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Tell me how this is NOT the most robot drug ever made?

>Completely Legal
>On 'Research Chemicals' websistes on clear net
>Cheap as fuck, I paid 5 britcoins for 5 1mg pills but they sent me 14 but 1 is crushed, it may have been an error on their part or they're just really generous
Had some about a year ago. It was fantastic. Mixed it with .5mg etizolam since it's rather weak in itself. Diclazepam will show up in your piss for around 2 months though.
have lorazepam here
waiting fot the mail from the mental hospital to come and try to survive with my daily dose of lorazepam
>not for human consumption

it's not tested in any kind of human trials

in animals it's the same as diazepam though
I think it's just to cover the suppliers back

>woah this guy died off your shit
>we warned him bro :^)

atleast here in the uk they put that label on to make it legal, same with sythetic weed, its legal to buy but not legal to take it.
>Completely Legal
Great! I can finally do drugs without being a sinner and killing Jesus.
>Sedation - often results in an overwhelmingly lethargic state
>Motor control loss
>Respiratory depression
>Muscle relaxation

umm why exactly would you want this?
>muscle relaxation

bro it makes you feel great, kind of sleepy but at the same time you don't want to sleep, you basically don't need to think about anything for like 4 hours and time just seems to fly by
It being legal just means its easier to get which is good for robots, for example weed isn't a robot drug as you need to go talk to some dirty nigger to get it and hope you don't get stabbed.
same side effects as Valium (Diazepam)

Common side effects may include:

>memory problems;
>tired feeling;
>spinning sensation;
>feeling restless or irritable;
>muscle weakness;
>drooling or dry mouth,
>slurred speech;
>blurred vision,
>double vision;
>mild skin rash, itching; or
>loss of interest in sex.
so its a way to distract you from your shit life?
Not really. You can get literally anything from the internet these days.
>he doesnt know how to buy drugs off the internet
been buying from the deep web for over a year now
>Tell me how this is NOT the most robot drug ever made?
>Not for human consumption

Its right there on the packaging.
It's basically a giant dose of "man everything is really okay"

You know that resolve feeling you get in your mind when you're anxious about something and then all at once you stop feeling like doom. calm comes over you

it's like that, but without any residual anxiety. it turns it off.
That's what drugs are usually for anon
Yeah, this. Literally almost drug you can think of is available to robots online. Weed? They got that. Dizzying assortment of edibles? Yep. You want psychedelics? Everything from mushrooms to weird RC's to good old fashioned LSD, or DMT if you want a challenge. If you're into harder things, you can get dope or coke or crack or meth too. It's all just sitting there for the taking.
Well I'm at university so that would be literally be the worst thing for me right now. Maybe once its over.
yes basically. But don't we all have shit lifes? and isn't that the reason we come here?

I know how to buy from the deep web but there are complications, such as buying bitcoin. idk how to get bitcoin anonymously and cant be bothered to do research, i would get bitcoin locally but i live in a shit hole town in the uk where no one sells bitcoins.
I haven't had Valium in years and still suffer some of these effects, fuck
If you live in the UK use bitbargain. It doesn't matter if you buy them using your bank account because once the bitcoin is in your wallet there's no way of knowing how it got there.

If you're really paranoid use a tumbler.
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What are some good RC websites?
you in the uk? if so i personally use rcnetchemicals
still thats effort, just for some weed? desu i'm ok with legal benzos instead
>buy coin
>deposit it in marketplace account
>buy drugs

wow so much effort
Clonazolam is better.
well to each his own, i prefer to just select my drugs and buy them without need to buy bitcoin
>risking jail time for an RC benzo
They are legal, that's the whole point of RCs.

Metabolism of this compound has been assessed,[1] revealing diclazepam has an approximate elimination half-life of 42 hours and undergoes N-demethylation to delorazepam, which can be detected in urine for 6 days following administration of the parent compound.[3] Other metabolites detected were lorazepam and lormetazepam which were detectable in urine for 19 and 11 days, respectively, indicating hydroxylation by cytochrome P450 enzymes occurring concurrently with N-demethylation.
RCs are illegal under the analogue act unless you can prove you are using them for research.

I don't know how many people have ever been busted for this, but don't act like it's completely legal.
they're not legal. they're grey area and your next order could be your last

guise. in britbong they are completely legal. just like synthetic weed (spice)

Nah burger land
well then idk :/ come to britbong we have legal drugs and easy to get neet monies
Didn't they pass a law banning all psychoactive substances?
don't think so m8. atleast i still see synthetic weed for sale on some corner stores
If they did that would mean all therapeutic drugs too so I doubt it

youre fucked
you live in britbongistan
you can't seriously believe this
does anyone know about rc laws in Australia?

and if certain websites ship here?
Until this new law, britbong was europes centre for RCs. But yeah, this new law is going to fuck RCs over good.
But do u get high af or nah?
You can get ripped off so easily tho

see >>25721735

original content famu
Bought from the deep web well over 20 times and never had a bad experience. If you aren't retarded and buy from reputable vendors you're golden.
Does this drug go well with Depression?

kek 'I don't want your jew SSRI you kike' which one of you keks was this?
yeah mane, helps with anxiety even more, it literally makes you not give a shit but in a happy chill way
What dose are the pills on that website? Pretty fucking stupid that it doesn't say.
99% sure they are 1mg
how do buy RCs guys
type into google 'research chemicals <insert your country here>'
okay how do I google

don't fuck with non-prescribed benzos if you have depression or anxiety.
you'll just take them occasionally. then you'll be on them every day. then your dosage will increase and then when you have to go without you'll be much worse off, and for a long time. i can't stress how bad the withdrawls are from benzos. these compounds really fuck with your brain chemistry for a long period of time.
this is unless you're cool with having next to no cognitive functioning. seek help, proper help.
>muh slippery slope
fuck off
>this shit literally kills you
>the most robot drug ever

I couldn't agree more goy- I mean, guy! :^)
you are seriously stupid
i went to the benzo reddit (i know) and it seems a large population of the people there are addicted

have fun
Take note, robots. If you ever want to forever be haunted by racist fever dreams and have them to blame for everything, subscribe to radical political ideologies on 4chan's other boards. :^)
>organic compound heavily featuring chlorine
Not even once, there's nothing good that you could metabolize that into.
>i went to the benzo reddit (i know) and it seems a large population of the people there are addicted
i've been taking benzos for anxiety for the better part of a decade and i'm not addicted.

have fun.

somebody already posted the metabolites. fucking idiot.
>still believing in le racism meme
people always scaremonger about benzos. unless you do them for longer than three/four weeks continuously and that at high doses, you don't have to worry, you pussy. unless you have some genetic predispition to seizures, which is literally more commong among low IQ people.
>i've been taking benzos for anxiety for the better part of a decade and i'm not addicted.
did u read your post
>did u read your post
>hurrr anyone who takes a medication is addicted

do you know how i'm not addicted? because i've gone months without them before and experienced no withdrawal symptoms.

you're a fucking retard.
fuck all those misspellings. i guess i took too much diazepam. :D
should compensate it by drinking more caffeine or taking adderall.
Ubermensch combo literally.
>i've been taking benzos for anxiety for the better part of a decade and i'm not addicted.
That's what an addict would say.
no matter what you say, you are an addict to the likes of you.

lel why not just live in a country where doctors easily prescribe benzos? american doctors seem to love giving out antipsychotic medications and opiates to everyone, lel. but benzos have become taboo.
Enjoy the brain damage caused by Seroquel Americucks.
see >>25723788
but of course you antibenzo luddites would never accept anything logical. my mother has also been on benzos for 15 years and is not addicted.

fuck off kiddies.
>but of course you antibenzo luddites would never accept anything logical. my mother has also been on benzos for 15 years and is not addicted.
How do I know you are not lying?
Can you kill yourself with these? Sounds really peaceful
Americans LOVE Seroquel (antipsychotic medication) and Benadryl (can cause delirium, lel) to calm themselves down, despite the fact that studies have shown that they can precipitate dementia. Strong hypnotic benzos can also cause cognitive decline, especially among older people. But not benzos such as Diazepam (Valium) and benzos similar to those.
Moreover, Americans are OPIATE addicts. Almost every American I have encountered has abused prescription opiates some time in their life (talking about normalfags obviously); this is unhead of in Western Europe.
You're more likely to slip into a coma and come out with brain damage.
>How do I know you are not lying?
you don't. what reason do i have to lie, though? why would i waste my time coming up with a story to prove something to some stranger on fucking /r9k/ whose opinion of benzos is largely irrelevant to the entire world? you're not a doctor; you don't prescribe benzos, so why would i care enough to lie to you?

>Americans LOVE Seroquel (antipsychotic medication) and Benadryl (can cause delirium, lel) to calm themselves down, despite the fact that studies have shown that they can precipitate dementia.
as far as i know, that's only in people who are already predisposed to dementia. this is no different than LSD and marijuana precipitating schizophrenia in individuals with a predisposition to getting it.

there are many, many reasons to avoid quetiapine, but "you'll get dementia" isn't one of them.

not gonna argue about the opiate addicts.

>Can you kill yourself with these? Sounds really peaceful
no. you couldn't take enough of them to kill yourself without a continuous IV drip of benzo solution.
>what reason do i have to lie, though?
Using what someone has already posted in this thread: You could be NWO trying to get people here killed.
>Using what someone has already posted in this thread: You could be NWO trying to get people here killed.
benzos basically can't kill you, though.
why would you want to take dick-less-man
The few cases of benzo overdose known (without alcohol or opiate mixed) where people slipped into a coma, they all came out fine. Look it up.

There is an anti-benzo hype going on, in particular in the USA, to the benefit of antipsychotic medication. This is madness.
How do I know you are not lying to me?
If you were NWO, that's something you would say if you wanted me to take benzos.
>Completely Legal
It's being made illegal in April nigga
i live in britbong

9 years in jail for supply, i think it's 2 years for possession unless you work in a lab or someshit. but then they would just fuck you with supplying
>not alcohol

Sike! xD xP hahahhahah lele!!!
benzos were specifically formulated to replace barbiturates, which can kill you, because they have such a high L.D.50
>If you were NWO, that's something you would say if you wanted me to take benzos.
and i don't want you to take benzos. i don't give a fuck if you do or not. i just want you to stop spreading disinfo about them.
>i just want you to stop spreading disinfo about them
How do I know you are not spreading disinfo?
there's one or two spelling mistakes there, and it's an anonymous board on the internet
chill out, bro. don't worry about it
Go take your Seroquel, you paranoid airhead.

i'm done playing games with you

fuck off faggot

haha i've read a ton of erowid experiences but none has made me literally guffaw before

short and sweet too. love it.
How to get? What's the high like?
Are you intentionally trying to piss people off by pretending to be a retqard or are has all that paranoia melted your brain?
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This seems to be the drug thread.

How long till DXM kicks in? What's the come up like?
that's scary anon
It's called hyperbolic doubt.
You can take this a lot further, if you want to.
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