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What do people in relationships even do?
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What do people in relationships even do?
Rub their genitals together like animals and cheat on each other.
Touch eachothers butt mainly
They just hang out and talk about random shit, nothing much

boring shit like craft fairs and brunch
Sit in each other's company while desperately texting the person they originally wanted to be with.
Whatever the man wants to do. Bitches have no decision making skills.
I was with my last boyfriend purely to tell everyone "hey, look at this tall, muscular guy i'm sleeping with". we broke up due to completely different personalities. Also he was pretty dumb and only really cared for my vagina. lol.
Men work and put up with the bitch's shit, sacrifices what he wants to do because he wants a future for his children + pussy + it makes him feel "good" because unless you giving a strong independant women everything then you're a "failure".

Women bitchj at their husband because they're bored, use all his money and cheat. They're literally parasites, the only reason they still exist is because they hold our children at ransom.
this anon is right, my ex gf did this before leaving me for the guy she originally wanted to be with
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>only really cared for my vagina. lol.

There is a reason, young roastie. Pic related.
>Destination: Basura
I saw this picture posted so often now and get memed over. But let's be honest guys. It's the truth. That's a fact. Women are boring as hell and if they wouldn't have the vagina we crave, nobody would care about them.
Say what you want, that guy in the picture is 100% right, and oyu know it.
Sex and showing off the fact that they're engaged.
They hang out, make out and fuck I guess.
Me and my bf cuddle, marathon films and shows, have sex between episodes, play games, have sex between missions, talk about our days and joke alot (we have same humour)
Its not all shite, you just have to find a great person
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>all these people saying relationships = sex whenever you want
>had 2 relationships but still a virgin at 22
Fuck you liars, I was lucky to even get a handy.
Most of you are not ready or mature enough for a relationship lol. What are you going to do all day? Sex is not going to take up the entire day. You have to constantly go out and do shit. It's not fun. If you're a neet or semi neet you just are not going to be able to have a relationship. You need shit going on in your life for one to work.
I had a virgin GF, didn't expect to have sex for months easy.

Start making out on her bed then i started kissing her neck a bit and from that she took her top off and kept making out.

then played with her nipples while making out and ended up having sex a week into the relationship.

How did you try to have sex?

you don't really ask you just slowly progress to it. If she doesn't want to she'll stop you.
I was a virgin too just did what seemed what you should do
Sounds like getting a dog you can have sex with. Not convinced.
this sex is the only thing that gives women power without it the human race would go extinct. men would realize women are a complete waste of time.

you can do things that would have you labeled a creep if not in relationship

pretty much "be autistic to each other" permit
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Made her cuter
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What that russian anon said
they relationship

btw, its really difficult to look cute with 5lbs of metal in your face.
chicks are so fucking dumb
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Cuddle! =3
share memes they find on facebook
The same things you do when you're not in relationship, but without the crushing loneliness
does anyone have the sauce for that picture inside the picture though?
i-it's my fetish
>tfw no loving virgin gf to cuddle with and fall asleep with
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>tfw no qt gf to meme with
that girl is a slut and sells nudes of herself right?
is that true?
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I mostly wait. We see each other every second Saturday and spend about 2h together before she has to go. We are together for about 7 months, but she is too ashamed of me to introduce me to her family.
>meet my stupid parents
>lets go out with my dumb bitch friends
>listen me talk about my drama for two hours and pretend I was right
>buy me something suuuper original and nice on every holiday
>don't be jealous that I've been fucked by 10 men before you
>lets go to this artsy hipster exhibition because I need to pretend I know art
>I don't understand this movie, lets watch something else
>my horoscope told me I should eat salads for a weeks so you should too
Fuck relationships, fuck them all!
Depends on the society, on the attractiveness of the people involved, on the environment, on the personalities, on the level of intelligence, and so on. There is a power dynamic in every relationship; the more attractive person (and I don't just mean physically) is the more powerful person. The other party, the less powerful, decides how to respond: they become anxious and jealous, they submit and repress, or they constantly try to please the more powerful. The majority of relationships play out through this dynamic; their struggles, their joys, everything within them is the result of how the power dynamic plays out in all of its complex and myriad ways.

In the extremely rare case where there is no power dynamic, it seems to me that a relationship could be built over a long period of time between two genuine human beings with a basis of a shared life experience. The values are similar, the senses of humor are similar, the intelligence is similar, and above all, the attractiveness is equal and therefore nonessential or even negligible--this is ideal.

The nitpicky, daily sort of things you might be wondering about: having someone to talk to constantly without worrying about filtering yourself, having consistent physical intimacy, fulfilling the society-imposed imperative of finding a mate and thus attaining a release from internal tension (often resulting in bodily relief, the relief of illness), and increased motivation.
These three, occasionally going out to do something interesting or fun to mix it up, also fucking a lot
Have the security of knowing they're growing closer and closer to someone each day and investing themselves into something that matters.
I have wondered several times
That's one of the many reasons we can't be in a relationship, you are fucked forever if you have no clue
1. Get food
2. Smoke weed
3. Watch sopranos/breaking bad/Game of Thrones/House of Cards
4. I play Warhammer (PC) she plays Sims
5. I try to teach her about politics and shit
6. She shows me memes from insagram
7. Sex

If you have a good relationship, you just do the shit that you like to do while alone, except with a partner
These are some true words. A relationship is essentially bases on this power dynamic you speak of; for it to be healthy, it has to be manageable and desirable for the parties involved.
The last 2 relationships I had were sexless because the girls with jesus freaks. One told me before she "found god" how she would spread her legs for anyone and never enjoyed it.

I have a date with a liberal atheist chick who love craft beer tonight. Wish me luck.

>Implying you can't have sex with a dog.
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