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What do you hate the most about normies?
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I don't have the vocabulary to express my thoughts, so watch this show by Key & Peeles.

This shit, I could fucking strangle people who band up against you when you emit an opinion.


What's your normi pet peeve /r9k/?
who's this bird?
skinny tattooed whore with 6/10 face #10294838473827463746374637

you can find her at any big club or bar in any major city, such as London, Toronto or New York
Answer the question nigger
I dislike the pure ignorance most normies have. Their "know-it-all" attitude some normie girls have, and their shit taste in hobbies. I dislike the fact that they have shortened attention spans, the fact that most of them are liberals, and the fact that ALL OF THEM SAY THEY LISTEN TO "EVERYTHING EXCEPT COUNTRY"
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>What do you hate the most about normies?
That they are loved and i am not.
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I hate how they use the term "normie" instead of the original normalfag/casual
How they take so many photos
How they share stupid quotes and bullshit about life, food, love and poetry with pictures of space or some dumb slut looking at the window in a rainy day or laying in the grass looking at the sunset
How they treat humans.
I don't hate anything, Napoleon senpai sad once that a true man and robot hates no one.
Hey I remember those nigs from fargo, they were pretty cool.
The way they need to turn everything into some mocking/cruel bullshit.
Like no conversation can just be calm and related to a topic, it always needs to be about hurting someone with them.
usually me ;_;
Kind of, but more how they always manage to find happiness
Honestly, they don't know how many aspects of their life were luckily given to them.

You being raised in a functional two parent family, given good genes, and being mentally healthy is simply assumed when they talk to you. They have no idea what others' lives are truly like. Even when they go to Africa, or Haiti, or Mexico, they don't really do much outside of taking pictures with disposable babies for their profile pictures, yet they still believe that they're doing good.
>This shit, I could fucking strangle people who band up against you when you emit an opinion.

What's it like to still be in highschool anon?

Don't worry, when you become an adult you'll have the freedom to surround yourself with people who aren't cunts.
The slilent/stealthy pity that they have for robots and how they treat us like children, especially during conversations/texts.
Yeah they really should check their privilege.
That normies have superior genetics.
Their fake smile
When they consistently judge you for not doing as well as them without realizing that they had a better head start in life then you.

That's why I love massacres/terrorist attacks/natural disasters, its how the universe takes these smug assholes down a notch
I don't really hate anything.
Hatred is bad and only leads to self-destruction.
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hmmmmmmmmmmmm not sure

I browsed /r9k/ like 5 or 6 years ago. We always said normalfags. I came back a few months ago and everyone says normies now. I don't like it one bit.
im just pissed i cant bone every hot chick i see
wouldnt be so bad if they didnt flaunt their body
r9k is basically /b/ now, extremely repetitive and all about the meme. it's basically 9gag.
I can find her I just cant talk to her or get ANYTHING i want from her.
They're happy
She reminds me of the short lived reposted thread "how do I get a gf like this?" that was posted...erryday....shame I miss it. Theres nothing quite like pale slim dark haired tattoo emoey/goth girls.

For me, normeez are the opposite always giving their thoughts that are completely unsubstansiated, e.g. You like reading? THATS BORING, you like Star Wars, thats a GLIB FACSIMILE.
>What do you hate the most about normies?

The fact theyre fucking happy when often their
lives are so fucking oredictable and shit
but theyre too stupid to even realise.
Also their belief in

>self help books
>positive thinking
>consuming shit products
>pretending to care and empathise when theyre completely selfish
This happened to me when I said Chipotle is bland, over rated, over priced, and they can't even make a burrito correctly- why is there a vein of meat on one side and an ocean of rice on the other?

Chipotle fucking sucks and it's for people with bland taste in mexican food.

This kid in my economics lecture told me if I didn't like Chipotle I could leave. I told him he'd have to leave before me because he's not big enough to make me.

He was a skinny 5'8 hipster.
Ghosts are real though.

Not original. Someone knows the deal.
Nothing like daddy issues and rapid mood swings.

They're fun for a practice gf.

I can't stand Chipotle, it's flavorless and overpriced.
No theyre fucking not.
why do they have daddy issues and rapid mood swings? Im a useless cunt with women I dont know shit, tell me.
The best part of that story is that the hipster will go on with his life while you will piss and moan about it liking a fucking child on an anime board.
How many people they communicate with and the large circle of friends. Makes me feel lonely even though I dont really care. Its nice having a small circle of friends and senpaiily but you meet less people that could potentially influence you, or change your life that way.
1. they're impulsive, hence all the stupid tattoos
They don't think in the long term and do things impulsively based on how they feel at the time. They are also probably smokers.
2. they crave attention, hence all the stupid tattoos
They want to be noticed, they want to rebel, they want to be edgy.

These are the kind of people who love cats more than people and talk about how terrible people are and that everyone has to be politically correct. But all the while they treat the people they actually should care about like shit, family, friends, lovers.
I hate how they still watch TV in 2016 and all those degenerate, brainwashing, mind-numbing reality TV shows they keep up with and keep talking about between each other. Worse they have the gall to snicker at you and act surprised when you tell them you don't watch TV at all. Same goes for people using kikebook.
That was 2 years ago, the last time anyone tried that kind of thing when I stated my opinion. Most people don't act like cunts.
that they think they know its like to be one of us
>muh depression
>muh loneliness
things like that lead to films like "40 days and 40 nights"
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How they complain "bawww, I ruined my FWB relationship because I was an asshole, feel sorry for me" or "I'm an introvert! Now look on as I go to frat and sorority parties, I'm so different!"

They need to realize that, if they haven't gone the equivalent of a semester without any meaningful human contact aside from parents and professors, that they have it good.
I don't hate normies. I like 'em.
Yeah, I don't watch TV either and when I tell people that they say "Well yeah, I mostly use Netflix too" and then I inform them that I don't have Netflix, I don't watch any TV shows at all because I think all television is for morons, and if I ever want to watch a movie I'll juts download it because I'm not paying 8 bucks a month for any shitty streaming service that normies love to choke on

They can't even fathom just not being interested in television
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Oh I've seen that.

i'm so angry now
thanks anon for unlocking my rage
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im fucking angry as well. Can we start a normies gettign BTFO thread? i want to see them DIE
Fuck country and fuck rap.
You can see them die with your own eyes if you just walk into a mall with a shotgun
I am in favor of this suggestion!
There's no such thing as a normie.

It's just a buzzword.
>not accepting that any genre can have good things in it
>being so pleb and exclusive he discounts entire genres

Lol nigger, nothing you can say will ever matter
I absolutely fucking hate cunts who act like this.

Any attempt to spark some kind of discourse that falls outside their parameters of their own narrow views, interests, or what's politically correct, and they attempt to ostracize you because it's too much for them to simply challenge themselves and engage.

This isn't a normie problem, though. It happens on /r9k/, too, (ex. "Reeeee, get out normie!", "Roastie detected", ect.). It's just a sign of weakness.

>inb4 'awkward..' or /r9k/ equivalent
Confirmed hasn't heard actual country.

Listen to pre-1980 country from before it sold out and got over produced.


>please be in Amsterdam
I hate when girls say "eww" about everything.

Speaking of Key and Peele, look which frog makes an appearance on a poster at the back of the room
Amsterdam...fuck looking for girls, just go get high.
yes there is.
good idea
OH FUCK Original Pepe and Landwolf. Sweet. Well spotted

Wish I had Boys Club.
The word "creepy" drives me up the wall.
>yes there is.
Not even "normies" are normies. They just know how to act in public. In private, they are up to strange and degenerate things just like anyone else.
not as strange and degenerate as us posting on a Frog Image Discussing Chinese Bodybuilding Forum.
try to assume submissive body language
don't be aggressive either. try to act somewhat neutral, just a little assertive
I know it's hard, but it will help
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