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When are you going to quit smoking?
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When are you going to quit smoking?
I only have a cigar or pipe every once in a while, so I'm not planning on quitting that.
I did already, 22 days in
Never, it will make me die sooner
Never I take great joy in the fact I'm killing myself slowly with every drag plus it gets me outside more and without smoking I probably never would of actually talked to anyone at my work
>Better question would be when are you gonna start smoking?
>it's a win win situation
3 hours ago
Don't wanna stop desu
yesterday. feels good
about 150 days in, just be yourself
Congrats man, are you still feeling cravings?
cigs are life. i think everytime im smoking one "wow this is killing me slowly" but u kno what... its ok
File: just_a_nap.jpg (26 KB, 210x200) Image search: [Google]
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>Replace smoking with mouth fedoras
>Forget mouth fedoras to a short trip
>Cant stop thinking about nicotine
Only been smoking for a couple months. I'm not at the " These things are gonna kill me" phase.
Currently at the " I'm young fuck the word " Phase
I won't. I don't smoke around anybody so stop bitching about it. Live and let live.
naaah not really, started off with the fear of having to go through withdrawals again making me not smoke. But at some point that turned into being proud making me not want to smoke. Feels good.
OPs picture is still making my dick hard though
I never made a habit of it, I'll have one or two every month. I'd much rather smoke the wacky tabacky.
When I finally get lung cancer and die.
I stopped smoking for 6 months once. Weed too.

I know I can just stop.
once my outside reflects the desiccated husk i am on the inside.
I've never touched a cigarette or cigar, all drugs disgust me.
I have schizophrenia so I need to smoke.

I've been thinking about starting smoking. I already enjoy hookah so pipe, cigar, or cigarette isn't that much different. I'm already planning out my garden for the spring. 10 tobacco plants should be plenty. It will be nice to sit out by the lake and puff on my homegrown baccy. I tried vaping and it was shit. I don't know how that stupid fucking meme caught on. I tried like 10 flavors and none were even close to real tobacco like in my hookah. I'm not even expecting a zaghoul like taste, just a hint of tobacco taste would be nice.
I'll quit tomorrow.

same here i starting smoking cigs last summer at the beggining now i take fat bts of tobbacco and scoffs which is weed and tobbacco mixed
after new year. i promise.
Starting smoking cigarettes not too long ago. Felt great and gave me much needed stress relief.

Then I started vaping when I bought one of those shitty gas station e-cigs along with a pack a cigarettes one day. Discovered it gave me the same effect without the gross smoke and smell, so I didn't have to go outside anymore to relax.

Now I'm a full on mouth fedora and the pack of cigarettes I bought that day remain unopened. Though, I think I'm a lot more addicted to nicotine now
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