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Who /rock bottom/ here?
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Who /rock bottom/ here?

I need to stop coming here though - why I remind myself of that I have no idea.

Its comfy enough to be at rock bottom though, after being here a while it doesn't really pain me anymore.
The loneliness has rotted my soul away. I've no hope anymore. I haven't killed myself because I don't want to hurt my family.
How do you deal with having nothing going for you in your life?

I have a bit going for me. Was in rock bottom before starting grad school. On the outside things are looking up. Though once I felt the abyss it never left. I don't really dream, don't have the motivation to work for more. I'm just cruising along on auto-pilot running out the clock.

Whats going on with you?
>Was in rock bottom before starting grad school.
Just fuck off forever
I'm in this weird pugratory between rock bottom and normal lifestyle. Its even worse when you don't really belong anywhere. Not shitty enough to complain but not good enough to be happy. The worst part of it all is if you get comfy.
That's me.
I think I've finally decided to go through with my suicide plans I've had ready for years.
I was going to do it when I was 14, but my mom caught on that something was wrong and put me away in a mental hospital before I could do it.
She would be so much happier without me, everyone who knows me would be.
The world would be a little bit better if I was gone, and I think I'm ready to get the guts to finally do everyone a favor, the one good thing I could ever do.
I'm the man on the pic in the OP. My life is so boring and shit that I want to become a meme so I took a pic of my I.D. photo and pasted it onto that text
the pain is deep I love it
if I succeed I still would be in pain
you see through the facade that's humanity
I'm in a stage where I'm just running out the clock. I have one real friend but I have no chance of getting into any sort of job or career. I'm just sort of existing taking things a day at a time until I die or get the balls to end it early.

It's a pretty shitty feeling though seeing the people you went to school with and your siblings all branching out in life while you're slowly rotting away.
crush JUST got engaged

my fucking life

kek lets make him a meme
>start pulling myself off of the mat we call life
>stay off the internet, feel better and better each day
>decide to read AskWomen ONCE for shits and giggles
>immediately lose all hope
Oh it gets worse. Wait until you see pics of their wedding day, and then pics of her pregnant while finally seeing pics of the child. Now that is soul crushing.
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>Parents itching to kick me out
>No degree, no friends, no money
>LITERALLY getting BTFO by life

Gotta hand it to Life. I can't seem to beat it. 100% unstoppable force blowing me the fuck out since birth. Fucking savage.
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sudden feels.gif
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virgin nerd here
>start dating girl
>go on a few dates going great
>invite her over one night
>start making out and she stops me
>"Anon, I have something to tell you."
>"I have herpes."
please dont do it anon-kun.

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Can you get some credit cards? Get some fraud going. Do some walmart scamming to get some cash to stay off the streets. Worst case scenario you'll get sent to white collar prison.

3 square meals a day, in some nice prisons even a tv in your cell room. All the consensual gay sex you could want. Prison is pretty cool.
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Not the joy..jpg
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>Got fired from job I hate.
>Even if I wasn't fired I wouldn't be making enough to live on anyways.
>Friends all busy with their loved ones.
>Family is busy with my brother.
>Dad is losing hope in me.
>Mom is spouting religious cult indoctrination.
>Homelessness soon to be a reality.

Tonight I eat plain rice and tomorrow I'll try looking for more work... Oh wait tomorrow's saturday and I'm fucked.

At least I tried Anons.
Should've gone for it. Most sexually active people in the U.S have some sort of herpes. Outbreaks may occasionally happen but with medication its easily treatable.
It would be better if I did.
Not that much better, but I wouldn't be using up resources other people should have.
It's all I can do.
she blew me and I came in her eye lol
but she says she'll probably leave me if I don't stick it in her soon
I guess there's pills I can take to make it way less risky? idk man I should go see a doctor
How hard do you think it is to apply for credit cards under false/stolen identities?
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solid meme potential desu
What's your mothers cult of choice?
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Yea I love that album
and I dont want to get an std just to break up with this girl in a few months and have even less chance of ever having sex again.
>tfw girl I love and her boyfriend (who used to be my friend) apparently can't envision a wedding without me there
>they're talking about marriage already
>she wants kids

Yeah. It does get worse. I'm hoping to be long gone by then.
Look this might not help ,but I have very similar thoughts.
If you dont care about yourself,someone else will eventually.
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my nigger
""things can only get better" is a form of gambler's fallacy"
-t. pottery
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keeping the momentum going
She's a jack mormon but, kooky none the less.
not sure tbqh senpai, as long as you can provide the pertinent details I'm sure apply for any card you want. You're gonna need a fake id tho unless you only use it for online stuff.
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