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such shameful.jpg
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>been fucking my gf all week long
>dont feel like masturbating
>might watch some porn and download some rare videos
>beginning week long video game binge
>drinking and smoking is at maximum
>let the degeneracy begin

i love it when shes here, but i love it so much more when shes gone.

>that feel when introvertedly autistic
i just wanna play video games and drink alcohol. i wish i were normal.
Then break up with her you fucking normie.
>fucking my gf all week long
>inb4 normie
shes the sort that loves me no matter what i do. i literally cant get rid of her, and her love makes me want to keep her. Im gonna marry this cunt. Shes gonna get used to me. I fucking played video games for an hour while she laid on my bed waiting for me to fuck her. Shes a real trooper.
Dump the gf
Not worth all the work if you can just make yourself happy
its literally no work at all. She wont leave me.
Then leave her
fuck off we're full
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