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>Hehe, um, anon, I um, thank-you. I really like it when you
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You are currently reading a thread in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001

Thread replies: 26
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>Hehe, um, anon, I um, thank-you. I really like it when you splurt all your thick, warm, syrupy cum inside me. It feels really nice to hold you close and just um well it's reeeeeally embarrasing saying this but I wouldn't mind becoming your loving wife. You've already probably gotten me um...I just um...
>Oh anon, I probably shouldn't be saying any of this. Let's just enjoy this little moment. I love you. I love you lots and lots! ehehe~
suicide now you fucking idiot DICKSHIT
You fucker.

How did you know I had an impregnation fetish?
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What the fuck is going here on, where is the shitposting at??? (^3^)
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No one talks like this

Not even in my wildest dreams with full frontal censored hand holding and missionary for the purpose of procreation with the love of my life does someone talk like this.
stupid manga poster
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Don't continue please, I wanna sleep without crying tonight.
fucking idiot you are being TROLLED here, just fucking lay back and spread so my fucking epicly long troll pole can enter your weak fucking colon.
I don't understand why you're doing this.

i thot it was a boy
Kek'd hard at this for some reason. Bravo.
>tfw instantly guarded again when you realize it's female
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(^3^), remember guys. A no is a no!
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>I'm a girl, you d-dumbass! Ahaha oh my goodness I can't say that seriously. You're just the sweetest, most loving person I've ever met! I'm sorry for calling you mean things.
>Um I know all about your posts on that /r9k/ thing. You always leave it open when I clean your room and I can't help but look. It''s okay, I know you've been hurt a lot by women but I'll do my best to make you proud! I love you anon! I love you lots and lots!
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Im still bored (^3^)
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Why are you doing those fucking retarded emotes?
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Im bored
greentext some stories for me anon i'm bored too
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Next level shitposting, try to be a autistic weeb

same, i should get something to eat
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>still didnt eat
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I dont think I have anything interesting to tell
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lizard squad.gif
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Look, i know what point you're at in your life to do this kind of thing. But it's not too late yet. You can go take a run, right now, in the middle of the night, get some fresh air, stop eating garbage microwave meals and eat some proper food. I don't care if it's not fun starting off, and hell, you might feel like dying after you're done with the very first run, but at least you'll feel something at all. This entire thing might not change your personality, but it'll definitely get you out of the point where you're posting emotes to yourself on a r9k thread about some dude posting his perfect fantasy that'll never happen. Like holy fuck, i can't force you to change your life, but considering that this is the most pathetic thing i've seen in my life so far, and i've seen broken and meth'd up thai hookers shooting darts out their vaginas for what i can only assume made them less than $2/hour , I really implore you to take a good, hard look at what you've spent your last 2 hours doing and consider giving a new lifestyle a chance.
Hello, I highly recommend you post here >>>/a/ instead.

post skype so we can be sexy together

I'm a grill
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Im at a lowpoint at life and need to fix alot shit but im not posting it to myself

it is my bf

Also im very lucky that my mom used to be a cook but i still eat alot microwave crap though
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>it'll definitely get you out of the point where you're posting emotes to yourself on a r9k
Im not posting to myself

You are right about everything else though, I do need to change a lot
Eating better food is not an option for me at this moment, I have to eat garbage everyday. Running might be a good idea, but I fear that it could be worse since Im already skinny
Thread replies: 26
Thread images: 15

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