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How do you guys stand it? I haven't had friends in over
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My birthday.jpg
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How do you guys stand it? I haven't had friends in over a year, I'm a uni student who just goes to class and spends all his time masturbating and playing video games in my room, I eat all my meals in my room as well. I've been at uni for five years now but the friends I did have were superficial and weren't really friends, honestly I feel like I adapted to it but sometimes it's tough to maintain it.

I sometimes really wish I had a social circle of people who actually WANTED to see me or hang out with me, people I could enjoy spending time with but I'm so anti-social it's not even funny. I'm a huge introvert and I've had depression for five years now, pretty sure most people who knew me thought I was a drama queen or something as well.

Anyone else in a similar situation? I really am a robot just doing the same regiment everyday, I don't even let it bother me anymore but it would make me feel a little bit better knowing there are other people in a similar situation.
Do even want something more out of life?
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You either let it get to you and eat you up or you tough it out and let it become your strength
I lost all my friends during schizoaffective episodes or because of. But i think they were overrated after a few years solo.
I don't even know anything at this point, it's almost like I've become content with being alone and I've accepted my fate. I don't even know if I WANT to change my situation, yet I'm unhappy and still complain about it.

I guess I would want a better social life, maybe some friends and a significant other that I could be happy with. I'd also like a steady job, a nice house, car, etc.

I don't want kids though, already confident about that.

Yeah I think I've been so depressed and angry that I turned it into strength but it took me a good four or five years before I got to that point, long ass time in my opinion.
>I haven't had friends in over a year
>four or five years

I don't get it, you said you had friends not long ago then claim half a decade ago.
You've acquired learned helplessness. You have to get some baby steps done to get you out of it. Write down a few of them, what would they be?
I specifically said I had depression for FIVE YEARS, I was making a reference to my depression. It took me four or five years before I actually started using my depression as a source of strength, that was what I meant.

I haven't had a single friend in over a year though, literally just go to class and come back to my dorm room. I don't talk or socialize with anyone and I do that for the entire semester, it's tough.
I don't feel like the whole goal setting thing works for me, I tried that already like setting really simple goals and telling myself "Alright I actually do X today, that's a start." but I never stick with it, just like I never stick with anything I start.

I always give up on a lot of things I start whether it's working out, dieting, learning a skill, etc.
Why do you think you never stick with it?
I don't really know, if I knew I would have been able to fix some issues a long time ago. I guess I just lack motivation and self confidence, I've been rejected by a lot of girls, I feel like a lot of people around me thing I'm trash at everything. I also think I'm better than those around me but I know that isn't really the case, I just have low self esteem.

I have low self everything.
Well in that case I'd advise you to do some shit.
Lol great advice....
>How do you guys stand it?
I have other stuff I like to do besides "having friends". When you think about it, do you really even want friends? Or have you just fallen for the meme? What about having a friend would make your life better? Keep in mind, friend upkeep is a hassle, and gets worse the more friends you have.
>Jus. do smthin'!

EBIN Xd! really ebin my man.

Sorry, that was inappropriate. I meant just do something. Something to get you of that shit.
>Manage to make a few friends
>Girl asks me something
>Freak out and bark at her for some reason
>Have to text her apologizing, explaining I have crazy panic attacks and I didn't take my meds because I ran out that week.
>Middle of classes about 4-5 times a year
>Pupils get huge, lay head sideways and zone out for 2 hours at my desk, walking and ging through the motions, concerned kids looked at me and asked what my problem was
>Couldn't speak
>After it was over I was back to normal
>Had to explain every time It's just some type of flashback to my childhood

>Junior year, learning to do public speaking in English
>Cool female teacher, young, understanding
>Speeches about our life
>Explain to her that I can't feel comfortable talking about my past and that I rather just make up a random thing as a joke
>She lets me
>Kids ask what was that all about while smiling
>Tell them I live a crazy existence

My social anxiety outside of school was crippling, I was very well liked by everyone at school, very popular despite never being invited to anything, people accepted me but I couldn't really do anything outside of school if I wanted to, eventually I let it get to me and craved for an invite but wanted to puke thinking about asking to come along.

26 now, haven't made a real friend since then.
I work, come home, watch a movie/play a game, go to bed.
>stims no longer let you focus on work over the crushing loneliness and depression
Are you KV?

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