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>"Did anon just say he was voting for Bernie Sanders?"
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>"Did anon just say he was voting for Bernie Sanders?"
>"You aren't socialist scum are you, anon?"

wat do?
Are you out of touch? being a liberal and socialist is cool and hip with the youth right now.
Oh fuck off. Bernie Sanders is the normie candidate.

>"Did anon just say he was voting for Donald J. Trump?"
>"You aren't racist, xenophobic, islamophobic, fascist scum are you, anon?"
there is literally nothing wrong with socialism
liberalism is god tier. neoliberalism is shit
Frats are for Trump. Idk about sororities, but I imagine if they want frat-chad's dick then they are for Trump
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This, also >>27071430 I'm a HIGH ENERGY TRUMP SUPPORTER anyway
>implying those red party cup twats caee about voting
Sometimes I think of wearing a MAGA hat to work just to piss everyone off. I don't like Trump but I'm sick of people praising Sanders like he's a real fucking option. I just want to see the look on their fucking faces
Please do it!

original comment
killurself commy
>Implying anyone in that picture could name a politician.
>implying normies even know what socialism is

but muh free college
Fraternities are all backing Kasich. Sanders is uncool now.
What planet do you live on? Just because you want to pretend something is one way doesn't make it so, anon.
>liberalism is god tier
>there is literally nothing wrong with socialism
You have to be 18 to post here.
ive heard muh free college and moar munny frum minimum wage cuck job the most from socialist normie faggots that love bernie bitch boy
>retards confusing socialism with communism
Suicide you uneducated waste of resources.
it leads to communism
>confusing socialism with communism
>implying thats what i meant

just off urself useless normie
>nah i'm a superior Communist
No, it doesn't, you retard.

>lol im not actually retarded you just dont know what i meant
what are you talking about everyone is with sanders


>that fucking girl in the front, the one on the right
>who the fuck do you think you are to make that face
>you look ugly as fuck
>nigga your nose is BIG AS FUCK
>5/10 at best
Anti political correctness is rising in Britain.
You are aware of the fact that socialism is nothing more than the road to communism?

Eventually communists realized that for their goals to succeed they'd need to slowly reform the society, educate the people before implementing communism.
she clearly token tall friend, she probably is their designated drunk driver
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>All these redditors that are so bluepilled they SERIOUSLY think socialism is a viable option

First of all, you have to be 18 to post here.

Second, I recommend you stop reading young adult and science fiction for a while and read some dostoevsky to get perspective you sheltered cucks.
Fuck you Trumpster. They call him Kung-Fu Kasich.
>china says they are socialist

they are really communist

fucking killurself autist
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gulag yourself.jpg
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>Bernie sanders

Pick one.
China is state capitalist. And they have been for a while. They were socialist under mao though. Also its impossible for a country to be communist because communism is stateless

pick one
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