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>On Okcupied >click on profile >Pansexual, bisexual,
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>On Okcupied

>click on profile

>Pansexual, bisexual, feminist

Why do women do this? Who the fuck talks about political beliefs on a dating site.

Found the problem
>implying circlejerking on a website wont warp your idea of what people like and stuff
protip: its not just tumblr that does that :^)
you should see some of the guys profiles. people who need a website to meet other people are mentally disabled.
At least they put it out there so everyone knows to avoid them, which makes them hate men more
I could never look at the male profiles, i bet it's ultra cringe worthy.
>dating website

Why would you do that to yourself?
>What are you doing Anna?
You make no sense. You obviously don't like the fact that she's a feminist so shouldn't you be glad that she let you know? Now you know to avoid her.
To be fair it's better you know they're a fucking retard now rather than after you start talking to them.

Although they're women, so the retarded part is a given.
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SJWs let their politics invade every aspect of their life. If you see these warning signs, don't talk to her. Unless you really hate yourself.

Consider the following: She said she's bisexual so that she can get pussy as well as dick. Not everything is a fucking statement, get over yourself, faggot.
Okcupid is where you go if you are looking for a girl with a mental illness.
Who would have thought that liking both dick and vag is a political choice. Which party do those people vote for?
>Ask them what they are doing.
>"Laying in bed"

No wonder you can't find a fucking bf you women are in bed all the fucking time.
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Feminism absolutely DESTROYED my female friend.

She went away to college and when she came back she gained at least 30 pounds, got problem glasses, a new tattoo, a piercing, and of course, became a feminist. I shit on her constantly for her ideals and mock SJWs all the time, I think she takes it because she secretly has a crush on me. Hopefully my mocking will cause her to develop some self-awareness and get her shit back together. She used to be pretty attractive too, it's a pity. Feminism is a cancer, kids.
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>every woman nowadays is at least a little bi
why is this happening
To stop you, specifically you, from messaging them
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They expect you to say "Need a bed buddy?" Or some cheesy crap like that.
>problem glasses
never heard this term before. It's tremendous. I intend to use it from now on
>Be me
>Knew 10/10
>Always stayed in the kitchen where she belonged
>Took my beatings like a champ and never once complained
>Went to where the devil goes to indoctrinate cunts, "school"
>Came back
>Screams rape every single time a man walks into the same room as her
>Stomps on the heads of infants with 9 inch heels because she says they should have been aborted and their mere existence is an insult to the women they're parasites to.
>Dating a 90 pound bitch of a man, had one of his testicles removed and wears it as a necklace, threatens to have the other one removed whenever he dares to speak
>Every time I see her, I beat the everloving shit out of her and make her suck my 10 inch meat missle
>She puts up with it because being a fat, acne ridden disgusting loose pussied whore, I am basically a god to her
>I'm helping her
>All of this actually happened and I'm not making a strawman story.
she's gone. give it up buddy
...she types as her sweat from her triple chins drips on her keyboard.
Somebody's triggered.

Comment not original.
>Toppest of all keks available
you have to understand, these women are here precisely because their beliefs preclude them from freely mixing with the general population

I'm convinced feminist otherkins are so substantial precisely because nobody wants to date them
this has to be b8, nobody can be this retarded
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>implying that isn't sexy as fucck
Because they are specifically looking for Nu-males who think those are special values and will feel more inclined to but them stuff.
>Which party do those people vote for?
Probably Libertarian
everyone is bi anon.

whether they admit to it or not
Are you saying all men secretly want penor?
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It ain't just the women ya know, and it ain't new
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The mentally ill are programmed to give off warning signs to show their retardation, so others can avoid to discourage spread of the flawed gene. She is warning you that she's cancerous unintentionally.
Because homosexuality can be learned behaviour. Look at prisons for example.
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