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>tfw most of us are capable of ALMOST anything, but ultimately,
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>tfw most of us are capable of ALMOST anything, but ultimately, we'd rather be shitposting all day than learning to code or play guitar
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>>tfw most of us are capable of ALMOST anything

Sure thing, reddit.
I'm not sure what you are trying to get at, you also left out fapping
>learn to code
>play guitar

You picked up two of the most useless hobbies out there,congratulations.

>He fell for limitless potential meme

sorry el chapo, not everyone wins.
>tfw most of us are capable of ALMOST anything

>still believing what everyone told you when you were a child
>still being brainwashed
>still falling for the everyone is special bullshit

Most people aren't capable of anything impressive. You are most people. You'll be able to do just enough to scrape by. Or you'll give up and destroy yourself.
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Yeah, we all bitch about how the deck is stacked against us, and while that may be true, if we wanted to, most of us could have anything we wanted.

The thing is, though, is that we don't want them. Or rather, we don't want them badly enough. We've prioritized, whether we've realized it or not, and have chosen this addictive self-pity and shitposting over breaking free from the clutches of r9k, sitting down for 8 hours a day, and developing a skill and doing something with our lives. Sure, some people may have made some short-term efforts and given up when they didn't quickly yield results, but that's not really the same as an honest, long-term effort.

This may not have been a conscious choice, but these are the trade-offs, and we've picked ours.
I'm >>26047611

Basically what this guy said >>26047661

Not everyone is capable of everything

For example,i'm into pcs and technology since my earliest years but somehow i can't program for shit.I just fucking can't,there are some things that you're not capable of doing.

That's an evolutionary mechanic of the human nature i guess,if everyone did whatever they wanted there would be no actualy progress in the species.
These are people who have never made an honest effort in their lives, and have chosen to believe that their life is out of their control, as wallowing in the pity of being dealt a bad hand is better than acknowledging that their shitty life is THEIR fault.

That's not to say that some people AREN'T dealt a better hand than others, just that most of us are dealt a good enough one to do something of worth.
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> and while that may be true, if we wanted to, most of us could have anything we wanted.

Shut the fuck up, hippy.
Also, did you pursue every possible learning route for programming and try to do it for 10+ hours a day? If not, you can't say you aren't capable. If you wanted it BADLY enough, you would have found a way to overcome any obstacle.
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I actually agree OP. On the surface this sounds like bullshit, but when you break it down (which you did not really do so well), you start seeing that it's true.

There is a great comic about this concept I saw floating around this board once. Maybe if I can find it I can help all these retards understand.
>if everyone did whatever they wanted there would be no actualy progress in the species.

If every kid who wanted to be an astronaut actually went and became an astronaut then we would have too many astronauts. There wouldn't be anything to do with so many of them.
And while they were all scrambling for the seats on the next rocket, people would be dying of diseases in hospitals and schools because there's no-one to clean them. People would starve because there aren't enough people to help on the farms. Trash would build up on the streets because there's no-one to collect it.

Someone has to shovel the shit. It's sad, but that's how it is.
That's exactly my point,i seek balance.Sure i can become an excellent programmer but that would require TOO MUCH time and effort.

In my opinion,if you don't balance work hours and non work hours you've failed.

>People would starve because there aren't enough people to help on the farms

I want to work on a farm tho. It's actually hilariously hard to become a farmer.
Yeah,exactly my point.We were born in good living conditions and we're somehow lucky so we don't have to shovel that shit,be thankful for it.You may not fullfill your dreams but you will definitely have a good life whatever you do.
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I don't trust any of you any more after seeing the results of the poll everyone took
It's not that if everyone gave their all that everyone could do almost anything they wanted, it's that, given the world we are in where everyone DOESN'T give their all, than any random person COULD do almost anything they wanted to.

For example let's say you want to be, if not the best, than ONE of the best contemporary drummers, but you may not have as much natural talent for drumming as some other drummers. But, if you practiced drumming 10+ hours a day, you can guarantee that you will be better than most because most drummers WON'T be doing anything close to that.
Owning a farm? Sure. That's hard.

But they hire people en masse when harvest comes around. Help with picking and packing and shit.
Usually they'll pay some cheap immigrant labour to do it, though.
True, but MY point stands, that if you REALLY wanted something, odds are, you can have it. You don't want it as badly as I have described, or rather, you want a balanced life MORE.
>tfw most of us are capable of ALMOST anything
not how genetics or human nature works. Most of us have genes that limit or favor certain directions in life. It takes a certain personality, body, and hormone structure to be an athlete while it takes a different profile to be a programmer. We can't just be whatever we want. That's transcendental bullshit
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im literally coding right now tho
I'm a few weeks away from starting a Thru-hike on the Appalachian Trail.

In the mean time I just shitpost with all my friends on 4chan.
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hahha I see MY post !
Also, professional athlete is an extreme example. but the odds are, if you practiced efficiently for 10+ hours a day on your shooting or batting or whatever, you could be a lot better, and maybe play in the minor leagues (and who knows, maybe even the major leagues). There are limits to this but still, any random person could be a lot better than they are.

Yup, and everyone currently living will cease to exist hundreds of years from now, and all of the achievements humanity has accomplished on our home planet will perish millions of years from now. Doesn't mean you can't stop being a self-loathing, cynical little bitch. People these days seem more readily willing to die, and fear trying to live.
Tell me how you are supposed to feel good about working 3x harder to compensate for things Chads were born with
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>capable of almost anything
Define anything. If you're complacent with being a businessman, programmer, or any other meaningless job, perhaps.
But I've given up, as my dreams are an impossibility. I'll never be an Olympic weightlifter or ping pong player. I'll never be a genius mathematician or a wise philosopher. I'll never be a super soldier who completes missions with ease due to the superiority of my genetics and acquires skills. Sure, there may be things out there I could do, perhaps I could land a job that would earn me an upper middle class lifestyle, but why? Why do such a thing if it will not bring me the happiness, the passion I so crave? Why live a life I do not believe to be worth living?

I have failed. I failed long before i was even born. There is nothing I can do.
So I will continue to sit here, eganging in various forms of escapism, maybe lifting every now and then, maybe studying mathematics or philosophy occasionally, dreaming of what I never even had the opportunity to accomplish.
Feel good about yourself for overcoming any disadvantage you had vs Chad. It should only make the end result more satisfying.

I want to tend to crops/animals, not pack shit in boxes. also its 99% sub-minimum wage immigrant labour.
Are you me??????
That is exactly what I think
I don't want a fucking six figure job that I'll probably hate
I want superpowers, I want to transcend the flesh
But nothing I want will ever be real
>overcoming Chad
Yeah, no
He experienced teenage love
I can't even win anymore
>Have drug-induced psychosis last February.
>Suddenly realize that I'm immortal, and the movie Groundhog Day accurately describes reality in the sense that I can't leave the loop until I change my ways drastically.
>Lose social phobia, write reams of tinfoil hattery, and start an organization devoted to making freaks such as myself immortal.

The other side isn't any better.
I meant to type
to be honest i really doubt it was "love", but yeah irregardless we all missed out on that teenage pussy
There's a limit maybe but any random person could be doing a lot more, odds are, but thye've prioritized their life in another direction
if you don't believe the lifestyle it would take to accomplish these things than you don't want them, at least not as much as you want what other lifestyle you have opted for, but my point is, to an extent you could have more if you WANTED it badly enough.
>implying you'll actually beat him
You won't come close. You'll keep falling short and looking ahead at what other people get easily. You'll waste your life working harder than everyone else around you and still never getting anywhere. On your deathbed, you'll be filled with regret and failure.

Embrace it early and live the failure. Become it. There's more pride to be had in refusing to play a rigged game.
please find it
I want to be immortal and just bum around, watching things happen. I want to be the immortal observer.

Not possible.
obviously there are limits, but if you want you could still go fuck a 16 year old. If you want it badly enough you can do it, even though there's the possibility of going to jail. But 18 year olds are still teen too, so you know

>in4 I'd have to be a teen too
Work with what you have
>tfw all you want in life is to figure out what you're talented in.

I hate the people that are good at that one thing. I'm not. I never have been.
Just pointlessly mediocre at most things.

They have focus, passion, a drive to seek a particular community.

I have nothing.
And that's something I can never look upon, especially because all my friends did
Being the only KV among my circle makes me feel pathetic, a poor excuse for a human being, a true robot
bro, you sound like a welfare nigger
also see:
You are such a pussy, and you try to justify your weakness, and lack of willpower by saying that your mediocrity is somehow noble.
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Or at least a lot more than you're doing now, odds are
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>current year
Elaborate please on your organization
Why would I want something that wouldn't make me happy?
you wouldn't
That's my point, that you don't want it, or don't want it badly enough (it's not worth the cost), so you don't take the necessary effort to pursue it

But you could if you did want it badly enough
Whether or not I could is irrelevant, as I will be unhappy regardless. Why even make this thread? If you can achieve your petty dreams, why are you here complaining that you CHOOSE not to?
It is relevant, it's the whole point of this thread.

Just reminding people that there's a good chance that they can have a lot more, but most of them have unconsciously made the trade-off not to.

As for any good this thread does, IDK but since when is doing good a factor in r9k threads?

But ok, Maybe if the people on it actually sat down and weighed it out in their heads, they might decide pursuing some of their dreams is possible and worth any of the opportunity costs.
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The whole thread is fucking retarded. If you can achieve your dreams, shut the fuck up and do it.
>not practicing actual skills while shitposting
Come on, man. I learned Trumpet almost entirely on /tv/.
I don't think he's coming back
Which is what I just said, in a way, and have been saying. We've gone around in a circle here.

A lot of people on this board mope that they've been dealt a bad hand, and can't change their lives.

Well, maybe they were, but a lot of people could change their situation to a far greater degree than they realize, but they choose to bitch.
I learned to code; I'm still a fucking robot. Don't fall for this stupid meme.
Have you actively pursued any career opportunties? Do you program for x amount of hours a day to improve your skills? These things are necessary for a lot of people to succeed. You can't say the meme is wrong because maybe you have't put in the right amount of effort.
Just shut the fuck up, please.
Look, we could all learn to program and play guitar.Will we ever be good enough to graduate with a degree in music or computer science?
No, the point is even working 10+ hours a day for years wouldn't lead to a job. Even having a degree might not lead to a job
Even still while I'm learning those thing I will have to work at a minimum wage job all the while coming home alone...worthless...tfw no gf.
Do you really think I have the motivation to do all this shit when the odds are stack so incredibly in my favor?
I might as well just work my way up some corporate ladder or go to school for some useless arts degree because those things are actually accomplish-able and make me feel less of a failure.
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I developed an app that has 15k downloads and rave reviews, so I'd say I put in enough time. The problem is I'm still an emotionally retarded autist. Because of this shyness, awkwardness and self-hate I haven't pursued any career opportunities.

There is no app for this feel.
you're the exception
wasn't me

What I would say to that is now you also need to put in the time not to be an emotionally retarded autist.

Best of luck, anon.
Sigh, I know, I decided today I need some heavy duty therapy.


I came to the realization that I was an object like any other, and entered a hypomania I still enjoy as of this moment. My body felt like wax, and the ever-present red behind my eyes, and the solumn, quiet weepiness of my body and the world made me feel like candle among candles.

So, if a building or artifact can survive for thousands of years, why can't I? And if I replace my body with the strongest, longest-lasting materials, the result will be identical to myth and legend. I wrote an essay about this;

>Alchemical Diamond bodies

The idea is to promote the notion of the body as no different from any other matter - a radical materialism that reaffirms panpsychicism, as per Thales and Anaximander. Like a car, the body can be modified - it can be maintained indefinitely, and improved.

You can do something other than shitpost all day. The only person who can save you, is you. Other people can only point the way.

But you're going to look insane.
not my fault everything is so fucking boring and tedious
holyshit. how do i become part of your cult?
You guys are seriously autistic, completely disregarding the OPs point and instead arguing about the "everything" part. Jesus christ

and op, next time choose your words better, heres an example

>no one can do anything, but everybody can do something
I am a white man, within my genes one can find the potential for infinite greatness, yet I knowingly squander this gift and take no actions to correct this behavior.
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Even if you do make the conscious, long term effort and exert yourself 100% there is no guarantee you will be a success or you'll reach your goals, I know this sounds like defeatist thinking but it's how it is.

You can't guarantee anyone happiness no matter how hard they try, that's why it pisses me off when people say things will get better. It might get worse, a lot worse. All I can guarantee is that you will some day die and then it ceases to matter, whether you were happy or miserable.

Your chances do improve if you actually try though, if you make the choice to sit there and never try anything don't be surprised when the same thing that has been happening continues to happen
>But they choose to bitch

I don't think they know how to change their direction, each person has their own reason for being mopey regardless of if they're fully aware of it. It's not helping them, but it's more the symptom than the cause.
Everything I ever wanted in my life is now out of my reach. All I can really do is waste away until I die; there's nothing for me here.
Stop with the "it will get better if u try :^)" meme

Honest effort =/= desired result

fuck off Einstein tried his hardest to come up with a unifying physics theory until the day he died and not even he could do it, that's an extreme example but I think you're going to get the point I'm trying to make.
what language is this?

It's not that we don't want it, it's that we don't believe we can get it no matter how hard we try. Even if we don't think this rationally and consciously, if it's in our subconscious, we will end up failing every time.
I can code, and I used to know how to play the guitar. I am still empty inside. In the end, external factors can't fix your problems, the solution must come from within.
Hollywood has risen your expectations out of life waaaay too much. That's the problem with this entire generation. Your life is not supposed to be some super exciting movie.
Honest effort correlates to personal success. The real problem is that many of us are currently too indifferent to use this fact to our advantage. There are passive ways to make yourself less indifferent.
Yeah, because they guy who says he's still empty on the inside clearly has all the answers.

Don't preach to people about how to solve their problems until you've solved your own.
I don't understand how you can interrupt what >>26051194
Said as preaching.

Also, why is his conclusion wrong?
The furthest my honest effort could take me is well below the necessary distance required to reach my aspirations. I could do better, but I'll never get what I want.
its the aborted fetus of C, missing a lot features from it but syntax is the same
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Most of the people on this board are decidedly NOT capable of doing anything.

There are a lot of people here who think they are smart guys but just underachieve.

Thats not the case. They have no ambition, no emotional stability, and lack any of the social skills needed to advance in life. There are exclusions of course, like if you were legitimately a genius or had a great talent.

That isnt the case though.


But yes if you're not pressing the gas pedal you're never going to go anywhere. Isn't doing the same thing and expecting a different result the "definition of stupidity"? I think I've heard people say that. You reap what you sow, all that bullshit. I get what you're saying but there's never a guarantee.
what made you want to learn it? (assuming you are who i replied to first)
its necessary to do anything remotely advanced in doom modding
i already kinda knew c++ so it was just a matter of reading through its documentation, looking at other peoples code and checking on how C works
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Guitar helps me find and hatefuck tumblerinas I stalk their blogs, "run into them", become "friends" find an unknown song and sing it to them, and I fuck them and pretend to care

I do this long enough for them to get attached then I never fucking see them again and I watch as their blog is filled with them being salty as fuck
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By this logic very few people are capable of "doing anything". Living a modest, somewhat happy and fulfilling life is hardly shooting for the stars. No, we can't all invent great technologies for the benefit of all humanity or walk on the moon but you can't quantify anyone's potential like you're trying to do here

You can do whatever you want (within reason) would be a lot better.
>You can do whatever you want (within reason) would be a lot better.
Yeah, I just don't know if I'll ever be able to accept this.
Denying reality is a foolish thing to do, I may not be the most intelligent or the most educated man in the world but I'm no fool. Are you?
No, but I can't cope with the inadequacy. I practically cry myself to sleep over on occasion.
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>he fell for the coding is a learned skill maymay

Nah pham, just copy and paste, Google is yo friend homie. The average pleb doesn't like complex shit, they want something simple that looks cool. If you spend more than a couple weeks on a program chances are you not gonna make no moola.
Nah, I'm not capable of doing much of anything, even if I put my mind to it.
I'm a CS major and started a band. Still no gf.
>causation is not correlation

I never meant to say otherwise.

>There are so many determining factors besides "honest effort" you cannot possibly claim to know for this fact.

I agree, I don't know. It's vastly subjective to what you're trying to achieve. There is some form of effort to put in to the benefit of achieving that goal.

Most of those setbacks stem from them not being able to connect to people who understand them. There are ways to help it, but as of late they are really daunting/Unknown. Perhaps I or someone else can devise a system to make it easier for robots to find people who understand them.

Let me make it clear I'm fully aware that there is no guarantee in life for pretty much anything. I argue that the vast majority of robots have the potential to change their life's for the better.
import random

print('here\'s the dice faggot. roll it bitch')

choice = input('would you like to roll them, yes or no?')

if choice == 'yes':
print(random.randint(1, 6))
print(random.randint(1, 6))
elif 'no':

took me five minutes to make this without ever coding in my life.
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>CS major
>yfw you won't be using even a 1/3 of the shit you learnt ever

You fell for the meme.
...achieving that goal or something with similar virtues in most cases.*
>have the option to learn to code and pump out shit games to make some what of a living
>have the option to sit on 4chan wrapped in a blanket playing with my dick
I never had a choice.
Are you seriously such a retard that you think talented people were born with it all there? No one, fucking no one is born like that. Look at Beethoven, he wasn't born like that. His daddy came home drunk and beat him and forced him to stand up and woke him in the middle of the night to play until the 5 year old was in tears. Yet he overcame that. He was rejected by every single woman in his life. Yet he overcame that. He went fucking deaf. Yet he overcame that. And you're sitting here, complaining you weren't born a master at something, and claiming other people were? Shut the fuck up.
>learning to code
There isn't much to that tbqh.It's mostly about logic. If you understand the basic structure, all you do is copy shit from lists of already existing pieces of code because you don't want to risk to fuck up and go though hundreds of lines of code and check it to the caracter in detail.
>don't get to choose wether you are born or not.
>know youre going to die
>everything is just cause and effect senpai
Are you retarded? You think anyone here could be Beethoven? You think anyone here could actually graduate with a degree in music? Do you even know what it take to get a degree in music?
Let me just say this...what you wrote doesn't change the fact that society is fucked. It's a simple fact is right? Even the normies believe that right?
Anyway, are society is fucked. I mean it is really fucked...everything about...biologically,sociological,environmentally....everything. So it's ok to feel depressed and worthless. It is inevitable especially if your a worthless talent less hack. I honestly don't care if someone feels that way...sometimes I feel that way too.
>You think anyone here could actually graduate with a degree in music?
I'm sure there are people here capable of doing that. I doubt they could do much with it, but they could get one.
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i was just thinking tonight that if you applied to a job to lay down the physics of a 3d game engine you're basically a fucking genius. like they don't hire on aesthetics but rather if you can actually do that.

on a lot of other jobs (like a lot of them) chad and stacey are hired because of the halo effect. being aesthetically appealing is a huge factor in job hiring process.
I have a full scholarship and fellowship and I will be starting my PhD in math this fall at age 22. I learn everything really fast. I also have artistic and musical ability. I am just really, really apathetic and suffer last the whim of emotional current. Doing work is physically painful to me.
>PhD in math this fall at age 22.
Damn, I've wanted to do something like that since I was a kid. Good luck, man.
O I'm sorry I forgot this was the normie board now.

i learned how to code, along with some other productive hobbies.

the problem is, without social skills (i.e. the capacity to be extroverted and to get others to *genuinely* like you) you can't succeed in this life.

I hate having to job hop every year due to the workplace eventually becoming hostile/toxic to me.

Being social is pretty much everything
In what way does being a failure make me a normie? Did robots know NEETdom was their only option from birth?
You are seriously dumb. You literally admit it. The point is that no one is born a master at anything, not even the ultimate masters, not even 'Chad,' so stop using that as the ultimate excuse to never try. You'll never be the best at anything. Either accept it or kill yourself. I actually have a fucking music degree asshat.
>le society is fuxked xD
>the joker is right xDDD
Go back to listening to Nirvana, kid.
Yes exactly you wont be the best at everything.
In fact I already know that...I'm almost the exact opposite.
I'm worse at everything. I'll do things I like but not because I want to be better than people. Once I'm bored with what I'm doing I'll stop.
Sorry I'm not trying to impress anyone.
Back to the discussion of being worse at everything though. The point is there is no point in living if for the entirety of your life you could never get a gf, have friends and yada yada yada.
And it's just not about accepting it anon. The things I want...it's built into me...I could never get over them. So your basically just telling me to kill myself...asshole.
This is a person who learnt social interaction at a young age and has never had a panic attack when trying to talk to a cashier.
My nigga, I also taught myself C from having learnt Java. Now gotta go on to C++, but I don't think I'm slick enough with C yet, don't want to get ahead of myself.

Taught myself guitar too, partly classical. I must definitely recommend that; classical guitar is beautiful and can be a great outlet if you're willing to suffer in private a little.
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>"jus bee urself and work hard and eventually you'll be able to do this anon, jus beelieve. Bzz Bzz"
>"jus bee urself"
It's like you're willfuly misunderstanding what I'm saying. Just kill yourself.
You should kill yourself because you expect everything while putting in nothing.
Ok well your just a faggot who doesn't understand shit. And I don't care what degree/job/normie status you have. You seriously need to look at the world around you.

The occult side of the project can be contacted at; [email protected]

Don't trust Krauts.
Cause a NEET sitting on his ass all day wallowing self pity surely has it all figured out
You're an immature degenerate and you shouldn't be playing music.
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I'm trying to write some music. I really want to write a concept album, but I'm still forging out what the concept will even be. I wanna somehow talk about my relationships, mental illness, and drug use in a brilliant metaphor. I was thinking about setting the story in a psych ward or maybe make it about a haunted house.

I think the haunted house one is a pretty good idea. Most of my hallucinations and delusions have been about ghosts and spirits, and I can make it so there's like a "relationship" between the person and the house. Or maybe a relationship between the person and a ghost. I just don't know how to bring drugs into the mix, maybe it's a junkie living in the haunted house? I dunno. It's gotta have a very creepy, noisy sound if it's gonna be about a haunted house. I can use very clangy and echoey sounds to reflect the emptiness of the rooms.

It's a good thing I got high tonight. Now I've just gotta rough out the details of the story, then start writing the songs.
What's useless about coding? I helped me get my first job which I currently work at for a year and it's good money too
You will never get anywhere.

I'm not saying it to be mean, I've just been there many times.
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I've fucking got it. He's addicted to a research chemical that's supposed to be like a narcotic hallucinogen. When he takes this drug, he sees the personified spirit that occupies the house. They start a relationship, things get really rocky, and then the whole house comes crumbling down House of Usher-style.

This is brilliant. I'm gonna do this.

You're wrong. I have so much time on my hands now that I'm single. I do nothing all day but play guitar and browse 4chan, it's like a 50/50 mix. I have to tape up all my fingers because they get so cut up and blistered from fingerpicking.
yes and no

sure, instead of shitposting i could
>practice guitar, writing, and art
>research some future opportunities and potential jobs
>read actually useful books
>explore some new hobbies, watch new movies, find new music, etc
>learn a language or whatever fucking shit

yeah, shitposting is probably the most empty and useless thing to spend your time on, but it's not like things are really set in place for us to be that productive

>friendless KHV
>going to have to be a wagekek soon
>normies expecting me to, on top of all this, take out the few things i enjoy and replace them with guitar lessons and exercising

eventually enough is enough. a few tough people might be inspired to get out once they're pushed too far, but others are just consumed by it all. normies don't do half the shit these posts keep claiming we should be doing and they have an army of support and friendship to back them up and push them through if they do.

tl;dr you can't expect a depressed person to go "yeah i'll go learn some random fucking skills in my little bit of freedom" and hold them accountable if they don't.
It doesn't have to do anything at all with free time.
Well I don't know what the problem is then. I've written an album's worth of songs when I was a teenager. There's no reason I can't do the same thing now, but with plot to it. I just gotta write the lyrics and try to forge a distinctive sound.

My therapist says it's good for my brain to be writing songs about my life.
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