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Manlet, balding, or weak jawline: which one of these is the worst
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Manlet, balding, or weak jawline: which one of these is the worst one and why?
weak jaw

always looks like shit no matter what. manlet? you can work out. balding? you can shave and work out.

weak jaw you're fucked


there is no comparable mass roastie hatred for bald guys or guys with weak jawlines
If you can grow a beard then you can hide the weak jaw quite well, though. But without it you're fucked, yeah
weak jaw > manlet > balding

If you're balding you can keep your hair short or buzz it or shave if off.
If you have a weak jaw you can cover it up with a beard or kinda deal with it, it's not THAT bad.
There's not cure for manletism.
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What if all three?
manlet defo.

some guys can look cool af when they're bald

>weak jawline
idk just makes them look less masculine but doesn't change much
Balding can be fixed. Just get on finasteride, get a transplant, or wear a piece.

Being a manlet is only terrible if you're below 5'7". Even then you can still work out and dress well.

Being a jawcel completely changes how your face looks and makes it literally impossible to be attractive.
weak jaw

this is for sure an aesthetic flaw, being short or bald can appeal to many girls
Manlet without a doubt,
you are literally fucked for
ife if you are a manlet, nothing can save
you from the hate the world has
to offer you,
the manlet meme is the only real problem here,
then how come im 5'7 and have a 5'10 gf?
Weak jaw and balding can be fixed. Manlet is worst
>being short can appeal to many girls
I'm 6'5" and i'd rather be a manlet with a chad jaw.
>girls love daniel radcliffe
>girls love jude law
>girls don't like jay baruchel

to women, weak jaw = creepy
because you're lying, thats how
Because 5'7 is not a manlet.
yes it is, 5'10 is average im 3 below
Manlet by far. Anybody who doesn't say manlet is guaranteed tall.
Because that last guy has been playing betas in movies, while the other two played cool stuff. Also he was a terrible voice.
Jaw-line is worst.

Radcliffe is a manlett and attractive no homo.
Stannis Baratheon is balding and attractive no homo.
Nobody with a shitty jaw is attractive.
he's playing a beta because he has a weak jaw. short guys and bald guys can still be attractive. a weak jaw immediately destroys any chance of having an attractive face.

>Tfw was solid 7/10 and youa are 2/10 cause balding and bad headshape

Even my 6'2'' cant help me
Depends. Anything below 5'4 is horrible.

other than that? The weak jaw. Thats super ugly
Balding is pretty bad. A black girl told me my receding hairline means I have bad genes :|
Balding is the worst imo. I say that as someone with a receding hairline.
it means you're high test. you should have fucked her, but only if she had a big ass.
Being settled for must be awesome.
Balding isn't too bad unless you try to cover it up with long hair
source: follicly challenged too
>black girl

being a black girl means she has bad genes

not even black men want black girls

she's just analpained she lost the roulette of life
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i dont even give a shit, as long as im getting my dick touched and have a girl who is willing to smoke pot and cuddle with me

she was from a dating site, surely she had plenty of tall chads messaging her but she picked me. i dont know why nor do i care
I guess, I do have long hair anyway. But I'm 23 so there's plenty of years ahead for me to lose more.

One thing I don't get is that I have 2 older brothers and neither of them are balding.
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Some quick googling on baldness:
>Study Shows Baldness Can Be a Business Advantage (Wall steet Journal)
>recent research by Wharton School lecturer Albert Mannes, there is now evidence that men who embrace baldness by shaving their heads can seem more dominant, confident.

meanwhile in manlet land:
>If you're 6 feet tall, you probably earn about $6,000 more than the equally qualified 5-foot-6-inch"
>an extra inch of height can be worth an extra $1,000 a year

>manlet glass ceiling
>90% of CEO's are above average height, only 3% are "manlets"

>We found a twofold higher risk of suicide in short men

>Dr David Frederick, a psychology professor at Chapman University in California, said: 'These findings confirm that height is relevant on the mating market.

6K less annually.
1/10th the chance of advancing your career relative to an average/tall person
2:1 suicide rate to tall & average men (while only being 33% of the male population)
less chance of finding love

Stephen Fry weighs in on the matter(10min mark):
I fucked her anyway, I think I got negged
Jay Baruchel isn't bad looking at all you tard
jesus christ dude

in any case if you were a manlet she wouldn't even speak to you

balding is not that bad
More like "normal" genes, since most guys experience baldness at some point in their lives.
Wtf is weak jaw line?
Not being famous and rich is much worse than those three things.
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something like this i think.
Just checked myself in the mirror thank god I don't have one
Still a 5'10 manlet though
So. If you have a weak jaw, you can't work out?

Top kek you fat cunt
>manlet? you can work out
that only makes you more pathetic as if you were compensating over your height. Noone likes manlets, they are literally subhumans
I'm 6'1 and my hair was receding by the time I hit 20

I'd trade my tall genes for hair any day
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What if I have a strong wide jaw and cheekbones and normal chin that looks weak attached to my head? Does anyone else have this? I look bizarre from the side.

I have a full head of hair and am 5'7. Let's switch bro
Spoken like a true lanklet

If you were a manlet for day you'd change your tone immediately.
>tfw good jawline
>tfw not balding
>tfw 5'11

God just had to fuck me over on the height.
You're not a manlet, faggot. Try being 5'4.

Also, I'd rather be a manlet than a jawlet.
Shut up m8

Try all at the same time.
Take an actual pic, your drawing makes no sense.
lmao wtf is this shit
5'4 is borderline midget for males
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Easily the jawline.

Balding at least retains some masculinity, provided you don't grow it out or comb it over in a weird manner.

A lot of people here says manlet, but there are actually tons of cute smaller girls out there for guys shorter than 6ft tall. Of course there are varying degrees of shortness, myself being 5'6" I know I'm not so tall, but I'm relatively average and am able to sexually dominate qt3.14's my height and shorter.

Being a man shorter than 5'4" or 5'2" might actually be worse than the weak jaw depending on whether or not you can grow a beard. Honestly though I'd rather be 5'2" and handsome than 5'6" and have a weird turtle-y neck/head. I'm so thankful I was given the all the ingredients to be average at the very least.
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>im all three
Haha I love this new meme.
5'6 is average if your asian bro
If my Asian bro what?
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Should I just end it already?
This is a hard one. I had a manlet friend briefly when I was in high school that had insane confidence and always had grillfriends. A weak jaw line can make you seem really "pretty" (not trying to be offensive here, but women do like beauty I believe, considering they spend a lot of time on it), balding can look even more attractive than having hair.
manlet is the worst

the other two can be fixed with surgery
>tfw same chin, jaw and beard
That is not a bad jaw fellas
Attention mouthbreathers
watch this
None of the shit listed in this thread compares to bad breath (and being too much of a poorfag to fix really fucked up teeth)

Nothing more debilitating or isolating than that. Forget that "No GF" BS try
> No Friends
> No good jobs
> No colleagues
> No one at all

for size...feels bad mang
>bad breath

> Brush 2 times a day, tried various mouth wash, various toothbrushes, various tongue scrapers

There is no saving me anon...
>balding? you can shave and work out.
just lmao at this

balding is legit game over, it's the ultimate in shitty genetics
attention retarded

mewing is bullshit. adult jaws don't move

Being bald can be appealing to some girls.
Being a manlet lets you have your amazon fetish and considering that this board is full of perma virgin lankets its mostly just a meme.

Having a weak jawline is the ultimate sign of a beta loser and probably has more of an affect on peoples opinion of you than you realize.
You can, but no amount of lifting will fix your aesthetics.

Most fatties have model genetics hiding under their fat, so they start to look good as they lose weight.
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These are pure truth.

I'd rather be short AND bald, simultaneously, than have my fucking hideous girl-chin.

Balding isn't that bad. At the very least you can't pass it unto your sons.
post a picture of yourself you might still be a qt

pretty sure this is a myth

You can improve muscle tone though

It's not a myth. An allele necessary for MPB is located on the X chromosome so you can't pass it onto your sons.
>my mother has the bald gene running her family

What are the chances I inherited it?
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>You can improve muscle tone though
improving muscles does little good when it's the bone structure which is fucked. Would you say "just get fit bro" to a robot with bowed fucking satyr legs?

>post a picture of yourself you might still be a qt
>not having enough T to grow a jaw
>having enough T to grow a beard
Pick one.
You're on the lower end of average. I thought you were a girl though dude in the earlier image.

I have strong features but a bad beard. I'm sure it's not that simple.
weak jaw(recessed mandible) is inherited most of the time(same with a receded chin)
Manlet>weak jaw>balding

>Balding, shave head

>weak jaw, grow a beard or surgery

>manlet, your smaller than most females. Kill yourself desu

There is no fix for it. You can wear lifts and thick heels, but as soon as someone realizes you're wearing them, it's game over and you'll be judged even worse than before, because now not only do they know you're a manlet, they know you're a manlet who's insecure.

Weak jawline.

If you can grow a half way decent beard, you can hide it and and you'll have nothing to worry about. If not, sucks to be you, but really it's only going to effect how women judge you. Men aren't really going to care very much.


On its own, absolutely nothing to worry about. Just shave it, problem solved.

If you can grow a decent beard, do. If you can bulk up, do.
>can grow a half way decent beard, you can hide it and and you'll have nothing to worry about
>unfashionable beard magically saves everything

>tfw weak jawed balding manlet

I give up

100% because that's just how life fucks you.
My mother's father was bald by 30 and I probably will be too.
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It's easier to capitalize on feminine features than to pretend I would look manly with shorter hair.

>I thought you were a girl though dude in the earlier image.
P.S. Stop giving compliments to girls (and those you mistake for girls) on /r9k/, you fucking whiteknight beta twerp.
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>If you can grow a half way decent beard, you can hide it and and you'll have nothing to worry about.
>just grow a beard brah
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>have good height
>have good jaw
>not balding
too bad I'm a big puss so I never have the courage to ask grills out
I've never even touched a girl before in mylife
wew lad just kill me

Depends which chromosome you got
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Balding is the most cruel thing nature does to us, just fuck my life.
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