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>2015 >parents still think it's bad to let their kids
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>parents still think it's bad to let their kids play on computers all day

If you aren't teaching your kid how to use computers and program, then you are setting them up for failure and you are a horrible parent.
Most of us grew up behind the computer screen, and now we're regular posters on 4chan's /r9k/.
>tfw you always try to spend most of your pc time learning to program or something like that
>tfw ppl think you're just idling away at normiebook
Because the kids just play some mindless game instead of learning useful skills like programming.
For me, the path was games -> websites about games -> webdev -> programming -> science in the sense of abstraction and parametrization.
Most kids just stop at the games step.
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>science in the sense of abstraction and parametrization
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