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What does /r9k/ think of male genital mutilation of infants?
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1002 KB, 1000x2821
What does /r9k/ think of male genital mutilation of infants?
I'm pretty satisfied with my cut penis.
>tfw the jews convinced you you're better off with less pleasure
I don't really mind. It's cleaner and it's more aesthetic.

Of course, since I'm a sane person and not a fucking loser, I respect every parent's choice to circumcise or not.
I think you can get circumcized later, but you can't get uncircumcized later. Circumcision is fine as long as it's your own informed choice on your own body, not your kid's body.
>Thinks parents choosing to cut off part of a body part should be normal

Also, just because you're satisfied doesn't mean that automatically millions of others with circumcisions are.
>it's cleaner
not really a reason to have parts of your dick sliced off because it's too hard to clean it properly
lol no it looks like shit
>parent's choice
well im a normal human so I think it's the kids choice, you know the one getting it's body cut up for aesthetic reasons
>lol no it looks like shit
Where are all the uncut dildos?
This. I don't give a fuck if some adult decides to cut their dick for whatever the reason may be, but getting your kids dick cut for no reason is fucking disgusting.
Thats what uncut dicks look like when they're erect. Notice how it looks the exact same and you get tonnes more pleasure?
You can't be this stupid. You do understand that during an erection the foreskin retracts?
B-but... muh culture! Muh asthetics! Muh STDs! Muh cleanliness!
>O'Hara K., O'Hara J.

>recruited through classified advertisements in magazines and an announcement in an anti-circumcision newletter. Respondents to the advertisements were mailed a survey to complete and return, the comments then compiled and the responses analysed statistically. The survey is continuing and this article reports the preliminary results.

>recreuited through an announcement in an anti-circumcision newletter
roasties in charge of unbiased science
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cut off.jpg
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As are circumcised women.
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1. Dildos are produced for men, too.
2. Dildos with foreskin exist and are top sellers.
3. Why the fuck do you care how dildos look and what women want, cuck?
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