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>police bust into your house RIGHT NOW and find all your hidden
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File: sdgtrhdf.jpg (54 KB, 620x372) Image search: [Google]
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>police bust into your house RIGHT NOW and find all your hidden stash of illegal movie/anime rips, porn, onaholes, dakimakuras, and lolis

post your:
>Reaction to this
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cat nug.jpg
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>mfw they didn't find my weed
>dismantled cuddle doll
>copy of Unteralterbach
>deviant sex toys
>sketches of cartoon lolis

>probably do what I do whenever shit hits the fan and pretend to be catatonic and "leave my body" as they lead me into the van and take me away.
>not having magnetor against your harddrive that you can just flip on

Shiggy diggy
What's up with all these fucking surveys?
>assault policeman so he shoots and kills me
That guy's art is viagra. If the plot wasn't so centered on child porn, I probably wouldn't feel weird about having it. I have loli doujins and they don't bother me at all.

>Hear door bust down
>Panic for a few seconds
>Rip my hard drives out (easy since I lost my side panel years ago) and begin smashing them against the corner of my desk or dropping them in my glass of water
>If that fails, tell my Uncle not to believe anything they say
>Lawyer up
Pretty sure nothing on my hard drive except for some music and couple of movies are really illegal. I'm sure they'll tell my family i'm a pedophile and a sick fuck though. I can't pay any fines, so i'd end up in minimum security for a few years.
>Implying I don't keep a side panel off my case with a huge magnet nearby for something like this
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>mfw none of that is illegal here
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>anime rips, porn, onaholes, dakimakuras, and lolis
If I ever needed a better reason of why I don't belong here.
Why am I here? Who cast me into a pit of heathens and devils?

I wish I could destroy this place and all who inhabit it.
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that's pretty lewd.png
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>fem paedo
>straight shota milf
>mfw muh fetish
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de gozaru.png
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>poker face but internally accept my fate, pic related
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>lolis and drugs

muh sister

nothing weird on my PC

couple vanilla toys, normal dildo and a variety of lube

I'd be fucked for my steron stash tho
its the reddit invasion they actually enjoy this type of thing

pieces of shit
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yes it is

enjoy your jail time buddy
Nothing I saved is illegal but I have a lot of diaper porn so it would be very embarrassing
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>slight embarrassment for having my privacy breached, but nothing I have is illegal, save for one indie game
These actually wax and wane over years- like tripfag drama or particular 3d waifusluts.
You probably hopped on board about nine months ago when we were at peak edge, and thought that was the board culture.
Worse they can get me for is the illegal movies/porn. Maybe the anime too. Everything else is just weird but not illegal. But I'm pretty sure I'm just going to get fined rather than taken to jail.
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Wendy is a shit.
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>tfw literally nothing illegal or seriously embarrassing in my apartment

Worst thing they'd find is my 2DS and call me a manchild for owning one.
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*bird noises*
Thread replies: 25
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