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>tfw sam hyde was a chad class clown in high school fucki
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>tfw sam hyde was a chad class clown in high school
fucking hate him now

This wasn't obvious from the start to you? He's a transcendent chad
That dance he's doing looks familiar, but I don't get what he's immitating
San Hyde sucks but I really wish I was in high school in the late 90s-early 00s.
what the fuck did you think he was?
Sammy is alpha as fuck. He just understands us.
this so much. Looks comfy as fuck. High school was shit in the late 00s
i thought he was a beta that became alpha though sheer will.
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where did it all go so wrong?

He used to be a car salesman, he had to be a normie
It's probably just because that was the period that formed my idea of what high school was like but yeah. It's also because it was the early cell phone and internet era when it was still fresh and exciting.

words that describe Sam Hyde:
-attention seeking

look how cute and innocent he was

Cell phones: fresh and exciting
>if you mean Razrs that could only text
Internet: fresh and exciting
>if you mean old and dusty and on the edge of commercialization, and all the other kids made fun of you for sitting on your computer all day
That is one cute gook
> and all the other kids made fun of you for sitting on your computer all day
of you actually would have had a life because everyone wasn't at home playing video games all day after school
Did he get in a fight with Gavin McCinnes or something? I saw a link on /pol/ but I couldn't watch on my 3g connection at the time
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this 6'6 giant is also fucking your 4'11 waifu Ashley
I don't think so
he was on the show though


Every 90s robot here spent all day playing computer games after school, internet or not.
On the edge of commercialization is part of why it was great. That's the sweet spot right before it goes downhill.
I went to high school 2007-2011 and spent most days skating, drinking and smoking weed after school
Don't know why everyone's so butthurt about this, Sam's living the dream, making a living being a complete goof and tapping PTP on the side.
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I have a solution everyone comment on the video with either 'normie' or 'reee'
>understands us

He would have nothing nice to say about the people on this board, nor anywhere else really
chad apologist.
Gavin is Opie & Anthony tier, Sam is in a completely different ballpark and I don't blame him for wanting little to do with Gavin's shit.
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to be fair I only started coming here 3 weeks back to motivate myself to go to the gym harder, i.e work abs along with everything else. I am a normie. But it still annoys me that he's a Chad. REEEEE
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No shit, he's fucking 6'6'+

His "ONE OF US XDDD" appeal is so fucking pathetic.

HE'S 6'6"



I find his antics entertaining and I just think a lot of people shit on him for no good reason, especially when it comes to this internet youtube celebrity waifu drama horseshit, I'm glad Sam is ripping that stupid attention whore's pussy to shreds and I'm glad it upsets people who love give sluts like her so much attention in the first place.
Oh did you think he was going to be an awkward loser like you that somehow turned into a chad in his 20s? Lol kill yourself kid.
>waifu drama
I don't care about that. But he was clearly a Chad who would of put you in the locker and laughed at robots. the video that was posted is what makes me reeeeee.
doesn't he live with his mother though?
I would also add "diet Tim & Eric".
do robots actually think Sam would not make fun of them if he and his friends got the opportunity irl?

good for him she cute
This is like listening to two children

And what would any of us do about it? His huge 6'6" frame laughing at you, pushing you around, fuck. He's a nightmare

And he's not funny at all.

Tim & Eric are fucking hillarious (also tall guys, but they don't seem like bullies at all, maybe a little pretentious, but by no mean bullies)

Sam Hyde is a travesty
It's this one anon I had the same feeling

I know he's influenced by them but he's not even good enough at imitating them to be diet Tim and Eric. Plus T&E aren't into doing edgy /pol/ shit at all.
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He still pushes people around his videos now and intimdates them irl with his height. he's a failed chad.
Most comedians were class clowns
I'd like sam a lot more if he toned down the /pol/ in his stand up and skits
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kike detected

>you have been muted because your comment was not original

captcha more like kikecha
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Eat shit nerd :-)
What did I do to hurt you feelings?
>strawman and projecting: an alt-right odyssey
Sam youre a little bitchmade faggot if you dont do another vid soon, whore

Thanks for the input NORmie fucKERGET OUT GET OUT REEEEEEE
I'm a 22 year old NEET virgin
I don't care about that but he's kind of exposing himself as a retard lately
Nick is the best MDE man
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he's a typical small town redpilled norman.
Discovers /pol/ and takes all his 'comedy' from them whilst unironically believing 'muh evil sjw's' and consequwntly becomes a reactionary kekservative. very very normie.
>being /pol/ is being a normie

Fuck off, cuck

Sounds like you squandered your one shot your only chance to GTFO NORMIEEEEEEE
>transgender people EWWWW
>everyone is brainwashed except for ME

he's the ultimate in banksy-tier normieism
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Being a reactionary is ultimate normie.
Finding this through /pol/ makes the outcome no less so. You know it to be true. Why do you think socialism is so hated by normies?
Socialism is loved by normies.
GTFO normie potsmoking anime watcher
nope I don't do drugs.
>anime watcher
I don't watch that much anime
>socialism loved by normies
Not really only old people and uni kids are cool with it.
He's 6'2
Uni kids are normies
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Uni kids are not normies that was the point.
Socialism isn't normie therefore all robots must become it.
More proof that Samuel is a norman.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er3vu2IVLjc (see end of video)
>getting to see girls irl each day
>not normies
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>getting to see grills
You can do that anywhere. So what.
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>implying I'm normie scum who lets the evil sunlight tarnish his skin
This was always obvious.. The TED talk thing was funny but other than that it's just annoying drivel.
lol gavin is douchey. only semi good thing hes done is btfoing that feminist
Sam was doing his thing before Tim and Eric. He said in a video (can't remember which one) he made his MillionDollarExtreme pilot episode in school or college. My memory's not so good.
>liking this attention whore in the first place

The fuck is wrong with this place now. Nothing but fucking children and cucks
Tim and Eric were making videos since they were in college.

Also, Sam Hyde is your typical narcissist who loves attention. His radical views are a vehicle for justifying his cynicism as a failed normie who never ultimately did anything of value in his life before MDE. That's really it. He's funny until you figure him out in the first one or two videos you see.
i hope some crazy froth at the mouth liberal kills this obnoxious cunt
Sam Hyde's not obnoxious. He's a robot who's as confused about the progression of the west as any of us. I might even be his friend one day like we all hope for
You don't remember that one thing he did where they were mocking hipsters? I thought that was a really cool thing with nice 90's theme an... Oh
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>He would have nothing nice to say about the people on this board
There's nothing nice to be said about most of us, most of us are loser fags.

I will concede that Sammy probably has a serious case of arrested development. He's still a highschool bully despite being a grown ass man, and he gets away with it under the guise of comedy.
desu that trap is attractive
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Bullying can be helpful though. Most of us need to stop being depressed and happier like him. Happiness comes from within.
I don't think Sam is actually happy, he's still trying to figure out who he wants to be.
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True, but at least he's waking some unfavorable folks up...I guess... I do notice how he's a bit unsatisfied. I just wish we were more of a spiritual society, however the west is entirely materialistic.
>doesn't he live with his mother though?
Not anymore. Sammy boy lives somewhere near Boston now, I think his parents live in Rhode Island still.
He's 6'4, it says so on his driver's license in the College Cunts video.
Well he constantly berates everyone and everything, which is hilarious, but it isn't a sign of contentment. Like I said, arrested development.

>I just wish we were more of a spiritual society, however the west is entirely materialistic.
I dislike people who are too into spiritual religious woowoo but I agree we're too materialist.
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spiritual does not = religious. It's not woowoo
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