penisis.
Circumcisiying infants is a fucking crime. It would already have been banned in parts of Europe if it wasn't for the Jews who immediately screamed muh shoah 2.0.

Sorry to hear that, bro.
Some anon posted this a few days ago. Shit's all fucked up. Jews and Puritans have way too much of a hold on our genitals
>I told my therapist
I want to see how that played out. I wouldn't be surprised if the therapist was cucked by Jewish medical studies and tried to tell him he should be glad his penis is mutilated
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Holy shit, is it really true that cutfags live a life of being eternally buttblasted? I can't imagine living in a country where its normal to make your sons foreverially anally pained, turning them into seething cutlets forever bootybothered by their inferior dicks.
Most of them just stay in denial to shield themselves from the painful truth. You'll see, they'll come flooding in soon enough making fools out of themselves
Circumcision has legitimately made me consider suicide. I'm missing chunks of my glans because mine was botched. 0/10
I've heard of thinking with your other head but this is ridiculous.
I know you're baiting but I was cut as a child in a country where circumcision is not common. The whole episode was very traumatic to me because no one tried to explain to me what was happening and why, just that surgery was necessary.

It was again very traumatic to later find out what exactly had happened and why it "had" to be done. The medical reason was one (1) urinary tract infection. Those fucking doctors needed the money I guess. They should have waited to see if it would become a chronic problem. Instead they immediately proposed circumcison to prevent further infections. Unfortunately my parents listened to them and my stupid aunt, whose son had had a long history with chronic uti until he had been cut.
Non-circumcised here
I've had 4 girls turn me down because of the state of my penis in high school
You guys have nothinv to complain about, fuck off you depressed fucks.
>Non-circumcised here
>I've had 4 girls turn me down because of the state of my penis in high school
>You guys have nothinv to complain about, fuck off you depressed fucks.

This is a lie. 99.999% of all girls don't care. Many young girls don't even notice.
t. undercover cutfag
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