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Anyone else have a fucking immature family who bully them for
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Anyone else have a fucking immature family who bully them for the stupidest shit?

>Left a bottle of water in the bathroom, filled it up in the sink to drink from it
>Realised I forgot it when I was thirsty
>go to grab it
>parents are in the hall
>they look at me
>'hey its waterboy!'
>'need to drink some toilet water waterboy?'
>they are laughing hysterically for some reason
>everytime I walk past they make glugging noises

Fucking hate this normie shit. Can't even drink water now.
>getting light hearted jokes confused with bullying

Make fun of them for some dumb shit that they do or just confront them and say that you have thin skin and get triggered more easily than a tumblr poster
my dad is like that

always making fun of me for the pettiest things

I just avoid talking to him now
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>letting your parents abuse you
stick up for yourself, they're probably old and can't take hits well
op can't take the bantz. and this fag >>26978673 sounds like a pussy too. its only a prank bro
lt's not light hearted if they have power over you
Did you broke your water while you were in there, waterboy? Hahaha, poor waterboy, his eyes are all watery! Water you doing, have you gotten upset? Why that's too bad, have a glass of water and just chill. WATER.
Maybe they put toilet water in it when you were gone. Maybe your mom put the bottle in her pussy and came.
Ok, the first suggestion is logical enough but what makes you think my mother did that? Did you find that funny or something? Get help please.
When you have your dinner do they call you dinner boy
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That must be you.
My parents were the same way. If I ever came to them with my problems they'd just tell me I was strange or that it was weird/creepy to have the issues I was having. I also had some acne when I was younger and if I sat around in thin shirts or shirtless my dad would walk by and scratch/twist the pimples on my back because he wanted to punish me for making them look at it.

So much bullshit like that. I feel you OP. Just stay strong and escape from those fucking assholes once you get the chance.
kill your family

lol unoriginal
Hey look it's pimple boy
They are probably laughing at how beta and neet you are
I wish it was that kind of harassment. More just looks of disgust. My mom was convinced I had some kind of cystic skin condition but she wasn't sure what, so she kept looking up pictures and showing me. "See, it looks like you! You need some medicine." The picture would be of some guy with oozing boils and pustules all over his face. Like, fuck. That wasn't even the least of it either. It'd be one thing if they just made stupid jokes and laughed at me but they were just grossed out and clearly upset with that I was.
>walk around with boner
>"hey look it's boner boy"
>can't even handle bants from his parents

dude, don't get a job. you'll kill yourself
>get cancer
>"hey, hey look HEY- come downstairs quick--its Hodgkin's lymphoma boy!!!"
>select victim
>wait for them to go to sleep
>restrain them onto bed
>get same water bottle
>get rag
>proceed to water board them

Whats so funny kek boy. Do you want to tell mom and dad whats so funny, kek boy?
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>Time flies when you're a faggot
Oh god my sides
>hey anon is that a bike you have there
>gonna go ride your bike, bike boy?
>hey look, its bread-boy again X-DD
<how does that bread taste like, bread-boy?
>be depressed for 20 years
>have a very stressful year, a while ago
>been on edge ever since
>not mentally there

ask everyone never to sneak up on me whilst i'm working , or surprise me as a 'joke' as it sends me into a spiralling depressive episode

>same people i told, still sneak up on me and scare me as a 'joke'

just wish it would all end soon
That's not lighthearted. That's pretty and retarded.
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>Parents abuse you
>You get to treat them like shit when they're old and withered

Payback will come, anon.
You just can't make this shit up
This. I'm waiting for it.

>parents divorced
>both of them are alone and stressed
>I've moved far, far away because they treated me like complete shit and made my home life hell
>whenever I visit to see my friends or my sister my parents just talk about how excited they are to see me
>brush them off, ignore them, fly home

It's excellent. Call it petty or vindictive if you want but I'm not about to let them get away with how they treated me. You pay for your crimes.
That reminds me of how Andy called Jim "Tuna" on The Office because he brought a tuna sandwich to work for lunch one day

stupid shit like that always happens in an office environment. I told this one guy I played darts in a bar once and he's like a competitive dart player so he always autistically brings it up to me like I know what the fuck he's talking about. He will have a ten minute conversation about darts in which I say two words, usually "Oh" and "wow"
>they didn't have to be there for you
>your parents aren't you therefore they treat you bad

You're so lucky having parents bro
>tell people not to sneak up on me
>they do it anyway
>"accidentally" punch them it the face
>tell them it was just a reflex

>mother is a horrible person who abused me and called the cops on a 12 year old when I hit her back
>move out as soon as possible and never talk to her again
>now she is divorced with 19 cats
Sometimes things work out
When you say abused did the dick go up her pussy or arse or what?
Drunken screaming and beating every day until she passes out from drinking too much. She would also call the cops if I wasn't home so I couldn't just stay at a friends all day.
Your life is a drake song
I'm not the guy your responding to but what the fuck do you mean they didn't have to be there for him? They absolutely did that is their social responsibility to him. It shit like what your saying thats destroying western civilization.
You're probably black and should kill your family and then yourself.
>make myself to eat
>just basic pasta & meat with vegetables
>dad walks by
>every single time
>dad cooks 40 pounds of future diarrhea on the weekend
My dicks been in that pasta box
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Hey OP
My parents are EXACTLY the fucking same. My mother came downstairs when I was watching Total Recall and it just so happened to be the scene where he says 'you think this is the real Quaid? IT IS"
Now whenever she walks into me in the hall she says 'YOU THINK THIS IS THE REAL MOM? IT IS' and starts laughing. also they call me Arnie now which is supposed to be funny because I am weak
I see the problem, you still mooch off your bitch mom
Op you think that's bad
My mom was a straight up whore who was sitting there doing drugs and fucking guys while I was in the house as a kid up until she went to jail then she left me with my grand perents without telling anyone.
I was then left with my dad who is a fucking cunt who thinks he's the best person in the world and feels the need to shit on everyone around him despite the fact that he was a burn out who dropped out of school and got a job busting ass at a factory which closed and he couldn't get hired anywhere.
Oh and let's not for get my step moms
The one was a borderline princess who fucke over both her exes for child support and did the same to my dad while cheating
And his current wife who lied about shit so my dad would throw me out at 17 as well as search my room and take my money when I essentially home.
Now I haven't seen either in almost a year and i have no intention to see them

So the next time they call you water boy remember that it could be a he'll of a lot worse
Damn auto correct fucked this up bad
gotta fuck em up bro. show your dominance. thats is the only way to get rid of a bully.
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my dad gets like, play angry whenever i go to eat food. it's fucked up idk why. i have a full time job and am getting a trade next year.
>dad complains whenever I buy anything saying its a waste of money
>eats out twice a day every day and spends at least $20 on every meal

>mom says she hates video games with a burning passion
>says this while playing farmville
but farmville isn't a videogame anon
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