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>be me hitting the gym >see a 7/10 qt 3.14 with god tier
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>be me hitting the gym
>see a 7/10 qt 3.14 with god tier ass and tiny feet
>tfw you will never, literally never tap that
>tfw Chads and Tyrones get to fuck women like that on daily basis
>tfw she will never know how much I'd give to have sex with her because to her sex is a daily activity
>tfw she will never know how much that would mean to me

can you guys fucking imagine that
she could literally change my life in a few minutes
but she doesn't, she never will
she HATES me
she wants me to suffer this life, because she gets off to that
when she fucks Chads and Tyrones she knows she has the power to decide who gets to suffer and who gets to enjoy her flesh
she loves the power that comes with being a woman



Hey op have u tried talking to her?
>interrupting her workout
>talking to her on her way out
stalker to the max=police called
Keep lifting and you'll get a 7/10. Don't be afraid to talk to them, what's the worse that could happen?
You will learn to accept your fate someday Anon. We all did at different stages of life. If you are lucky you may get a 2/10 to settle for you so you can be a provider.
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Let me tell you a tale

>At the gym
>Be 5'8, ottermode manlet
>See a fine Asian girl with a fat ass
>Mirin hard
>Hear doorbell sound
>Chad thundercocks walks in
>6'5, white, semimuscular
>he gets on the treadmill next to her
>They exchange banter after 5 minutes of running next to each other
>She's laughing as his shitty jokes
>Mfw she probably fucked him later on
>Mfw I had zero chance compared to him
>mfw Life is L I T T E R A L Y RIGGED

We never stood a chance
We never meant anything
We're the scum on the bottom of someone's shoe
We're nothing

I don't really understand why pooskin/pajeet/whatever robots hate chad thundercock when it's their parents' fault for bringing them to a white country
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>Implying I'm not white

Short white people exist

P weird to be white and point out that another guy is white desu famalamalam
What a warped view of reality, sad because no matter what I say I wouldn't be able to convince you how easy it is to actually get a girl out of your league
>9/10 hotties never get approached outside facebook "pickup sluts" videos
>just say hey

Super easy, you just gotta buck up pussyboi

Fair enough, superfam
it's probably because the girl he wanted to bang was asian, so he had to specify she is a race traitor
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