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Times your parents got BTFO
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i laugh to this day.jpg
83 KB, 500x600
>parents make me go to therapist for anger issues
>have three 1 hour sessions where I just fake being a good little boy
>therapist says i'm fine and it's my parents who are at fault
>he says this to them
>my mom and dad go ape shit revealing their anger issues
>give the therapist this look
the therapist isn't an authority retard, you just fucked up everything again
You appear to have broken the system.
This happened 8 years ago. I have cut both my parents out of my life so I'd say the therapist knew what he was talking about.
Kek same shit pretty much happened to me except I didnt pretend. The therapist basically told my parents they were shitty control freaks and my parents got pissed and tried another therapist who said the same thing.
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