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>If you do this at a movie theater, fuck you. There is a trash
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>If you do this at a movie theater, fuck you. There is a trash can on the way out the door. Sincerely, the person cleaning up your mess

Lmao at this faggot

You charge $16 for a burger, fries and a drink? Get fucked. I'll leave whatever mess I want you thieving shitbags

>That good feel while wiping my greasy fry fingers on a seat and leaving a wrapper full of tomatoes and onions on the floor.
>eating food while watching a movie

I'm an ameriburger and I've never understood this. what's the point?
I know that feel. Love making those wagekeks clean up my shit.

I spilt an entire popcorn and soda just to spite them
you are not thinking the american way, if you can eat during an activity you will.
Pretzels and shitty movie fake nacho cheese are my guilty pleasure.
>back when I was 14
>went to the movies with my uncle
>movie finishes and this 40 year old dude sitting in front of me starts yelling at me
>he says I pushed his sit, I didn't
>uncle bro yells at him twice as louder
>dude gets scared
>uncle is like come on son we are chasing this fuckefucker
>and then we chased him to his car.
>he was scared as fuck
Or you could just be a decent human being and lot a filthy animal. If they charge too much........


pretty simple.

But of course, you're just trolling. So if I"m lucky a real person will actually want to discuss this.

I've something nearby called "Cinetopia" which is like an upgraded theater experience. It's a much easier way to combine the "dinner and a movie" rather than spending 3+ hours and being out past my bed time...
>current year
>watching movies at the theater
It's literally the worst way to watch a movie.
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Good job, also how was the dragon Ball z movie you saw alone ?
I get when servers bitch about people not tipping, etc.

but that is literally exactly why these retards are unemployed. it is their job function. do they want a job or not?
>all these newfags who can't recognize pasta

This board is dead.
It's not pasta. This brings up a very good conversation
>not having a local theatre that sells $2 tickets on tues/wed
>homecooked meals
>no anklebiters in sight
>pausing to take a shit w/o missing anything
>no 747 peasant class seating

It's worth the 1-2 month wait, haven't been in a theater in years.
Really good thank you, frogtipper!
Your uncle sounds absolutely based
I'm not OP but...

>But of course, you're just trolling.
Why would anyone troll on this matter? When I go to the movies and get bent over the barrel for a drink and some fucking popcorn you can bet your bottom dollar I'm leaving my trash on the seats and not caring in the slightest when I spill shit on the carpets.

If they are going to charge me excessive amounts for dirt cheap snacks (slushies and popcorn cost next to nothing to produce) then I will make myself at home.

Similarly, when I go to a bar I leave my glasses on the table and if I get too drunk I will just throw up in the pot plants. That's what the costlier booze is there for, subsidising cleaning staff.

You are a pathetic cunt if you are ok with getting cucked by business owners like this fuccboi.
>You charge $16 for a burger, fries and a drink?

>>Actually buying food at the theatre.

See nigger, this is why you bring a girl with you to the movies. She stuffs her purse with snacks and drinks and no one ever cares enough to check.
That sounds like a great way to indicate to a woman that you are poor. Have fun being cucked.
I'd just get the girls dad to pay for everything. Show my alpha dominance
I enjoy being an asshole too. But why don't you just bring your own food/drink to the theater? Just wear a jacket, put it inside, and they'll never notice.

Similarly, I like to get drunk BEFORE going to the bar. You could buy a flask too.
>Just wear a jacket,

Finally my fedora coat will come in use!
I just find it weird that Americans eat shit like burgers and fries at the cinema. Here, we have popcorn, sweets, maybe ice cream.
>Making the poorfag custodian clean up your shit because you're mad at the higher ups raising prices

Fucking really?
>i'm not being cucked i get to choose the bull
This is you.

If establishments insist on overcharging you must simply get your moneys worth out of them. Simple as that really. You shouldn't be ripping off the bar by getting drunk before hand, you should force them to live up to their expensive drink prices by throwing up in their establishment without shame.

>thinking pubs and theatres have janitors
It's just the fucking air head dipshit hipster fucks who sell you the tickets and pour your beer that have to clean it man. Failed normies, fuck em.
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>Sincerely, the person cleaning up your mess

Lol doesn't his job kind of depend on it
I don't know why anyone would go to a theater when you can just watch anything online. Oh you have to wait a few weeks after release for an HQ version sometimes? Who cares it's not like we're doing anything else worthwhile in life.

Plus I want to be able to pause the movie if I feel like it, all while sprawled out on my bed eating and drinking whatever I want.
Im like 80% sure the minimum wage janitor at the theater doesn't set the prices for anything
also lol fag not sneaking stuff in
man i havent seen a movie since i was chopped as fuck and saw inception at some budget theatre. god i miss having friends and drugs
>not drinking at a cheap bar and throwing up through the fence into an audi dealerships lot
I dispense vomity justice
the person who is charging you $16 for a burger, fries and a drink is not the same person who is cleaning your mess you stupid motherfucker.

the person cleaning your mess is getting fucked by the same person over charging you for your food.

you are creating more suffering for someone who is worse off than you are.

fuck you, ignorant immoral stupid piece of shit.
>caring about some failed custodian faggot
if he had ANY talent he would be making the popcorn i spill on the floor instead of cleaning it up
>not sneaking in crab legs
We still have a 99 cent theater but it only gets one movie every week. Pretty comfy on a boring night if it's a fair movie.
> someone being paid to clean my mess should not have to clean it
bernie 2016 guise
>just because someone is hired to clean the bathroom means I should shit in the sink instead of the toilet
I've never been to a theater before.
On TV they're always packed full of people, and people are always making out with each other. Is it really like that?
Probably because of the enhanced surround sound, the much larger HD screen, and if those aren't good enough, then the fact that going to the movies is an integral part of normalfag culture.

>I'll leave whatever mess I want you thieving shitbags

Cool, where do you work? I'm gonna come piss all over everything and watch you clean it up.

>>That good feel while wiping my greasy fry fingers on a seat and leaving a wrapper full of tomatoes and onions on the floor.

You're a fat, disgusting fuck aren't you. No wonder you can't feel empathy, it clogged up in your arteries somewhere.
If a girl would really look down on you not wanting to get your ass reamed for snacks that are marked up like 4 times the normal price, then shes not worth the time.
the OP is stating they are intentionally creating a mess to and justifying it because they were charged $16 for burgers.

I'm saying the justification is invalid you stupid motherfucker.

they are not getting back at the person who charged them $16, they are harming someone who had nothing to do with that and furthermore is in a worse position than they are.

this is just a rephrasing of what i originally posted.

you fucking retarded stupid piece of shit.

> bernie 2016 guise
> harharhar

fucking idiot

also >>25371972 is a distinct but equally good point.
I got drunk as fuck when I saw jurassic Park. I dropped a bottle of old grandad towards the end and it fucking rolled all the way down the theater under the seats, clanking and spilling booze the whole way down. I got really scared that someone would figure out it was me so I left. Movie sucked anyway.
wagecuck everyone
underrated post

originaI post
They ALL judge you based on your value to them in resources. If you are poor you will be cucked.
how can people on this board even go to the theater anymore with the new no singles policy? only way i can watch a movie is if i take my mom with me to buy the tickets
My brother used to sit all they way in the back, piss on the floor during the movie, people thought it was a spilled drink
During the credits he would shit and let it fall on the floor wear the seat folds up
Always a bunch of laughs
For whatever reason garbage movie popcorn with garbage fake liquid butter is so much better than any other popcorn. I even like it when it's old too. I usually find myself getting a bucket when I have 10 fucking dollars to spend on it
>im a nigger: the post
Cool blog senpai but don't you have some other public places to make uninhabitable for the rest of society?
I just usually have popcorn and coke with it. You can't even get anything here other than chips, sweets, candy and popcorn.
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butthurt wageslave detected
Fuck off normie. Don't you have some random slut to fuck?
oh shit anon them quads
I paid $16 for that burger plus $10-15 for the ticket, so I'm going to do whatever I want. There is literally nothing you can do to stop me. Ever.

You know that time you accidentally kicked over my cup full of piss? Can't stop me.

You know when I upended my freshly refilled popcorn on the seats? Can't stop me.

You know when you found wrappers for cheaper, better outside foods? Can't stop me.

Yeah I don't know what it is...I can't emulate with normal home popcorn. Maybe it's the way it's cooked?

Being a normie means living a huge fucking mess to deal with because you're an asshole. That's as normie as it gets.
Your statement is correct though anon. Greentext won't make it wrong
Not even >>25372111, just wanted to call you out for attempting to damage control after being blown the fuck out. No (You) for you.
>not going to the theater ~3-4 weeks after the movie releases
>not going at the earliest showing on a Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday
>not enjoying a movie with the largest screen possible with a sound system you could never afford

It's great. Usually I'm by myself but sometimes I share the room with some old retired guy who sits way far away from me and doesn't make noise.
It's part of their job to clean the mess

idc desu lol
honestly, how do people have the balls to post these kinds of things?

I'm a janitor. I clean up messes, throw up, shit on the walls, trash. I'd never think to complain about it because its my fucking job.

Just because it's your job doesn't give others the right to forego manners and civility.
but to complain about it on social media?
what's wrong with complaining about it on social media? it should get the more intelligent people to realize they should act like apes.
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No time between movies to clean the upholstery, so you might think twice about whether the person before you cared about what food and/or bodily fluids they left behind on the seats.
And if you try to avoid it by making the first show, you might think about how motivated the janitor was
>not sneaking an absolute royal feast in your rucksack into the movie theatre
Some of us appreciate what you do and pick up after ourselves
Thank you
LOL fuck off wagie
>First day of the month, the NEET holiday
>Spend my wagecuck taxes on a movie ticket
>Leave a huge mess at the end of the film
>Stay for the credits, but move seats
>Quietly laugh to myself as I watch my wagie servants pick up after me
>if you x fuck you

Halloooooooooooo Reddit!

But the person who sets the food prices isn't cleanin- Nvm RT
>went to a VIP theatre to watch Star Wars
>got to lie in a recliner and watch the movie
>was served a beer and popcorn at my seat
>it somehow cost me less than a regular ticket +popcorn combo
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