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This is weird to think about, but just think...

for billions of years, our ancestors reproduced.

All of us are part of an unbroken line stretching back a couple billion years into the past.

Some of us are going to be the LAST of that line.

Isn't that weird?

How does Jack Nicholson have a hairline like that and still look cool?

I look like a fucking mutant

Maybe you should dress like him. Nice triple 7 btw.
>Isn't that weird?

No, happens all the time in nature.
Some just don't carry on their genetic lineages. Shit happens.

Two ways to look at it;
>Shit happens, don't care.
>Ha, take this ancestors, fucking c-c-c-combo breaker, bitch.

Either way, I'm good with it.
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Reminder if you don't reproduce it's like you never existed

Better than suicide.

Suicide means I'll be remembered. Not existing is a good way to prevent that.
>tfwhen the last person born in 1999 dies

>implying whether you existed will matter when you are dead regardless of reproduction
>implying the entire universe and all matter therein arent going to be recycled like a gigantic fucking etchasketch being shaken
Because it's Jack Nicholson and there's more to him than his hairline.
If you go back that far there will have been millions of other branches from the same tree as me that has ended and very many that will keep reproducing long after me.

I am part of a causal chain.

The stuff I do today is still going to be in play a thousand years from now, in all kinds of subtle ways, most of which will never be attributed to me.

It's called the butterfly effect. Look it up.
I don't know. I think newton, who never reproduced, will be far more remembered than the millions of plebs who had children at some point since his death
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