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How the FUCK do I get a job that pays more than 10$ an hour?
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How the FUCK do I get a job that pays more than 10$ an hour?
Ive been washing dishes at some shithole greasetrap far too long
Craiglist in my area is not active, I have no skills, cant afford an education, and have no connections.
Every trade apprenticeship/helper position requires at least a year of experience!
Seconding senpai
Have you tried a hiring agency? I've had a few friends who basically had nothing they could put on a resume and they were able to get jobs that make $10-11/hour
turn tricks and deal dope
>1) Know people
>2) Be a worthwhile individual with skills and credentials

Or be really good at bullshitting.
>Get your CompTIA A+ cert, $200 for the test, pirate the VCE package for the 900 series, which is the newest.
>Put up a sign at your work, offering computer help. Do spyware/virus removal, upgrade parts, consultation and troubleshooting stuff, and reformats (LET THOSE STUPID FUCKERS KNOW THIS WILL DELETE EVERYTHING. Before you do it, TELL THAT STUPID MOTHER FUCKER AGAIN IT WILL ERASE EVERYTHING, THAT IT WILL NO LONGER BE ON THEIR DRIVE, AND WILL BE GONE FOREVER.)
I cannot stress this last part enough.
>Charge $15/hour with a minimum of 2 hours per job, once you get gud charge $25, still about $45/hour cheaper than GeekSquad will charge.
>Put that shit on your resume.
>Apply for positions to be a Computer Technician with your BS relevant experience.

Bonus; Teach yourself Excel, Word, and batch scripting. You're golden.
i'd be lucky to score a dishwashing job, and i have fucking credentials (i saw one listed requiring a year of dishwashing experience, like what the fuck? who are they trying to dissuade).

people i know with no skills are doing better at scoring wage slave jobs than me. so i think youve got a better chance to be a cook or something, but the only jobs i know that pay over 10 are like postal carriers (USPS or a union like UPS) and IT shit.
>get a skill
>get certifications
>apply for jobs that require said certifications
>keep applying
not op, but i've got my A+, CCNA, and an internship under my belt. lemme say, nobody is fighting over me. or even calling. i've applied to lousy "teach tech to elderly people" to normal "scan this shit and put it up on our CMS" and have yet to score

am i supposed to be on linkedin or something? i wont have anything on my profile except that, the only people to vouch for me are my mom and roommate.
>the only people to vouch for me are my mom and roommate.

That's a huge problem. I know it's a massive catch 22, but no one will take you seriously if no one takes you seriously.

I luckily had a really well connected boss at my first desktop support job, when they made me redundant he put me in contact with a bunch of people that are taken seriously, it's been easy since then.
try security, work is piss easy, everyone is always hiring, and pay is always at least 10, often more depending on your site
>"Jus get a skill bro XD"
Learn some skills, fag
Fix things for a living. Easiest money ever.
Dice is your best bet.
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>"teach tech to elderly people"

Sounds comfy. How do I get a job like this?
Yeah dude, first things first, you need references. Find an ASPCA or animal hospital, and volunteer like 10-15 hours of support time, after they see you're a hard worker, ask them if you can use them for a professional reference. I got lucky with mine, I had a few people at big tech companies to use, and then got the chance to interview, now my whole team has offered to be references and I have a Principal Engineer who's willing to go out on a limb for me.

You can do it brah, we're all gonna make it.
want to make a little more than $10/hr? what I want is for you to make me a channel intro for youtube.

email me for more details: 420blazeitpcgamer at gmail dot com
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