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Why do people say to "just do anything" as a cure for
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Why do people say to "just do anything" as a cure for having no success in life?

There are plenty of people with youtube channels who post random stuff that they "do", but never find a way to be successful enough to live off of it. Then there are people like nerdwriter1 who spend large amounts of time researching obscure topics that nobody would ever spend time researching, making pretentious "intellectual" videos about these topics, market and make their channel popular, and live off of it.

If youtube started to "slide" the views on his channel (purposefully) until it feel deeper and deeper into obscurity, until the views were in the 2 digits. And then one day the guy stopped making videos because it wasn't about fulfilling his "own interests". That it was ALSO because he wanted to be cared about, or perhaps even just put food on the table.

The public only has so much attention and so much money. Essentially only some people can live off of their interests, because the world only allows a few people to do it at a time.

The people who are at the top of Maslow's pyramid know this, and fight as hard as they can to stay there, no matter how calm and collected they seem to be.
>Cuenca in Chinese cartoons
No please
>The public only has so much attention and so much money. Essentially only some people can live off of their interests, because the world only allows a few people to do it at a time.
No fucking shit?

>>The people who are at the top of Maslow's pyramid know this,
Doggy dog world m8 adapt or die ;^)
>Why do people say to "just do anything" as a cure for having no success in life?

Because you cannot succeed if you do not try.

Doing something is the first step to anything, want to live off the content you create on youtube? well you sure as shit can't just create content that no one is interested in, the first thing you need to "just do" is research what is going on and what may get enough views to properly monetize.
They think that people aren't machines.
>Inb4 pretentious retards back me up saying free will doesn't exist.
The existence of free will is one of those philosophical concepts that doesn't really matter. We do what we do.

If you aren't motivated, and I mean really not motivated, you might have a dopamine problem.
Other demotivational factors include paranoia, trauma, etc.

These are all problems with the way your brain works. In order to understand this, you have to think of humans as machines.
They break sometimes.
Well it works if you have aspirations, the whole follow you dreams meme is wasted on guys who have no dreams.
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