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For the wagecuck, the thought of not being someone else's
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For the wagecuck, the thought of not being someone else's personal slave is inconceivable. The reason they lash out so violently at their NEET betters is because we've discovered a life hack that exposes their careers as exploitive and ultimately pointless.
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Agreed neetfriend

Wagecucks are lost on the path to enlightenment and it's our duty to help them.
man i wish i had a garden
i would really tend to it and give excess goods to fellow robots
but i don't have one... such is life
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Anything is possible when you're a neet

Follow your dreams
thanks man i'm so glad for bumping into this thread
you guys are so positive, what is the secret? is it neetdom?
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The secret is freedom
The freedom to fuck up, and the freedom to succeed. Your life hangs in a balance, and it's up you to tip the scale in your favor. If you never try, the scale will always remain the same, or worse yet, someone will work it against you.

You can do it, anon. I believe in you. Start a beautiful garden
The counterargument will always be ambition, and the tolerance for long, demanding, endless work. Wageslavery builds character like the lash hardens the back.
I'd be on welfare like a poverty neet nigger just like you guys and be comfortable with it but my parents would probably disown me and/or kick me out. I'm sure that on that shit I could hardly afford living on my own
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