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Intrusive thoughts
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Does anyone else get really nasty intrusive thoughts and wish they would go away? I fear I may be some kind of barely contained lunatic

>walking down a deserted street just off campus
>middle of the night
>walk past petite qt with a fat ass in yoga pants
>think to myself "Man if I wanted to I could totally throw her into the bushes and rape her and NO ONE could stop me"

how the fuck do I stop these thoughts from happening? am I a danger to other people?
nah, you are the only special snowflake out of the billions of people around the world.
I don't want to reveal what kind of intrusive thoughts I used to have, families

They just randomly came one day, they were cause of extremely panic attacks where I'd completely crazy and hide in the closet or run out of the house or get in the and drive away because another intrusive thought that'd come is to act on those thoughts

then one day they left, they come back sometimes but to a much lesser intensity

I never want to experience that again, I knew for sure that if I shared my thoughts I'd be locked up
They probably come up due to curiosity of what would happen. I am sure people have a ton of sadistic ones.
it's called "call of the void" or something and it's like when you think of jumping off a clif
I think about blowing buildings to cause terror. I would put in hidden messages and use it to change the world. If you have seen it basically zankyo no terror or terror in resonance. I feel terrible when I think off doing it.
Nobody would die though
Sometimes when a cute girl walks by I think
>"Man, I could grab her hand and hold it! No one will see me!"
I have worse thoughts than that. I know I would sooner kill myself than do anything like that, but it still makes me feel like a piece of shit.
Everyday I can't stop thinking about things people have done to me before and how much I'd like to own a gun so I could shoot them.
it's just you being human

the less you care about it, the less intrusive thoughts you will have

you're really overrating your thoughts. they're just thoughts, OP
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