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Why exactly do you guys hate reddit so much? Non-meme responses,
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Why exactly do you guys hate reddit so much?

Non-meme responses, please.
>Non-meme responses, please.
Yeah good luck with that bud
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because over there they strive for PC and not hurting anybodys feelings and the raw truth gets muddled and even lost in that

they have usernames and can look at other users fuckign post history. this leads to people trying to "save face" all the time and dont post what they really think to try to look good to the community

ive seen people discredit good arguments on there by quoting some old post they made that didnt jive with the opinions common in the thread

it's just a big feelgood circlejerk
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Because it's the worst collection of white knights, fedora tippers, politically correct goatee betas, wannabe normalfags, and attention seeking whores who literally operate as an echo chamber. Fuck them and their safe, family friendly, "quirky", clinically boring "humor". They exemplify everything that is wrong in contemporary western culture.
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Old 4chan was more Reddit compared to Reddit now... when Reddit began it was basically to people who browsed 4chan a parody of Old 4chan, the memes were stale. So... the meme stucl through the years as tge boogey men grew (Tumblr, 9gag, Facebook, Twitter, you name it) and Reddit got lumped in with the crew. And guess what? I still haven't browsed the place but after all the memes... It's still shit
If half the posts weren't censored by autistic mods or general autistics, I'd consider using it more than this. It's not very fun to fucking have half of the opinion silenced.

The content's also slow af compared to the shit posting here.
None of us hate it that's just a meme. We all go there
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Speak for yourself, Reddit fag.
It's a community that prides itself on freedom of speech, yet has a voting system which auto hides or auto deletes dissenting opinions which get too many downvotes

It's also a massive hugbox of comforting lies
A site built around circle jerking similar opinions. People use voting as agree/disagree instead of adding to discussion/worthless. Say a few buzzwords and watch a comment fly to the top. Voice a dissenting opinion and see your shit buried. DAE like narwhals?
Literally tumblr for guys
Since it's an upvote system, it encourages a particular type of personality. The "hivemind" on Reddit is much realer than on 4chan.

Even worse, with the exception of subreddits, I REALLY hate the "personality" of the Reddit hivemind. It sounds like that annoying little faggot in high school who was always trying way too hard to be funny. Like, half the comments are tryhard "lol punchline!" replies, instead of actual discussions.

It just gets tiresome, and I hate their sense of humor. If Reddit were a real person, I'd think he was an annoying little fucker about 30 seconds after meeting him.
>Because it's the worst collection of white knights, fedora tippers, politically correct goatee betas, wannabe normalfags, and attention seeking whores who literally operate as an echo chamber

You perfectly summed up Reddit in 1 sentence.

Without being too edgy, I think the world would be a better place if Reddit just all simultaneously dropped dead. Like, I know I've been a weirdo much of my life, but unlike Reddit readers I have enough self-awareness not to be a massive fag about it all the time.
Bunch of conceited little faggots and mainstream society. Literally autism and whiteknighting faggots
>Fat chick with a Zelda tattoo
>A man has the largest tits of the entire group

Seems about right.
Reddit is where dumb people go to act smart. 4chan is where smart people go to act dumb.
>politically correct leftist hugbox
>circlejerking for upboats
>mods and mob rule silence dissenting non-pc opinions
>"aggregator" of content
>smug 4chan retards actually believe this
Best I've heard is reddit is like Haiti and 4chan is dominican republic. While technically different, both are just islands full of niggers with AIDS.

I love it when one group thinks they are superior to another.
Since this is a kusothread let me post a stupid question. Would you consider /r9k/ one of 4chan's "main boards" now? All the other boards still resent this place, but when I first started coming here it seemed a lot more quaint compared with now where it seems the site is a lot more active in its disdain for this board (and obviously its """"culture"""" is now, for better or worse, really widespread).
Everyone follows me where I go.
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Pedantic site
This board used to be the chill board. The one for relaxed discussion, and open-mindedness. It turned into a pissing meme and shit-bottle contest which is pretty depressing
Were the smug ones? Lol
>comment unpopular opinion
>get downvoted up the ass
>"free speech"
>None of us hate it that's just a meme. We all go there
This is the meme.
>thinking that both websites aren't the same shit

Shitty layout meme filled cesspools filled with edgy kids that actually have some good discussions if you know where to look.

redditors thinking they are superior to 4chin are fools

4chins thinking they are superior to redditors are fools
Thread replies: 27
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