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>Be me. >Have sister that dates a black dude. (Yeah I know,
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>Be me.
>Have sister that dates a black dude. (Yeah I know, coal burner slut, whore, etc.)
>I've met the guy.
>He's ok around me and pretty chill, but whenever I see him on campus he's full nog with him and his other nog buddies.
>Sister seems happy with him. But I just don't really trust him.

I understand it's my sister's life and I shouldn't be so controlling of it but I'm really conflicted about this guy. My sister and I don't have the greatest relationship with our parents, so they don't really care about what's going on, so I'm essentially her care-taker. What do I do, fellow robots?
>What do I do, fellow robots?
grow up
Nothing you can do
>dating a nigger

She clearly doesnt care about herself, so why should you care about her
It is understandable you have the instinct to protect your sister. But in this case, you have to realize she is not worth defending anymore. It is a shit situation, but you have to realize you lost a battle and move on.
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200% more likely

numbers don't lie
Nothing you can do, unfortunately. Just hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Yeah, unless the relationship is obviously abusive there's no reason to intervene. The best possible scenario is that you alienate your sister and make an ass of yourself.
is the yellow asian or mexican?
This, treat her like shes invisible, shes clearly not worth anybodies time.
Explain to her that he's probably a player, and he's probably going to cheat on her. Remind her that she could get an S. T. D. from him, and once she gets one she'll have it for life. Also explain to her that Blacks are less likely to respect women, and she's going back 20-50 years in women's rights by dating him. Since he's the type of guy who goes full nig nog get her to realize he'll lie and say whatever he needs to to get in her pants. It's a huge mistake, and you just gotta find a way to get her to understand that.
The worst thing is if I ever see them hanging out on campus, they're always either holding hands with one another, making out, or he's grabbing her ass while he's walking. I can't just run over and beat the shit out of him for doing that, because I know I'll be pushing her further into his arms. So I just tell my sister whenever he isn't around "hey cool it with the public displays of affection, everyone around you thinks you're a clown when you do shit like that" on the off chance she'll understand.
he'll leave you a niece/nephew and skip town soon enough
>everyone around you thinks you're a clown when you do shit like that"
>a clown
Lol no one would care about you saying some shit like that
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People act differently around different people
>i act normal/reserved around females
>and i act like a tard around my friends
What would you rather I say "Jesus Christ, you look fucking stupid doing that shit in public"?
You just come off as bitter OP, face the facts she's getting bred by some big nigger and there's nothing you can do about it but wait for a mixed baby you'll inevitably wind up helping to raise.
Asian. Hispanics love interracial marrying with blacks, so there would be plenty of data for that chart if it were them.

So do you guys actually think this way or are you being edgy for the sake of irony, I honestly can't tell
I would have no problem with the guy if he didn't have the possibility of going full nog on my sister and possibly beating her, but I always have that in the back of my mind with this guy.
If you seriously think he's going to fall into some melanin induced frenzy and beat your sister just because he's a nigger you're fucking retarded
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>Have sister that dates a black dude

>My sister and I don't have the greatest relationship with our parents

Nothing you can do, OP. She's an idiot trying to get back at daddy, but hopefully she won't breed with it.
I know 1 black that I trust. He is from Kenya and is a Computer Science major and acts Whiter than me. Every American black is a degenerate coon. He dindu nuffin
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