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Would the world be a better place if art and philosophy majors
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Would the world be a better place if art and philosophy majors killed themselves?

source: philosophy major

Apparently, just agreeing is not original enough.
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The world would be a better place if the school system was overhauled and scam majors didn't even exist.

It sounds childish but I find school to be so fucking frustrating. Even at a college level pretty much all you do is pay 5k to look at slideshows every week, and you HAVE to show up or you lose a good 25% of your grade. The classroom environment is the absolute worst way to learn anything. The fact that you have to get up early is reason enough that it is shit, how the fuck are you suppose to absorb any information when you are tired? I could go on and on.
>no huge amount of plebs in the service industry to take your order and make your tendies
wherever you go
why would you want this?
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I'm a CS grad (work as programmer now.) The best professor I had started with a psychology BA. (Then he got a doctorate in math.)

I think it's immature and childish to say the subject of the degree is the problem. The actual problem is an economic one, for 3 reasons:
1. Going to school to study something shouldn't come with crippling debt. If someone wants a philosophy degree, they should be able to get one without fucking up their financial state for years. If the field simply doesn't translate well to a job, they should be able to get another degree in a more applicable field, also without perma-fucking their financial state.
2. By making degrees in these fields prohibitively expensive (given the earning expectations,) you're basically saying art, philosophy, et. al. are fields that only the rich have the privilege of studying. Those fields aren't for "middle class" smucks. That's a shitty solution to a 100% manufactured problem.
3. These fields have merit even if they don't translate to earning potential.

So basically, the problem isn't "worthless degrees," the problem is "school is too fucking expensive." Student debt is over $1.3 trillion.

At the same time I'm hesitant to suggest any changes to the US higher education system, because even though it's absurdly expensive, we also have the best system in the world. No one disputes that. The global rankings are absolutely dominated by American schools, the only exceptions being a handful of schools mainly in the UK. Students come from every country on Earth to study in US schools, Americans don't move to Beijing or Hamburg to study because there's no fucking point.

There's a reason outsourcing software development to India didn't kill the industry like everyone expected: American programmers really are simply much higher quality than the Indians, and they're actually worth salaries that are ten times as much. The reason is our schools are better.

I strongly recommend community college (that's how I started.)
epic STEM ftw meme

fuck art and philosphy haha MCDOBERS :DDD
Thank you for having some fucking sense.

Of course, if you had started your comment with the truth "I'm a philosophy grad (work as a fry cook now)" nobody would listen to you... :(

The world would be better if everyone killed themselves.
I just came up with a joke

Why is everyone using Javascript?

Because it's so insecure.
I'm a working to a cs degree, I was so surprised when I found out the indian exchange students were completely shit at everything. When ever I had an indian lab partner I had to teach them everything.
>all art majors
So you don't like any kind of art?
No movies, books, music?
As you pointed out, I didn't say art; I said art majors.
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>Of course, if you had started your comment with the truth "I'm a philosophy grad (work as a fry cook now)" nobody would listen to you... :(
I might go to grad school for philosophy because the field is neat and actually translates pretty well to CS. It's all about abstract thinking.

But I got an associate's in CS from a community college, then transferred to a public in-state university. I got the same BS CS as my peers who actually spent more than twice what I did. That's why I always tell people to go to CC first if money is a factor. It's common sense, and so many people don't do it, generally for stupid reasons ("I want to get away from my parents," "I want to party," "they have a cool football team," etc.)

If someone is complaining about the cost of their education, and they didn't go to community college first, I generally ignore those people, because the fault is their own for making a poor decision. They could have very easily cut the cost of their bachelor's effectively in half, and they to take out more loans instead. Not smart.

American developers are simply superior. Almost every company that tried outsourcing to India immediately after the dot-com boom realized they had made a terrible mistake when the quality of the work coming back sucked ass.

Programmers in the US earn far more than programmers in other countries, and the main reason is, that hiring them is actually worth the cost. Modern computing started and matured in the US. The key developments (at least from academia) happened at Berkeley, MIT and Stanford. Our schools produce far superior graduates than the rest of the world, that's why we get paid the big bucks.
You realize that the whole point of school is to make everyone think the same way. Do you know how terrible that is for actual art? That is why there are no successful musicians/artist/directors that come out of school or even praise the school system.
I'd study her boobs, if you know what I mean.
>I might go to grad school for philosophy because the field is neat and actually translates pretty well to CS. It's all about abstract thinking.

You just gave me a boner.

I have a philosophy degree and I work as a developer. I'm self-taught in programming obv., but I found that a lot of the stuff I learned in philosophy (especially logic) translated neatly to programming.
Many of them go on to do thjngs with them. Especially in film and drama. Production of film and music are all college learned. Even if you like some shitty punk band that can barely play they probably record with a college educated producer if they have the money for it. Some bands like Cherub, a new disco band, could not have made their music as well because of the production on their synths. Also if you enjoy videogames, thank all the concept artists who went to art school. If you enjoy movies, again, thank all the artists that went to art school. Thank the vostume designer who went to fashion school.

The next time you watch a movie you enjoy, watch the credits, and count the names. Odds are they nearly all went to art school of some kind.
In a lot of ways, the academic aspect of art is communal, one arts education can actually be applied to anyone that specific artist inspires- most musicians learn music theory from music rather than any institute,
but I think the foundations of thought have to actually be studied to advance and mutate the art, to bring new movements to light as it were.
I do agree that only about 5% of arts students should be there, but it's a bit much to say some silly little fags should straight up die as opposed to being re-purposed.

Also if all arts and philosophy majors died off, the racial makeup of many first world countries would drastically change.
Why are we discussing schoolpolitics on an international board again?
Well we might get art that's actually art back, so maybe. Sadly for every 10 or 50 or 100 "artists" that ruin the already stupid idea of teaching art as a major, 1 person of actual talent would actually be lost, and good art is nice.
would the world be a better place if edgy conservative fedora spergs killed themselves?

yes -- so do the world a favor, op
I don't know. Sounds like a philosophical question.
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lol fucking this.

life is philosophy. Philosophy is life. You cant escape its necessity OP. how the fuck do you think the world works? The world is based on choices, and these choices are derived from a way of thinking of an individuals philosophy...and also money.
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Philosophy is actually pretty cool if you ignore the degenerate modern philosophy. You know how art is very cool if you looks at Renaissance era painting and old statues, but if you walk into a modern art museum you'll just find garbage? Same thing happened to philosophy. Just check out plato and stuff and stay away from shitty hipster blogs and /r/philosophy.
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>I might go to grad school for philosophy because the field is neat and actually translates pretty well to CS. It's all about abstract thinking.
hell no who will make my fries?
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