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Why the hell are you still here? This place is 98% meme-spewing
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Why the hell are you still here?
This place is 98% meme-spewing teenagers now.
Just move on with your life.
I need the constant stimulation.

The other sites I go to update maybe a a couple times a day, that's just not enough when I'm sitting here F5ing.

If you have alternatives I'm all ears.
I'm trying. I managed to leave once and hate myself for ending up back here. I thought it had gotten bad back then. Now ,every board I go to (I only hit a few) is completely crap.
I'd have gone somewhere else if I thought it was better.
It's getting cold, isn't it, anon?
I did, but I can't sleep because niggers are blasting music and I have to be up in 5 hours.
You're right. I need to leave here.
I was gone for weeks, maybe even longer, but I always find myself drifting back to kill time
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