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Why did the Tumblr SJWs have to ruin Farily Oddparents?
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Why did the Tumblr SJWs have to ruin Farily Oddparents?
Fairly Odd Parents has been shit for years m8
They jumped the shark
It is a zombie show that wants to live again. The staff wants not bordom. Woman=sjw
I don't get this meme. What did the girl do?
M8 it was ruined with the baby. At least the girl actually has fucking lines.
amazed she's not black or trans

got off lucky desu
m8 the show has been shit for a while now. watch this video and be done with it.

Like Spongebob, it fell off right after the movie. The one where they literally went channel hopping.
Damn I feel old now. Why don't they make a series where Timmy is actually older and can no longer rely on faeries to get him through his day. He's old enough to no longer have a baby sitter and he's still trying to get with Trixie. Would be a pretty sick coming of age story
>Why don't they make a series where Timmy is actually older and can no longer rely on faeries to get him through his day.
Well, you have the Drake Bell movies.
They could make this good though, remember when little Vicki got Cosmo and Wanda? I fapped to that desu

Make this new girl wish for communism
Do people really give this much of a shit about some irrelevant cartoon that doesn't even take itself seriously? Holy fuck.
People call that guy who did the half a press thing autistic, but this dude is way more autistic imho (in my humble opinion).
Ah. So Chloe is an SJW self insert trans character.
She wished everyone would share everything.
Was chaos
Johnny Bravo used to be funny as fuck

Then they added some red haired kid that was a cunt and it wasn't funny anymore

I remember that from being a kid, is it the same as this show?
How does someone even make a 14 minute video about this? Like if the video was for Naruto, it'd still be pathetic but at least Naruto takes itself seriously. How can someone be upset by some stupid decision for the Fairly Oddparents?

At least the half a press guy was doing something "constructive" in a very loose definition of the word. This guy is just complaining about a cartoon for grade-school children. It's not even parody. This guy is seriously making a video to critique a cartoon.
fairly oddparents went to shit a couple seasons before even the baby lmao
I haven't watched Farily Oddparents in a good ammount of years. What happened?
It just wont fucking die.
>his guy is just complaining about a cartoon for grade-school children.
And rightfully so. His video is spot on. Maybe this sounds crazy but there are actually ways to quantify the quality of a children show just like any other series.
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