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>2016 >using "like a girl" as an insult Men
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>using "like a girl" as an insult
Men are scum.
You post like a girl OP
>doesnt like insults
>calls all men scum
you shitpost like a girl
"Like a girl" denotes the average or typical, not the absolute peak possible girl.
Girls are better than boys
You post like a bitch.
>Think like girl
Literally who?
You suck balls
No one has unironically ever used "science" as a verb. Typical.

Shut up now roastie.
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>be america's young female population
>major in psychology/sociology
>complain how unfair it is that tech companies don't hire more female engineers
most 'exceptional' females are on par with or worse than mediocre males. My cousin was a star pitcher in the national softball league and I have a faster pitch than her despite only playing little league for one year in elementary school.

This is why no male takes women's sports seriously and why any mtf tranny who competes in female sports crushes their competition.
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y-you're cute like a girl OP
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this is 4 u op
nun theresa

ironically it's always social science majors that complain about the lack of females in engineering/CS. for some reason that is a problem, but the fact that 60% of college graduates being women isn't.
>madam curie
>literally got herself killed
>"Like a girl, like a girl"
>literally posts a picture containing one girl
The whole point of the insult is that it refers to both gender and age, idiot.

So to run like a girl is to run literally like a random ten year old girl plucked from a school classroom or something, not some adult who has trained her whole life in the field.

But I guess that OP, like many is thinking like a girl.
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>women literally aren't better than men at anything
>not at one single thing
>every single skill, talent, or intellectual field is completely dominated by men
>if you tell roasties this, they will immediately respond with passive biological functions, childbirth and their sex appeal



Even the absolute peak possible girl is awful compared to men.
>every single skill, talent, or intellectual field is completely dominated by men

Music isn't. Women are equally good at playing musical instruments.
Those are all examples of women doing those things like men.
Women can play music, but they cannot write music.
Jesus christ you fucking retard. You can shit on female athletes, fighters, or whatever. But shitting on Madame Curie is like shitting on Ada Lovelace. Basically you don't.
Not one female composer or theorist in history on the scale of Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Dvorak, Brahms, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky, Schoenberg, Adorno, etc., etc., etc., etc.

Not one.

Same thing in every field.
dunno if this is bait, but to anyone who doesn't know, ada lovelacce is completely worthless.

just google 'ada lovelace myth'
Yeah, and just google holocaust, I bet there are some truths over there /s
>assuming we're using it as an insult

Way to think like a girl, OP :^)
>run like a girl, fight like a girl, throw like a girl
So competently but worse than your male peers?
>science like a girl
Die of radiation poisoning?
>Fly like a girl
Don't reach the moon?
>Think like a girl
Contribute proportionately less to the western canon than the opposite sex? Who even is that? It just looks like an actress for some tv show set in Athens.
Think like a girl is literally who.
Science like a girl is Curie.

You could at least look at the picture you moron.
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Take it like a man.
>fastest personon earth is a man
>far more famous MALE scientists
>women are physically weaker, proven
>more MALE astronauts and pilots
>far more famous MALE philosphers
All Lovelace did was coin the term "bug" because she removed one from Babbage's analytical machine

she's a meme
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Don't you know that's just because of the patriarchy?
A monkey went to space before a woman did, a monkey! In a rocket built by monkeys!
What if it's the cause of the patriarchy, not its result?
>Science like a girl.
I swear, thoses faggots want me to blow up the place ?
It isn't even a verb, thoses pieces of shits don't even know what they're talking about
And all of those would get decimated by men in their respective fields.
Good b8 tho I like it
>Get triggered like a girl
>All Lovelace did was coin the term "bug" because she removed one from Babbage's analytical machine
You got your memes wrong.

Ada Lovelace was a useless slut.

>Though Lovelace is sometimes referred to as the first computer programmer, at least a few historians of computing and biographers have published claims to the contrary:
>"All but one of the programs cited in her notes had been prepared by Babbage from three to seven years earlier. The exception was prepared by Babbage for her, although she did detect a 'bug' in it. Not only is there no evidence that Ada ever prepared a program for the Analytical Engine, but her correspondence with Babbage shows that she did not have the knowledge to do so."

>Although it is clear that Lady Lovelace was a woman of considerable interest and talent, and it is clear that she understood to a very considerable degree Babbage's ideas about the general character and significance of the Analytical Engine, and expressed them well in her notes to Menabrea's paper, it is equally clear that the ideas were indeed Babbage's and not hers; indeed, she never made any claim to the contrary. She made a considerable contribution to publicizing the Analytical Engine, but there is no evidence that she advanced the design or theory of it in anyway.
>tumblr whining like a girl
Grammar like a girl.
What, is it 'bring a tumblrina to arcanine day' or something?

>picks women who've actually done something
>one is just a stock image of some random girl posing
>one of a disgusting sheboon

keep trying roastie
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Then why do we have sports cut into men/women?
This is a really fucking good image, where did you get this?
To make it fair for the women because men are so much better
That's not true though. There are fat, worthless men who can't run more than 30 seconds.
>g-girls can do it too! here are some obscure girls who are kind of ok i guess
what a self-defeating meme lol
Yeah, but they know they're fat and worthless. Every cunt thinks she's Queen Bee.
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>fight like a girl

kek poor gina
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