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Women Hate Thread
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ITT: we remind ourselves of all the stupid shit women say and do.

There is something about them Ben franklins that get any bitch naked
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i won't let this nugget of cuck history die
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>tfw I never try to get a gf
>tfw I hate all women because of it
(verified original comment)
>leaving a pregnant woman with arthritis to raise a kid by herself because she made a stupid mistake in her depression
What a dick. I hope my wife's son never grows up to be a man like that.
>claps excitedly
>random screaming
Your post genuinely made me laugh and ive been down lately, thanks anon.
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>wears negligee that shows her huge tits in public
>"anon why are you staring at my breast"
>posts hundreds of duck face cleavage pics on kikejew and instagram
>non chad compliments her
>"eeeeewwwww get lost creeper"
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a western whore feel our pain for first time in based japan.

Lets play Find The Cuck.
I already won!
You know there are people and things that annoy me but there is nothing more annoying and cringeworthy then a weeboo faggot such as your self, you guys are on the same reality as someone with severe autism
You don't get it anon. She IS trying to show off her tits, but they're on display for chad, not for you.
Il say it again I just came back from work and I saw a weebo faggot sitting on the table with his arm stranded out with him holding his finger in a "anime swag" like and when he opened his mouth I could swear the fucking god he talked like he was some important character from bleach or w/e the fuck autist watch these days, I swear I just wanted to hold him down and beat him and keep punching him just so he knows his place, like his real world is anime it's fucking sad on a whole new level
You DO know what board you're on, right?
>high school
>experiencing brownouts during the winter
>everyone fully fucking aware the lights are gonna fucking go out at least once every hour
>every girl still SCREECHES, FUCKING SCREECHES whenever the lights slowly dim out and shut off

>girls that fucking scream when they see each other in the halls

I think shrill woman screams are the worst shit ever.
Best post so far. Women overreact to everything.
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weak bait sempai.
I Fucking hate women's screams. They'll shriek like someone's being murdered at a moment's notice and for no real reason.

Replace their screaming with the sort of yell a man makes and think about how out of place it would sound
That would be hilarious.
>two buff Chads run into each other in the hallway
>both scream manly war cries then hug each other and talk about how long it's been
Someone post some women getting BTFO
Haha le omg dude XD. Going straight on reddit lol
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>girls and women always screaming incessantly] while talking or playing
they really desensitized me to the sound
one of these days one of them is going to genuinely need help and everyone is gonna think 'it's just women screaming like autists like they always do"
when you hate, the only person damaged is yourself

>I fucking hate children

Not much of a catch. What is with these western "husbands" ?
this story is incredibly fake tho
Yeah, good one, I hate it when roasties put stupid shit like this on normiebook.
Enter gender of fucking narcissists

Men on Youtube
>metal-detecting history buffs
>vintage gun maintainers
>coin collectors
>homebrew engineers
>hack/mod makers
>philosophy enthusiasts
>amateur mathematicians

Women on Youtube
>don't i look pretty in this makeup
>don't i look pretty in these clothes
>don't i look pretty in this makeup
>don't i look pretty in these clothes
>don't i look pretty in this makeup
>don't i look pretty in these clothes
>look at my color-coded book collection (behind me, and don't i look pretty :3)
>don't i look pretty in this makeup
>don't i look pretty in these clothes
>group of men and women find something horrifying in a movie
>men: Ah!
I have not been on this board in years what the hell does that mean?
man reacting to a conversation topic he doesn't like
>cringes slightly

woman reacting to a conversation topic she doesn't like
>guuyyyyss stawwwwppppp guyssss sstopppppp guys guyyyyyyyys i don't want to talk about thisssssssssss sssttawwwwppp guyyyyyyyyys
Roast beef enthusiast.
Whores have floppy labia that look like roast beef.

Femanons are all whores.

Femanons are roasties.
I'm thinking ARBYS NIGGER

Some women are your average /g/ users
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"Would you like to get some dinner?"
> Um, no.
This isn't really even that cuck. He didn't do anything beta at least. His whore just cheated on him and he left.

>can't spot an obvious joke

Is this what 4chan has turned into
You shoulda cupped that bitch's ear when the lights were out.
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>work with a bunch of women in high pressure enviorment
>they do almost nothing and complain about how hard the job is

Not a day goes by where i hear "UGH I HATE THIS PLACE"

bitch shut the FUCK up
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> tfw women now in the army
Holy shit. This is something that bothers me immensely.
A lot of the time they do it after butting into a conversation that was already happening, too.
Kek, they only let women join infantry in America where you just have to be under 400lbs and able to do at least 3 pushups to join the army.
New 2016 meme that makes roasties extremely toasty.

New thread:

Old thread:
>I LITERALLY can't x
>omg ME
>ugh, my ex is such a fuckboy
>god this guy at work is such a douchebag (does ass to mouth with him the next day)
Nigga you wouldn't even be able to get a non combat role in the military wit ya pudgy ass
>women should be able to be topless in public like men! It's the same! There's nothing sexual about female breasts!
Tell that to my boner you fucking whore
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What is the worst type of woman and why is it black feminist women?
> ugly
> fat
> violent
> victim complex
> asinine meme culture (behaviors that are common with gays and niggresses include: phrases such as "yaasss" "slay", you know the ones
> loud
> obnoxious
> shitty hair
> seriously man what the fuck
The good thing about gays is that there are some that aren't like that.
All black women are like this sometimes
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>heavy lifting is to be done
>men step forward to do the job without even thinking about it
>women all step back
>some are fucking arrogant enough to start giving orders

It doesn't matter if it's just something to be done around the house, or if it's their fucking job. This will happen every single fucking time. Point it out and you're a fucking sexist prick.
Not even bait you delusional weebo degenerate
I hate children as well
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Women really are the worst. What a cruel joke that we need them for the species to survive.
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Pic related has always summed up women for me.
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They're just doing their duty to their country, anon.
>Daily Mail

>"You're mean".

If a guy said that he would be mocked and berated.
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Then here, have more pics like this.
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And another one. They don't even try to hide it. >Just wait for me to get stretched out and busted after the dick carousel
I bet that you and I would have an almost-perfectly matched misogyny folder.
Are women even humans?
Lmao this is spot on anon. I've started losing self control and mention this topic sometimes around normies. All of them so far have agreed, I think it's just too obvious at this point.
>secondary sex characteristic
Logic and feminism don't mix
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Narcissus would be put to shame by the trends on social media.
>If a guy said that he would be mocked and berated.
That's true about most things women say and do. They get away with so much stupid and childish shit.
>learn all these neat sex tricks
>never use them with your eventual husband and refuse anything that isn't vanilla missionary sex

holy shit, this is the worst part, if you're gonna be a whore, at least put those tricks to use for the guy who's supporting you
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And while we're at it, I like how twitch had to make specific changes to their user agreements because women kept flashing on camera or gaming in skimpy clothing. Hilariously depressing.
Youtube had to do that too. Remember reply girls?
Youtube had to change the way it gives people money because too many girls were shoving their tits into the camera and getting paid for it
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They have this thing called
>experimental phase
Basically it's ok to give up your body to some random one night stand, hookup, chad. But it's a big NO to actually let your husband experience the same. A beta provider doesn't deserve their body.

Mine is called feminazi. There's no such thing as misogyny. It's a buzzword those abominations use when someone confronts them about their actions and consequences they have.
That's men's fault, not women's fault.
if you want to see something bad, check out some of the lower viewer ones

some chick who is boning a speedrunner I know just sits in front of her computer, fullscreen facecam, cleavage, and text chats
then she plays diablo 3 for 30 minutes and goes back to an hour of just her face and boobs
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>be part of a tabletop gaming group of nerds like myself, all males of course
>spend much of the time just engaging in harmless banter with a healthy dose of euphemisms
>tfw one of them manages to get a loathsome looking gf and brings her to game night
>tfw our harmless banter manages to trigger the hambeast

Every fucking time. Thank god none of the whores ever stick around for long.
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That's sadly true... Beta faggots who put pussy on the pedestal enabling women and their promiscuity and idiocy are to blame for many things. But they are already getting cucked for it and they even like it.
>That's men's fault, not women's fault.

I agree to an extent but you can't just allow women to exploit male biology and label it as just men's fault.
Give an example of the triggering
What an absolute bro, seriously a hero
Have self control. I don't click on those thumbnails because I know it's exploitation. That's what porn sites are for, because the at least the exploitation hoes both ways.
>women show tits on camera
>it's men's fault

>someone commits murder
>it's his fault, he made me mad
>tfw you wish you could have a DnD group
I did pathfinder once, but I fucked it up for everyone, I couldn't RP the story segments, fucked up their immersion and got kicked out
even though I was p good at the combat part
You clicked on it and gave it views. You are promoting and rewarding it. That analogy is just shit.
stopped halfway through this image. too fucking mad.
fact is though you can't stop horny teenagers and lonely old men
so you need to intervene at some point

only problem is twitch and youtube make so much money off of camgirls that even though they break a lot of rules, they'll never enforce it
>no one tells women that being a stay at home mom is the hardest job in the world
in the olden days women would be burned at the stake for being witches for exploiting male biology


Holy shit, this nigger ain't lying. Bitches fucked up so bad they go into Wikipedia.

> [Alejandra] Gaitan expressed concern that this would "kill almost every reply channel", despite that being the stated intention of the action.

Why are women so stupid?
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>too fucking mad.
Good... let the anger flow in you... control that anger and use it to sober yourself whenever you feel like you're succumbing to a woman. Remember that feeling. Don't ever trust a 3DPD.
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>Why can't I find a gf?
>I'm so depressed
>Why do women date jerks?
>I spent 100$ on this girl and she didn't call me the next day
>She so perfect. She must have an amazing personality.
>How could we ever hope to measure up to these goddesses?
>Fembots must be treated with respect


>The internet gets redpilled
>Roasties btfo
>Anons realize why they're unhappy
>Realize they've been lied to their whole life
>Fembots are summarily executed on sight
>Men begin to realize that beneath the veneer of hotness, they aren't anything more than manipulative sluts
>Redpill goes mainstream
>The supply of beta-bucks drops to zero
>A new age of womanless prosperity is before us

R9K will usher in a new age of prosperity.
I'm comfortable with that term, as I actually hate women.
So the demand for something wrong is more important than the actual wrong action? Your logic is shit. They post the videos that Youtube didn't like, so it's their fault.
So then they are just providing to an audience. It's just business. What's the point of hating them for it? Yeah, they're hacks and theyre whores, but if people watch that shit and they make money off it without really harming anyone, then they can just show their tits if they want to. I don't like it, so I don't watch it, and you can do the same.
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>You've got to be assertive," my Japanese girlfriends advised. "Japanese guys are shy so you have to make the first move."
>So I smiled invitingly at men in bars and on busses.



don't forget the new "practice girlfriend" meme
it's gonna get perfected in 2016 like how roastie was in 2015

already pissing off the fembot tripfags and whiteknights
wew lad, I can't wait.
pls be fake

original comment
Why do we share this liberating knowledge? Would we not stand to gain more if we kept it to ourselves? Does it not benefit you and I if those cucks exist, as opposed to everyone being redpilled?
>That's what porn sites are for, because the at least the exploitation hoes both ways.
Actually the exploitation goes both ways in either scenario since those guys are just clicking for their own self satisfaction, one side (the male side) is just being exploited more in one scenario.
>cheats on bf of three years
>"I don't feel guilty about cheating"
>"I am not a bad person without morals"
>guy forgives her

Justin is a cuck who will get cheated on again until she finds someone better who will commit.
Meanwhile you have dozens/hundreds/thousands of pages of porn in your Internet history right now. What's the actual difference? You're a fucking moron.
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Look at what happened to pepe

It's always gone random "ground zero" website>4chan>reddit>reddit's copycats>twitter>instagram>facebook>mainstream

Usually the whole process takes about a year and a half so the cuck-awakening should happen in late 2016
Read my post again.
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>>guy forgives her
Plenty of retards like that guy. Take a look at this one.
>He said if I gave him a child maybe it would make him forget my unfaithfulness
Even the cheating 3DPD admits
>which to me is foolishness
>Work at small office job
>All-male work environment and the banter is on full steam all day
>A female is hired
>Manager says we have to all watch our language now and be sensitive about jokes
>She gets hit in the face by a foam dart during a Nerf fight and complains
>No more joking or Nerf wars

So this is how businesses become boring-ass stress-filled places to work.
Didn't someone write a response to this?
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I'm saying we don't have a choice. Look what happened to pepe.
>Previously warned me about the intentions of this man
>Still slept with him.

Women will hamster away so much to fuck chad.
>those girls are retarded. They're going to turn 30 and realize no one wants to fuck them anymore including "nice guys"
They're human just not fully human. They're really like half men.
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Same scenario here, was in the tabletop game club in high school, which had all guys. One day someone brings his girlfriend. Really nerdy girl who reads and shit. Knows nothing about the games we play. I was talking to the guy and his girlfriend (he was my good friend), I asked about their relationship and how far they went. She is apparently abstinent. Fast forward to Junior year and she has had sex with almost all the club. Then she comes onto me and bluntly tell her she's a whore. Every guy there is pissed I made her cry. Even my good friends. Get kicked out.
Fucking roasties ruin everything.
This is an interesting point actually, whenever you hear a man scream you know some fucked up shit has gone down or is about to, I can only ever remember hearing it when there is like a really serious fight and even then it won't always happen
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Maybe even sooner... they will just blame men for it anyway.
pretty funny for bait
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>calling out whorish behaviour is degeneracy

only in your dreams you fucking kike
the response from that guy GTFO was 100% correct
Big fan of this meme
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>"conventionally attractive"
>"standards of beauty"

This one is not done by the girls themselves but always pisses me off:

>in any interview, if the person being interviewed is a girl, the mangina cuck always ask "So have you ever been discriminated against for being a girl and doing X?"
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>baiting this hard

>"I am really not okay how you think I'm a terrible person."
>"That makes you a terrible person!"

This is just amazing stuff.
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At this point who knows what's just bait and what's not...
This is so typical of today's lib, college youth.
>I did it for me, and I won't think about how my actions will affect someone else
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>I cheated on my current boyfriend with my ex because I felt sorry for him
>he treated me so badly and told me that I was an awful girlfriend
>So, I figured I still owed him something
And the best part
>He's forgiven me (current bf)
>tfw one of the players in your group brought his gf in for a session
>tfw she was a tumblr SJW
>tfw she left after just 1 session and now it's back to glorious adventures and cooperation
tabletop games are THE best place to have a group of male friends and just hangout
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>People make mistakes
>It doesn't mean you will "always be a cheater"
>I really hate that
>I will NEVER EVER cheat again
>Stop being so judgmental, she's only human
This is why I loved going to an inner city school.
>Some bitch screeches in the hallway
>Tyrone football jock: BITCH SHUT THE FUCK UP!
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Here you have another cuck who has forgiven a slut.
He even said that he
>deserved it
That's not what I was talking about. Youtube didn't want tits on Youtube, so they banned tits. They didn't ban the clicking of tit videos. Your comment that it was mens's fault for putting tits on youtube was invalid from the start. I'm not debating pornogrophy's morality. You blamed the demand, when Youtube and I blamed the exploitation of the demand and the sullying of Youtube's brand.
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>I had ****** relationships with other guys who exploited me
>I cheated on all of them
>I finally meet this really amazing guy
>I was going to kill myself, and he came over and "rescued" me
>I cheated on him week later.
And that 3DPD still dreams about her ex and "NEED"s to talk with him... This is exactly why "used goods" isn't just a meme.
She's a crackhead. I can tell.
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Tell me your stories, robots. Was there a certain event that caused you to hate women? Did you watch females poison your friends? Were you mistreated by one? Is there something that really got to you at some point?
underrated sentiment
Why do I need to have a bad personal experience with women to be allowed to hate them?
The only thing required to hate women is getting them. Once you understand their true nature, its impossible to like them.

They literally cannot like something unless they see other girls already like it, its so deep rooted into them they can't even like a dude unless he is fucking her friend or is famous and rich, fuck them.
>watching friends get lied to, cheated on and bitched at
>listening to girls blab about guys they've fucked, guys they want to fuck, how one guy is rich so they're going to try go on a "date" with him
>petty complaints
>bad mouthing their friends
Not all females are trash, but holy shit most of them are. I've lived in four different states, met a lot or different people and the majority of girls are all the same. They only care about sex and putting on the facade that they're "good girls"
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I find it really interesting how women can have such a wide range of romantic desires. It's sad, but also fascinating because of how quickly their interests change based upon their current mood.

It's like an infant without object permanence. If they are not feeling THING right this very moment, THING must not exist.
>Mfw my dad taught me about women like this when I was 12
>Told me "If you ever bring home some whore like this I will disown you."
I fucking love my dad man.
He did a pretty good job all things considered, both my brothers are pretty successful and one of them even married some qt Muslim girl.
I have a sister.
She burst into tears because she couldn't find a plate to eat off and had to clean a dirty one.
She also once went into my room and broke all of my shit because she was frustrated that I hadn't cleaned up the house even though the house was clean and the only thing that wasn't was an empty bottle on the floor or something
She calls all of my friends ugly when she sees them
She scolded me for not wanting to see my mum's boyfriend after she fucked some guy instead of my dad and then kept it a secret for a year
Also she kept telling me it was my dads fault that my mum cheated
She's basically a cunt
>Told me "If you ever bring home some whore like this I will disown you."

That's real love, right there. Firm direction and life advice in the same breath. Good on him.
Your father is literally one in a million, you won the lottery
Some bitch led me on for months. Getting rejected constantly as well.

that was back in highschool

Im in college now with my wife to be and she knows I hate most women. She hates most women as well so shes catch. But I swear if she does some stupid shit, lord have mercy on whoever puts their cock in my bitch
>Usually the whole process takes about a year and a half
Pepe is literally over a decade old at this point, it's literally older than all of 4chan.
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my best friend in HS was dating this seamen demon scene girl she cheated on him several times then accused him of rape charges never went through due to lack of evidence.

Next major GF my friend had convinced his stupid ass to move with the to California just to fucking cheat on him with another guy she knew and who moved out there a few years prior he ended up saying fuck that and moved back here

on to me I saw a lot of the girls i liked use other guys simply to just get what they wanted. and then decided not to bother with that then

One of my 3 relationships was just being a fucking fall back cause this girl dumped her BF a week or so before we started talking lasts a bout a month and she breaks up with me and goes back to her EX

next one I generally did have feelings for but left for uni we got separated so she went and got a new BF

I think i'm done with 3d women no good can come out of that shit.

already bought my self a body pillow a few days ago. just waiting on the post
Women are the worst.
>every female friend I've had manipulates guys in the group to be the centre of attention
>one of my friends autisticly tried to hit on one, she shared the texts, he no longer has any friends, she laughed and called him ugly and creepy
>they have no hobbies, once a girl i knew tried to get into videogames to get guy's attention. i let her borrow mgs3, she couldn't beat the prologue and now talks about how shit vidya is
>when me and one of my friends stopped hanging out around her and just stayed alone, she talked shit and called us virgins
>she broke up with a guy for being clingy but got bored of having to pay for shit so took him back 2 weeks later, broke up with him as soon as she found a new guy.
>lord have mercy on whoever puts their cock in my bitch

Adorable. Women are incapable of loyalty and you will be incapable of punishing the person she sleeps with in a meaningful way within the confines of the law. No, you will not break the law; we both already know this.

Whoever said anything about getting caught?
It actually gets better towards the end if you can take what he is saying at face value, how he sleeps around too and all that.

The thing is though I wouldn't be surprised if he literally never got laid ever. It's the easiest thing in the world for any woman to get dick no matter what her life circumstances, but for a man who is married to find a girl, either avoid the subject and lie about his personal life or admit that he is married with kids, then tell her if shes interested they have to go back to her place for whatever reason. All that shit is gona set alarm bells ringing and unless he is super attractive (which I really doubt) then no woman is going to accept that, they will just move on to someone less weird and have a normal hook up.

He can't admit that he has never fucked anyone else though, it would make too many brutal truths too obvious and defeat the point he's trying to get across. As he said - its equality of opportunity that matters, not outcome.
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I know you guys are right, even enjoy these threads, but the loneliness and yearning for companionship persists.

should we all get dogs?
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It was after my break up with my gf. I know know
>Having a gf
That's fair. But I'll keep it brief.
>dating, having fun
>probably too eager about it
>eventually decides we should "take a break"
>I say forget it, lets just break up
>become a moody, passive aggresive bitch for months, to be honest
Other shit happens, and after hanging here, I got scared. Then sad. Then mad. And then I just accepted it. Birds fly, fish swim, women are whores. It's all apart of nature, which we all know, is a huge bitch.
>pic related

VR AI is the last hope
>once a girl i knew tried to get into videogames to get guy's attention. i let her borrow mgs3, she couldn't beat the prologue and now talks about how shit vidya is
I will never understand how women can be so shit at vidya.

>Sister bugs me to get a WiiU
>Talks about Sm4sh like she's some pro player
>Lists off tier lists and all sorts of shit
>Talks about how certain characters are higher tier than others
>When I pick a character her reaction is "Really? [Character]? You know how low-tier they are?"
>We start playing and she sucks, badly
>I suck too, but not as badly
>Tell her we should play online because practice makes perfect
>Doesn't want to, just quits and stops playing
>Hasn't played the WiiU in literally months
Thank god I actually enjoy those games, otherwise it would have been a waste of money.
got real close to one over the course of a few months, the type of closeness where you share secrets and start to catch feels, wasn't until I had revealed my feelings that she decided to tell me that she was married. this girl wasn't very pretty, she wasn't even loyal to her husband, but that didn't stop me from pining after her for a year. she broke my heart and taught me that women are just as shit as men.
I am physically in pain after reading that
>Dad and Mom had been married for 21 years
>One day Dad tells me "Son, get a dog. All you have to do is keep them fed and they'll be happy whenever you come home. They'll love you unconditionally, no matter what."
>I laugh nervously
>He's quiet and distant
>They've now been married for 33 years this past August
I know man, it's great.
We even play vidya and watch cartoons together from time to time.
ain't that some shit, your dad is pretty cool guy, give him a hug the next time you see him.
I have no idea why, but women are absolutely terrible at games. My sister tried to play AC4 and used her index finger on the analog sticks, one by one.
you're already bragging about the crime and you haven't even committed it yet.
lmao the last one

every single girl that says "omg that guy is x, he's such a douchebag" ends up fucking that dude.

this one girl i wanted to bang did that with this guy she always talked shit about, and this other girl from my job talked so much shit about this alt-chad that was working with us only to give him a handjob IN A BAR with all of our coworkers RIGHT THERE before she went back home to California.
Kek, this is 100% true. Good post mate.
she sounds like the nanny

misteeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sheffieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdrld

also this girl is high on meth
You're assuming my character without knowing me.
Don't be a creep, douchebag!
i only said a thing you did in front of all of us just now.
>You don't know me!! You can't judge me!!
Anytime they wan't to excuse their cuntish behavior.
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Already have cats and dogs and they love me. But they won't fill the void.
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>don't be creepy
[translating from Female to English...]
>don't be unattractive
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The only thing that kept me from hating all females was the knowledge that my mother was a good woman.

>Mom: "I know you think that you're too old to date again, but why is that?"
>Me: "I don't want to be someone's second choice after they've had all of their fun in their youth and now want to settle with a safe guy."
>Mom: "I dated a LOT of guys when I was young and thought I'd never find one to marry until I was 30. Then I met your father! Women who have dated a lot come to see men as precious jewels to cherish. Someday, a woman will think of you as her precious jewel."

And that was the day that I realized even my mom was just another woman.
Serious question. Why does it matter to you?
>1 year later
>still having bad dreams about my ex
>being shit at smash 4
Literally how
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>Tell me your stories
>Was there a certain event that caused you to hate women?

I'm the guy in pic related, I wrote it a while ago but it's all still valid.
i'll answer honestly. you come off as a person who has his head very far up his own asshole, and i thought it would be fun to play around with that. it's not.

i mostly hate how 99% of girls are social media whores and to be with them you're required to pose for stupid photos all the fucking time so they can post them on instagram and facebook. are all girls complete narcissists who think everything they do is important enough to broadcast to the world?
Just realised when I said "it's all still valid" what I really mean is that the message is still valid, I don't actually talk to any wimmin online anymore.
I feel your pain. I'm going on 2 years myself and not a day goes by that I don't think about her.
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>The only thing that kept me from hating all females was the knowledge that my mother was a good woman.
I was getting ready to chew you out after I read that god-awful greentext in the middle of your post. Like, "Damn nigga you actually BELIEVE that bullshit?"

It's a painful truth we carry in our skulls, robot, but at least you'll never be divorced and taken to the cleaners. Neither will you spend half your life married to a harpy in utter misery.

When we do not love, we halve our suffering.
I honestly don't know, because we've played the shit out of Melee and Brawl.
I tried being nice to people all my life and it just doesn't work. I can vent here with almost no ramifications.
It doesn't get better. It never does.

I still dream about my ex wife fucking some dude while I yell at them to stop. When I try to approach and break them up I just run in place. It's horrible.
Does height really matter?
>tfw buying star wars 7 tickets and see vapid whore saying "whos your daddy, i am!" On twitter having to let everyone know she got tickets for the first day

Dumb bitch
No. Unless you're ridiculously short. What's your height man?
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fuck man, that hits hard
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>omg, I just love guys with a dorky side
5'10 and I feel that most women are my height.

>implying women will ever be interested in me at all
I'm so dissalusioned. I just want to love a girl who loves me. I want to give her back massages and cook her nice dinners and just make her feel loved.

This is not going to happen for me. The odds of finding a woman who will actually care for me and not cuck the living shit out of me is so fucking outrageously outlandish that I might as well try and become a millionaire through scratch and win lottery tickets. Even if I did find a girl to be with who didn't cuck me she would probably eat me alive from the inside out until I'm just a husk of a human being.

There's no fucking victory to be had.
hey man, fair enough. good on you for finding a girl. i'm not going to predict she's going to cheat on you (that was someone else who said that), but if she does, i hope you don't kill anyone.
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>it doesn't count

Ha ha! Gets me every time.
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>fall in love with a qt virgin fembot
>as i buy tickets to see her she tells me she doesn't love me
>loses her virginity to random guy
>she still thinks I love her

When your dream girl does that, you just give up on 'em.

Much better this way. Feel fucking free of the no gf chains.

Women are useless to men.
I'm 5'9" and I'm doing well for myself. There are a few girls who turned me down, only to introduce to to some tall white guy who they call their BF. Inversely, I've cucked taller dude. I'm kind of ashamed of it, since they were friends.

Point is, you're a good height. You're rogue class (not warrior). Act like it.
this post right here to be honesto familia
It's alright anon. The waifu age will come eventually. We just have to endure.
it's like a handshake, it means nothing until it means everything

all that matters is you have something that makes other women jealous they can't have if she dates you
either good face, being tall, big dick, lots of money
just something that makes her feel like she's taking something away from other women and ending up a winner
Screaming when there's a bug but let's Chad thundercock rape her
I really appreciate the sentiment. Thank you for bringing me back to reality. I have faith in her. unshakable faith, but i just cant help but think she might do it
this just pisses me off
it's like they know people like me have been kicked around for being ugly awkward kids and now that I've grown into my face and body, they want to say shit like "oh it's so cute, you're like a little girl wearing her first training bra"

when i was ugly, they had to establish themselves as above me by saying how ugly I was
now that I'm not, the game changed and now experience is why they're better than me
>They'll shriek like someone's being murdered at a moment's notice and for no real reason.

Outside my fucking window, at least once every 2 days, proper blood-curdling primal scream. I race to the window thinking there's been a horrific accident and someones had their legs torn off by a truck or something, and it's just a couple of girls stood there. I don't even look any more. God help them if they need help and I'm the only one in earshot.
That's not it works, fucktard. Your appearance is on display to everyone when in public. Not just people who you want to see you.
This made me ejaculate with pleasure
Roastie bitch got what she deserved. What a fucking cunt, fine with fucking other men thinking her boyfriend wont. Instantly regrets when he's fucking other girls top kek.
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Oh shit

That's awful, man, my mom married my father which was her second boyfriend in high school and they are 5x year old and still married, I have great respect for my mother.

A statement like that would crush my soul.

>god anon this guy in my class is such an asshole
>does his work for him
>lets him beat her half to death while fucking her mouth with his shit covered dick
>licks his ass hole
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>Fran Drescher reviewing dragon dildos
That soudns kinda hot
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To most, not all.
>in highschool
>friend group always fucks around in class
>girl joins friend group
>starts bitching about her boyfriend, who is 10 years older than her, all the time
>whenever we make a joke she gets mad because she wants to "focus on the lecture"
>"then sit somewhere else, we're barely whispering"
>15 minutes later she's bitching about her boyfriend again

Womyn. Are. Psychos.
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>even the legit successful nerds aren't safe
You are correct. Unfortunately, there's no solace in the knowledge that you are right, only further pain. That pain, too, pales in comparison to a man who didn't realize the truth you've spoken until it was too late for him.
>both scream manly war cries then hug each other

I'm picturing this and I enjoy it
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>Does height really matter?
You're kidding right?

>As he said - its equality of opportunity that matters, not outcome.
It really does sound like he can't get laid as easily as his wife but "it's the opportunity" so it's all good. What a pathetic cuck.
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>mom gets drunk
>tells me and my father that she lied for a murderer (who was her boyfriend) under oath, ~30 years ago
>tries to spin it as a silly tale when me and my father react with disgust
You know what must be done anon, they must be punished, or it will never stop.
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>Short men are Satan's children
Holy shit


Literally faggot, gtfo
I like how 5'9 is considered short, everyone is mentally ill now, try being 5'3
I don't hate women.

I just hate that I've been told all my life that women want "nice" guys when it's obviously a lie. You know how hard it is to deprogram that shit?
Holy fucking hell, I'm 5"11 and seeing women say this kind of shit makes me glad I have literally 0 respect for them.
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Feminist mental gymnastics on porn is hilarious

>Woman voluntarily does porn and makes good money
>men are misogynists for paying for it and promoting it
>men are misogynists if they try to ban it because it interferes with women's rights
>men are misogynists if they call them whores despite them literally having sex for money
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>mfw I'm 5'4
but muh real dating problems
Haha, since I am tall I find this pretty funny. I could see how being a manlet this would be infuriating.
>throwing around reddit accusations for no good reasons
You're a cocksucking faggot shitposter.
If it means anything to short guys, I'm really into short, muscular males.
I don't know why, I just really wanna cuddle them and have them tell me what to do. and be overpowered by them. I'm a faggot though
king of manlets spotted
being a kissless virgin in my country is the worst thing ever
women here are supposedly easy, but I am not a chad
Why the fuck would she be wearing a light dressing gown, made of a filmly light fabric outside?
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I love this comic so much.
I have to look somehere, and it won't be her face
butterface slut
It's not infuriating unless you take women and their absurd double and triple standards at face value instead of realizing 95% of modern women are worthless whores
of course, men respect different kinds of masculinity, women respect like 2

It's a different sound to a real scream and as long as the autism doesn't have you it's easy to tell
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they wouldnt keep showing their tits on twitch if thirsty men didnt give her money for it
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Who gold digger prank vids here?


They may or may not be fake. Either way, they are a great watch for lulz
It's one thing to blame all men, that's pretty fucked, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with blaming thirsty beta and cucks for enabling women's shit behavior.
>I have severe mental problems
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Second part is more realistic.
men are disgusting now, we've entered a Brave New World
Youre right, that was mean. I bet you are though
>lord have mercy on whoever puts their cock in my bitch

I fucking hate people like you. Truly truly hate.
this is what i will never ever get married
Sounds like she's on her period, or has mental issues. One should be shot down and not tolerated, the other should oblige you to seek help for her.
Then neither will a woman.
This makes me feel so bad for my one friend.
He has a girlfriend that he met in college (huge party school) but they only became a thing at the very end.
He brought up that she only ever does >vanilla missionary stuff
I really hope he doesn't get cucked. The guy doesn't deserve it.
Pretty sure she does this every time she's on her period, yeah. I don't see much of her other than when she does this, and she seems a lot calmer regularly, but I don't give a shit, its insufferable.
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>ITT: Sexually frustrated men blaming society for their problems
not society. Women.
>Implying anyone would be threatened by someone punching them with keys.

Also, why are women so buttflustered over people telling them to smile?

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>this entitlement
Society only exists to keep women alive.

That's why its women and children first
Feminist hate threads made me pretty fucking mad.
Can someone explain to me why what she said was so bad? It sounds to me like she values his father.
>le blaming society for ur problemz meem

Nah. Women are just pieces of shit that make our lives harder. We have our own problems to deal with that women seem to downplay.
Women hate everything that they are
They hate small weak men, even though they are small and weak

Its like a man hating a strong intelligent women with interests
>tfw dad told me this before he died
>he got cucked by a military wife
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>women are the root of all my problems, not my own actions
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