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Since we're well into the new year by now, I wish to take
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Since we're well into the new year by now, I wish to take this opportunity to recognize our new fearless leader's accomplishments as administrator of 4chan. I am no partisan, just an observer.

What has Hiroyuki NOT done?

Hiroyuki has NOT shut down /r9k/, despite the fact that he would have had a perfectly legitimate pretense for doing so in light of the Chris Harper Mercer killings. Scoff all you want, even legitimately, about how the place is normieville, but you still come here, and you know it. And I'm gonna tell you something. It's actually a bit better (less shit) lately than it was right after moot turned the robot off circa gamergate. People were actually concerned about board deletion and having no place to go at that time.

Hiroyuki has NOT shut down /pol/. This has allowed Trump meme-magic to continue to germinate in an important forum, with RL consequences.

Hiroyuki has NOT immediately shit the bed with any immediate, stupid actions or inactions.

What HAS Hiroyuki done?

Hiroyuki HAS presided over the reinstatement of the robot, which has marginally improved board quality, to my earlier point.

Hiroyuki HAS presided over the creation of multiple relevant new boards (history, western cartoon porn, and 1-2 others (trash, news) ). Admittedly, this rollout fills logical gaps in the site, and is very much in the pattern of moot's administration, so I regard this quiet advance as a joint moot/Hiro effort.

Now, it will be interesting long-term to see if Hiro does anything with people's data. But the honeymoon period has been just fine, for those of us who have actually been paying attention.
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Yeah except I had the feds at my door almost immediately after hiroyuki took office
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for what? it was probably your own fault

Did you make the mistake of being in that thread and/or typing something foolish? Umpqua and Hiro's handover were within days of each other. :^)

It was part of the beta uprising bullshit except it wasnt even one of those threads, it was just about me wanting to kill myself and mentioning the beta uprising was bullshit. Either way right as hiroshima gets elected he folds like a lawn chair and gives the feds my info. Good dudes tho
>cucked by muh freedom

True story or no, It's nice to hear vindication of my own practice of never posting anything past a certain point. On multiple occasions, including very recently, I've thought of taking some such point to an extreme, only to think better of it.
Gas the kikes, race war now!

Also: Curbstomp faggots.

Those are common, generalized sentiments, and therefore relatively safe, as long as they do not have a particular specific, localized tenor, which is what I am referring to, and frankly what LEOs are interested in during their jobs. I did cool my r9k usage immediately after Umpqua, and it's just never been quite the same since (happily, I've been getting marginally more productive as a result) Even the San Bernadino people could have been found out had some intrepid fed been profiling the right brown people and acting on it, as they should have been.
Hiroyuki has NOT put passes on sale during Black Friday or X-Mas.

Hiroyuki HAS put redirect hijacking ads on the front page and the pass purchasing page.
based nip desu
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