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I just drank half a liter of water from the tap during a boi
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I just drank half a liter of water from the tap during a boil order!
I didn't know there was one until after. I'm freaking out guys, vomiting is one of my biggest fucking fears.

Oh my god
i had the same fear as a kid.

the only way to get rid of the fear is to vomit.

the more you've done it, the less aweful it becomes.
no pls. I can't handle it. I hate the feeling.

Fuck i wish i knew about this boil order!
>afraid of puking
You have serious fucking mental issues and need to die if you're fucking scared of a normal bodily function.
you will puke at some time
sooner or later

the sooner you do it, the sooner you can do things that keeping you from living a life

at least one step closer...
Holy fuck kid, get a keg with some of the boys and try to finish her. One good puke and rally and you'll get over this fear.
The fuck is a boil order?
some americunt water failure. never happens in well off countries
I live in America and have never heard of this so I'm assuming it's extremely rare.
I hope you develop six pack abs from vomiting.
yeah what the fuck ive never heard of this, what is wrong with america?
It was just a mandated precaution cus a car hit a fire hydrant and caused a drop in pressure, it's unlikely anything was actually wrong with the water
Holy fuck, it's not a huge deal. Shit happens, like some asshole running into a fire hydrant. It's only in our county really.

Read the article from my town...
I just don't want e-coli

>not boiling all your water

do you want autism?
Oh, 15min ago they just lifted the boil order...
well I still think I could get sick since i drank it 3 hours earlier...

Question. It says they tested the water and found it was safe. Does that mean it was safe hours ago too?
but vomiting is fun as hell anon, nothing beats a good tactical chunder
Was it safe hours ago if they tested it and found it was safe enough to lift!?

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let me tell you the story of the last time i puked

>make kd mac and cheese
>box is like 2 years old but who cares
>put some ketchup on it because why not
>no idea how old the ketchup was
>it tastes bitter/sour for some reason
>oh well, bon appetit
>scarf down the whole plate in about a minute
>ketchup really tasted like shit
>cant stop thinking about the ketchup the whole time
>as i'm about to eat the last bit of mac and cheese i start feeling nasueous
>thinking i made myself feel sick thinking about the ketchup so i try to hold it back
>shit keeps getting worse and worse
>definitely going to puke now but its too late to run to the bathroom
>puke up mac and cheese all over the kitchen floor instead
>fucking chewed up mac and cheese and stomach juices all over the floor now
>have to clean up all that shit somehow
>never ate mac and cheese again since
Why is this clearly underaged OP not banned?
You'll be fine
When the pressure drops like that it just means that the chlorine in the system isn't really doing its full job treating the water in the distribution lines. but they always put more chlorine in the water than is needed so you'll be fine, senpai.
Thanks friend! Makes me feel better honestly. It's been 4 hours since I've drinking tap and no symptoms yet...Guess I'll just try to forget about getting sick until it happens.

I'm 24 and I worry too much. Sorry I'm not mentally perfect like you
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