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I had an idea a while back as a result of the following: >Checking
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I had an idea a while back as a result of the following:

>Checking out porn a while back
>Looking up Desi stuff for variety's sake
>Find this girl Bindu
>Look up more on her
>She was brought to the USA on a fiancee visa
>Pushed into sex work by her new husband
>But not the illegal kind, or so she insists
>Stripping/amateur porn mostly
>Her "husband" proceeded to live large on her earnings for years
>Apparently he did it to her older sister for years as well, and just replaced her when she left with the younger sister
>This is all perfectly legal

His technique could use some refinement. For one, she could have been doing professional porn instead of amateur stuff at home, as in actual porn shoots. When not on the pole or on his cock she could have been in her room camwhoring for even more money except when she needed to sleep.

1. pick up qt third world village girl while overseas
2. bring her back as my fiancee
3. break her in sexually
4. put her to work in a strip club
5. then camming
6. book her porn shoots
7. put all of the money after tax in a joint account
8. pay all bills from this
9. dump the money from that account into one just for me
10. divorce her for the new model when she burns out
11. kick her out of the country when I'm done

>This is perfectly legal as long as I don't make her escort
>After tax this is likely to yield 65k+ annually
>always have access to fresh virginal, exotic pussy from Asia, Nepal, Latin America, or Eastern Europe

That's pretty smart. I "rescued" a third world girl, but that guy went above and beyond.
explain this 'rescue'
women from their home countries tend to keep within their race

Lolwut. That'd be news to most people who travel internationally.
As in like, I brought her from her country to marry and live here with me.
>Lolwut. That'd be news to most people who travel internationally.
i meant from India and middle eastern countries, they have them on a leash, metaphorically and literally

Not really. The impoverished parts of the Middle East and around India aren't hard to get women in.
>The impoverished parts of the Middle East and around India aren't hard to get women in.
proofs? every instance of any middle eastern or Indian girl who came to america didn't have a least bit of attraction for anyone besides members of their own race

lolwut. What the fuck are you talking about? You trolling or just retarded?
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