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Antidepressants- Anxiolytics thread
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so robots do you use any antidepressants or anxiolytics?
if so which one and why do you use them (recreational etc.)

also what are their effects on you?

>tfw neurologist prescribes you laroxyl for your non-ending headaches
>tfw all it does is make you sleepy
Good lord I had the best year of my life anxiety-wise on xanax. It even lifted my depression a bit.

Oh, then tolerance built up and i had to go to detox and rehab...not recommended

Fucking xanax is a horrible joke drug because of the tolerance issue. It's basically worthless.
i also used cymbalta but cut it because it got me depressed
im on 150mg of effexor (snri) been on it for 6 weeks
it helps with depression but my anxiety is still really bad. i guess i need a higher dose?
about 2 years ago i got effexor 225 mg from a close friend, just for recreational purposes. well that hit me quite good that i could not even remember some times in a day for 2 days. it also gave me shaking like hell.
Gabapentin seems to be a safer alternative to benzos, but maybe more mild by comparison. It's thought to be non-addictive, and therefore isn't a controlled substance. However, people have reported a quick development of tolerance, at which point the drug is useless to them. Despite theoretically having no risk of addiction, you can nonetheless suffer withdrawals if you've taken large doses for a long period of time and attempt to quit abruptly.

I don't believe there's a risk of overdose with gabapentin due to the way it's metabolized, but increasing dosage isn't necessarily a good idea due to fast tolerance and eventual withdrawal.

The drug is normally used to treat neuropathic pain and "restless leg syndrome," but is sometimes prescribed off-label for anxiety and withdrawal.

My experience with it is similar to 1 mg of Xanax, albeit not as pronounced. With 300 mg, I felt calm, slightly sedated and a kind of "slowness" in my vision and sensory processing like I normally get with benzos, which is pleasant. I didn't feel any dizziness or any real sense of disorientation like I would with Xanax or Ativan.

Standard dosage seems to be around 300 - 600 mg. I haven't tried anything higher than 300 mg, so higher dosages may or may not produce stronger effects.

>recreational purpose

Don't be an idiot. If you're depressed or anxious, the last thing you need is to be battling addiction. If you end up addicted to benzos or opiates, you're going to face the worst withdrawals of your life.
I'm taking escitalopram for depression. It's like drinking Felix Felicis, Liquid Luck.
Lexapro makes life so much sweeter
I'm taking it for anxiety and now I've been reading papers about how they do not perform clinically significant better than placebo and I asked my doctor and she just said they work and then I had to give her check to pay her.
It seems like huge scam I pay them to tell me common sense and give me pills that do nothing but fuck up my brain. What the fuck?
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Doc gave me Mirtazapine for depression and sleeping issues.

It did not help with either. I had no feels before them and now they're all over the place, and the sleeping is still as bad no matter how many I take. Only time I get sleep is when I pass out from drinking and taking them.
celexa 40mg from my doc, the have no effect
Cymbalta here.

Antidepressants don't work that way

I don't notice a difference unless I stop taking them, then I cry randomly.
Same dose here.
It doesn't do much other than make me not constantly think about death.
But I have been drinking and smoking weed against the psych's word, gonna stop this semester and see if I can become a normie
yea, im not constantly thinking about it either.
i stopped smoking a little before i got on the meds, so i dont think that has any influence on it, infact the one time i did do it while on it, it did a better job than the rest of the time. though i wish you luck on your journey to normiehood, i found it to be too long and filled with obstacles
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