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>tfw I was doomed from birth
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>tfw I was doomed from birth
I have a girlfriend but I feel sad I'm not as alpha as the mixed guy on my floor, he fucks literally all the white girls and ignores the black. I want white girls too, I can pass for mixed but have a shitty personality and next to no height.

Could also benefit from some better clothes
>tfw I'll never have warm boipussi on my black dick

It's a terrible feel. I just want someone to fuck, cuddle, and watch shitty movies, tv shows and play gaymes with.

>tfw black and autistic
>tfw not even trans or gay people want anything to do with you

There's literally no hope for me.
Don't black guys have a pretty strong gay community? The "down low" shit or whatever?
Go for it, anon.
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my condolences negro
Nah not really, I don't think so? Faggotry is looked down upon in the Black community. Besides I don't want anything to do with other blacks...not in a racist sense but because they tend to bring more drama in relationships and shit. I'd rather avoid all of that if I could. My life is shit enough without the added drama.

Everyone on craigslist only wants BBC
>implying I'm not autistic
>implying I'm not hideous
>implying my mediocre 7x5 pencil dick could be considered a BBC

So black guys don't want black guys either?
I don't know what I want, I'm retarded. I'm just tired of being alone m8.
Ah, that makes sense. Such is the miracle of life.
if you hate yourself so much, why not just kill yourself?
That goes to all you self-hating black people (though this thread is bait).
Kill. Your. Self.
Please. Do it for every black person, like me, who takes pridebin beijg black.
>proud of being inferior

You should kill yourself as well.
>I get affirmative action
>I can call ANYONE that's not black racist
>I can say things like "fuck white people"
>I can be as dumb as a rock and still be treated with respect
Work out, become huge Tyrone. There's plenty of skinny white boy liberal fags that crave BBC. Do you go to a therapist? Or find some skinny gay whiteboy weeb, go to anime cons in cosplay and hit up some guys, you autism will be excused because it's a con.
anytime a black guy complains about being black the only problem he has with it, is that he cant have the white mans women. If not being able to fuck white girls is the only problem you have with being black, then being black really couldn't be that bad.
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There is still a way, my friend
How hard is it to just kill yourself?
ohdamn, OP your aware of your inferiority
i feel for you, robro im mixed 67-72% white rest mexishit but at least have a redeeming quality of not being butt-ugly although somtimes i still think of an hero for the trechory of being biracial. even then i swear to never reproduce please OP do the same

just because they are ugly dosent mean they don't have a redeeming quality like in sports plus naselburg makes them all the rage in the media now a days
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