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>"I prefer Asian women" That's code for "I
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>"I prefer Asian women"

That's code for "I couldn't get a white girl, so I settle for the next race with pale skin". Let's face it, asian girls are nobody's first choice, white women simply put are better looking and more interesting. Why do you think Black guys heavily prefer white women and don't go after asian women really?
That would be true if the majority of white women weren't overweight
>Implying blacks having good tastes
>Implying asians arent sometimes brown/yellow
>Implying anyone cares about racebait
The majority of asian women have no ass and no tits.
Blacks have better taste than weebs who actually like flat assed asian bitches with goofy looking faces. There's nothing sadder than seeing an asian woman try to dress sexy, it looks pathetic.

>white woman wears a tight low cut dress, she looks hot
>asian woman wears the same dress, looks like a little girl trying to wear her mommy's clothes
>black men that prefer 400 pound bleach blondes have good taste
>Let's face it, asian girls are nobody's first choice, white women simply put are better looking and more interesting
You're either a bitter lonely fat undesirable white bitch or just some pathetic insecure virgin. Women within your country (I'm going to assume you're from burgerland) are all more or less the same. Most of them have the same generic interests, want the same things, have similar goals, etc. What exactly is it that white women say or do that is more "interesting"? Statistically, you're more likely to run into more "interesting" white women within your burger city because they're the MAJORITY. This is terrible bait, but you made me reply so congrats.
I'd argue that gook women are ugly mainly because if their NASTY faces. Weird, dopey round and flat faces with copypasted black hair and black eyes. Their chinky eye slits are horrifying and their faces are robotic and look weird when trying to display emotion.
White chicks are generally rude, fat, hairier, uneducated, etc.
Some Asian women are flat and some are not. But most of them have the ability to talk about more than just fashion, Chads, finding the next place to eat.
>Why do you think Black guys heavily prefer white women and don't go after asian women really?
Firstly, you're a pussy for thinking about black guys first. That's pathetic, OP.

Second, blacks generally can't get asians. Asians are terrified of them.
>Implying some people dont get off on them looking like children
holy fucking hell could you be any more racist
Try European women, dumbass. No asian woman even comes close to the beauty and sensuality of euro women. Where's the asian Monica Bellucci? Oh yeah, that doesn't exist, because they all look like little girls with those shallow bulging frog eyes and flat noses and flat faces. You're obviously some bitter weeb that got turned down by white women and decided to go for easy asian pussy.
>Second, blacks generally can't get asians. Asians are terrified of them.

Making asian women pussies, and white women brave and strong.

Have you even seen asian women? Every girl that gets posted here that's asian has the same fat puffy cheeks and flat face with odd looking shallow nasal bridge and shallow bulging eyes. They're fucking ugly as hell dude.
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>white women simply put are better looking and more interesting
>more interesting
>better looking
kek. Take your manly pig looking faces elsewhere. East Asian women take beauty to a whole new level. The girl in your pic is disgustingly manish, I wouldn't be surprised if faggots were attracted to her.
This frightenes the redditor
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Black girls>>>>>others

I don't care if im racist. East Asians are gross and Im tired of seeing all of these oversized fetuses walking around campus.
Lol you realize that the girl in your pic is trying her hardest to look western, back to /a/ with u
The other guy was literally complaining about how asians have emotionless faces if anything hes the reddit for thinking theres anything wrong with not showing emotional
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Lmao I like this nigga tbqh senpai
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This is pretty spot on. Due to their flat faces, high cheekbones and weak chin/jawlines, they also tend to look like retarded fish when sucking dick.
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Hmmm. I've only ever talked to one asian grill, and that was at university. She looked okay.
there is a reasons why Americans are called Amerifats.
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I'm asian though. I hate race mixers.
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>asians are terrified of them
>me & niggerfriend see nerdy asian guy on hoverboard
>'ay nigga das hella coo mane'
>swear he tries to go faster
I have a white gf and I prefer brown ones.
>Why do you think Black guys heavily prefer white women
cause the jewish media wants them to get back at whitey
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average white girl who thinks she deserves 9/10+ Chad dick. White girls are ugly, their faces are manly. Their personalities are shit. They act like men. Let them fuck niggers. I see them everywhere fucking niggers, heck my manager in retail who jerks some boomers dick to get her position has a nigger husband.
Asian girls make white girls look like shit to me

White women in general are rougher looking, more masculine

I'm not saying I don't like white women, and if I planned on having kids I'd prefer to have them with a taller white woman, but as far as my personal tastes go I just love rail thin short asian girls.
>posting an "asian" with mostly white features
nice try tho
This is all. /thread
Go back to reddit you faggot. No one wants to listen to your retarded thoughts.
salty fat white bitch detected
come on. 9 times out of 10 white bitches are flat on both ends
I honestly don't get yellow fever. Asian women are asexual to me. Their faces are undeveloped and almost featureless and their bodies are flat like a little boy body.

To me, Asians are like an android prototype. Whoever invented them wanted to make a human but screwed up and couldn't figure out how to make them look like real people.
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>White women in general are rougher looking, more masculine

You're on drugs. Asians only look more "feminine" due to their horrendously weak featured faces. They have tiny ass chins, their noses are flat and have no nasal bridge, their eyebrows are fucked up and their eyes are real shallow set in their skull. Asian girls can be cute, but never hot, sexy, or beautiful like white women can. Look how stupid this asian looks in this outfit, it's sad how hard she tries to be sexy as fails. Only white women can pull this shit off.
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Wrong. There's plenty of white girls with ass, this is 2015 not the fucking 1980s dude. And if you think white girls are flat, the fuck does that make asians then?
I prefer black girls im >>24983608

>but never hot, sexy, or beautiful like white women
Oh is it because white bitches are so addicted to the attention of men that because they get ass implants and breast implants they are more hot or sexy? LMFAO. White women are the most fake, egotistical depraved sluts on this entire planet.
>tfw chinese gf
>tfw she has small B cup tits
>tfw she's insecure as fuck about having small tits / ass
>tfw I prefer small tits / ass
>tfw she worries I'll leave her for a white bitch and in turn always makes an effort to be a good gf for me
>tfw this is probably way more common among asians and you'd have to win the lottery of GF's to get a white girl that treated you this well
How can you tell she's Asian? That's a strange angle, anyone would look weird from there.
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In order for a woman to be hot, she needs a certain kind of facial structure. Asian women cannot have this facial structure, it is physically impossible, even with surgery. I'm not bullshitting you either, let me give an analysis for you on the attractive features and why asians are not attractive:

-deepset eyes and slightly protruding brow, asian girls have a flat brow and bulging eyes like a frog or lizard
-elegant shaped nose with nasal bridge that flopes out gently, asian noses are flat and roundish and suddenly jut out the face
-high cheekbones that are well defined and slope into a narrowish face, asian women have fat and chubby cheeks that look too round and blobby
-well defined but feminine chin, asian women have tiny chins that look weak as hell

Sorry but asian women cannot compete with white women. Fat ugly white women sure, but actual good looking ones? Asians are outclassed.
Ayy lmao

I think you might be attracted to aliens
Why do keks like you always try to pin prefereces for Asians on some kind of insecurity? Are you like... a fat white woman, trying to rationalize why you're alone? Are you an extremely dedicated beta orbiter?

I like feminine, meek women. If you like aggressive entitled women, that says a lot more about your mental issues than anyone else's.

>butt blasted roastie mad that she cant almost exclusively fuck black men and have every other guy still want her
You sound like a salty faggot.
You're a lifeless nobody on /r9k/ and think you speak for the whole words when you claim to set the standards of what can or can't be sexy.

Vid related, a woman 100 times sexier than anyone that will ever fuck your ugly out-of-shape ass.

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>objective analysis of beauty
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>mongloid facial structure on a white women
LMFAO. You already lost. This is the average manly look white woman with a big fucking jaw and masculine face of a pig.

White women are:
2. Pretentious
3. Egotistical
4. Entitled
5. Self Centered

That is why niggers lust after them because they have similar personalities. Let the little sluts on r9k go fuck the nigger dick they want so badly.
This plastic little girl with a flat ass and no curves is fucking pitiful, I almost feel sorry for her trying so hard. Here, try an actual sexy woman that doesn't look like a 13 year old girl that got into mommy's closet.


Her face is literally like an angel, asian girls look like fucking greys with tiny eyes instead of huge eyes. The most beautiful white women literally look fucking heavenly.
that would be true if you weren't just making shit up
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asians are ayy lmao: the race
>from Sweden
lol she certainly has experimented with nigger dick then. The girl in that video has almost no curves, she is flat, and a bit anorexic. Only think that makes her look somewhat attractive is her mongloid jaw. The asian k-pop girl has more breasts, ass and curves than this stupid swedish nigger dick fucking white girl.
That looks like a man with long hair and makeup. It is beyond me how straight men find this attractive
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No, this is an attractive white woman with a big jaw. Better than your shitty asians with their weak rodentlike facial features. Not all of us want to fuck mice, dude.
>tfw spent a year living in the UK
>all the white women were fucking disgusting
>tfw spent 2 years living in finland
>all the white woman were trashy slags and many of them had eyes too far apart
>tfw spent a year living in denmark
>the white women were all 10/10 goddesses
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I'm black, straight and female so my opinion is unbiased. Asian women are better looking than white women.

Black girls have it over everyone.

Seriously though white girls suck since they only care about penis size and would leave any white boy with a 7 inch cock for a black guy with a 7 inch cock. Asians don't care white ugys are already 3 inches bigger than asian men.
Do robots with yellow fever actually find this attractive?
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>half white women simply put are better looking and more interesting
i assume that pic not related?
latina girls are better before than whites and asians before they hit the wall
t. black man
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Asian women are cute and make you wanna hug them. When I look at white women I feel nothing.
>black woman
>unbiased opinion on white women

Yeah fucking right.
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>oh my gosh anon you're such a virgin loser for liking asian girls
>white women simply put are better looking and more interesting
>more interesting
No they're not, trust me, they're not. I've never known a white woman who had interests or hobbies outside of what was popular at the time. They don't have to, society decides what they like for them. I know one girl who is only half white and she is probably the most interesting girl I know personally.
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I'm not sexually attracted to women and I have nothing to gain from supporting either sides. Asian women just make me feel so cozy when I look at them.
damn this thread is getting btfo.

i didnt even read past the first 2 responses lol
>straight female

So your opinion doesn't count you tard. Straight chicks ALWAYS think Asian women are hot.
Too bad in a relationship you should want to fuck the woman you're with, not hug them all the goddamn time. Asian women are cute, but I can't fuck cute. I can't facefuck cute, I can't do doggystyle with cute, I can't pin cute's legs to my shoulders and plow her cunt HARD, I can't shove cute against a wall and fuck her as she begs for more. All cute can do is lay there and act kawaii uguu.
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im struggling to find a different

asian women are literally oversized fetuses. good god her face is gross
This is the problem that so many who are into asians don't understand. They aren't fuckable. White women are fuckable. Black women can be very fuckable, same for latinas. Asian women are too cute to be fuckable. They don't even look right in porn unless it's one of those real trashy fucked up looking ones like asa akira or something.
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This girl is cute and looks fuckable
why do u care though, who people date?

practice what u preach
angry white roastie detected
No, she doesn't. She still looks too innocent. Asians have to look real nasty and trashy to be fuckable and by then they're too damn ugly.
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I think Asians are pretty because they don't have man jaws. White women have man jaws and despite being black I ended up with a long horse face as well.
When will you embrace your faggothood?
Because I have to see the results of these people breeding. Nothing more sickening than seeing a girl that looks pretty from a distance, then I get closer and notice asian features mingled in, ruining her face.
>too innocent
>somehow this makes her not fuckable
I wonder what your brain looks like from the inside.

and that is your concern because..?
Horse faces can be attractive in some cases, moreso than those fat pudgy faces asians have.
Because that's less women I can be with.

>see girl walk into uni class
>hey she looks beautiful wow...
>sits next to me, see she has slanty asian eyes and puffy cheeks

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That shit could have been said about anyone going for another race
>>"I prefer Black men"
>>"I prefer Russian women"
>>"I prefer et cetera"
People are just attracted do different things than you, get over it roastie.
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Not even asian women understand why betas are so into them. They acknowledge how weird they look but just go with the flow when so many white nerds profess love to them.
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That chick is so ugly to me she might as well be transgender. Being a woman seems pretty pointless if you're not feminine and cute.

you're not fooling anyone and its disturbing how hard you're trying.

you'll espouse one coupling but not another one because its all about you. worse than any "robot" on this board.
THIS. This illustrates perfectly what I mean. White women have 3d looking faces, asians have 2d looking faces. A lot of angles they look very unattractive, especially in side profile.
>that flat nasal bridge
>those wide flat nostrils
>those puffy fat cheeks

Yuck. Her face is no different from a fat girl.
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This. I don't understand how anyone can disagree.
this thread is so cringe. is this how girls feel when robots complain about chad?
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Asians are fine and all, but let's be honest. They'll never look this good.
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These features are attractive because they're a sign of youth a fertility
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>nordic aliens look white
>greys look like mutated asians
>nordics are higher ranked than the greys, are considered vastly more attractive, and don't scare the shit out of people who see them, unlike greys

Even the aliens know what's up.
i don't get why people need to bash an entire group of people for how they look in order to make a conclusion that their group is better.
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Too bad I don't want children, I want grown ass women.

All these threads just make me want Asian women more.
But even asians think their women are ugly. In their anime their women all look white, and even when discussing physical attractiveness they show great preferences for white features. Unlike our pc culture, asians don't give a shit and will flat out say asian features are repulsive to them. They're not like black people who sit there trying to pretend they think their racial features are beautiful but then in the same breath insult each other for being too dark or too "nigga looking".
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Take the hair and makeup off and she would literally be a teenage boy

>But even asians think their women are ugly.

lol right you can stop now
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>How can you not prefer the beauty of white women over Asian women, shitlords
>You just can't get a white girl
kek white girls are this delusional. They can't process that they are disgusting and are only exotic to shitskin subhumans.
Different strokes, I guess, cause those barbie's aint my cuppa thai. So solly, cholly.
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But Asians are beautiful honey. That's why so many Japanese man are Virgins because they won't settle for anything less than an Asian cutie.
It's weird how if you call someone a nigger on 4chan the pc-police will ban you for "racism outside of /b/" but all this asian hate is tolerated
>posts a downsyndrome girl because that's the only white woman that is on same level as the cutest Asians


not just tolerated, but encouraged and incited.

people are hypocrites, especially on r9k stop the presses.
But Anon how will white women find a beta provider to raise Jamal's kids if they're all marrying Asian women?
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>white "women"
shaking my damn head to be honest family
Almost all asian women in this thread have bleached skin and plastic surgery to make them look more western + filters. They look disgusting.
these are my preferences in women (bisexual white female)
1. Whites
2. (ASIAN looking) asians
3. Latinas
4. Arabs
5. Indians
6. Blacks

you're a white female, here? stop, i wouldn't have guessed it!
They have goofy sounding names and a goofy language. Men want normal women, not women with names Like Sung Un Lee, and Asuka Kaawasaki. Imagine introducing a girl like that to friends and family:

>"hey guys, this is my gf"
>"what's her name?"
>"Kazumi Harajuki"
>"LOL wtf kind of name is that hahahahaha"
damn this is a lot of ass hurt. white fems on suicide watch.

nobody but them makes these threads
Those white women are hags, but that asian girl still isn't beautiful or sexy. She has no curves, no tits, no ass, and her face looks awkward as fuck.
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What about other Asian men?it wouldn't be weird to them

noted. but white women can't seem to keep it to themselves.

and that's what really upsets white women, nobody cares what they think and they don't know what to do so they make ridiculous threads like this one for attention and assurance that they are still the center of attention.
Who cares about asian men?
Because the body is a reflection of the soul. Hence, Asians are borg androids and Negros are monkey hybrids.
White women a shit

Stay mad, chink. Only men who bitch about white women so much are asian dudes mad they can't get them.
OP's post is code for: "I am a white middle class feminist woman or a kek representing one, and it really triggers me that white men would choose an attractive, feminine and nice Asian woman over a repulsive, bitchy and sociopathic cock carousel-riding whore."

Everyone whining about Asian women is either a feminist woman or one of their keks. They'll never admit this and will instead make up endless excuses.

i don't hate white people, but these threads are getting ridiculous. stop what's your problem ?
Bwahahahahahaha oh really? Read this thread you dumb fuck and tell me your asian whores are so wonderful:


>in b4 but it's reddit!

Read that shit. Asian women are fucking scum, they just fuck white and black dudes when they're young, then turn old and go try to settle down with some dorky asian guy. they're just ad bad as white women, nah they're worse because they're smarter than white girls are and because dumbass guys see their fat childlike faces and think they're too nice and innocent do do that shit.

dorky asian guy here. let us worry about that pls.

Cry harder, shill. If you think you're going to somehow shame or manipulate me into preferring white women you are a fucking retard. I've heard all your shitty propaganda a hundred times now.
>all these white c.ucks who think they can settle for a qt asian

Sure, you can get an ugly ass asian girl but us Asian get the creme of the crop. Normal Asian girls don't like marrying people that are not of the same nationality.
All women look like shit without makeup. Even the trannies you've posted, OP.
it's just silly to think any one type of girl is "innocent"

I've even seen girls from strict muslim households act like completely staceys then hide it so their fathers don't kill them
>Normal Asian girls
There exists no such thing. Asia consists of many different countries, cultures and regions.

so you're just upset because you think Asian women get a "free pass" because they "look innocent" while you don't because white men get assfurious if they see a white woman with a black dude.
Asians are subhuman and robotic and preferring a gook to your own kind makes you nearly as bad as a white whore who fucks a chimp.
yes because I'm black and hot short guys won't even make eye contact with me but I knew a korean girl that literally thought guys who weren't athletic/tall/etc were basically subhuman and she got away with it pretty much
nobody really cares about that.
This is why men into asian women are faggots, they give them free passes out of some retarded idea they're more innocent. Asian bitches take morons like these to the fuckin cleaners.
Stay mad fembots.

let us worry about that yo. what i don't get is all this visceral hate. like back the fuck off?!
>nobody really cares about that.
Hence, you're the equivalent of a coal-burner.
>implying you would date a robot
When dumbass men who aren't asian put these sluts on a pedestal and won't stfu about how cute and innocent they are, it is our problem.
B-but I'm asian anon. Aren't we predisposed to like our own race?
>Stay mad fembots.
my balls hang lower than yours, faggot
"Hence" you are suffering from mental illness. I don't care about "coalburners", because I don't respect or care for women at all.

Unlike you, I am not a Cvckold.

But why did you pick an ugly freckled face woman with eyes too far apart to illustrate your point?

>When dumbass men who aren't asian

oh. how do u know that they aren't asian? maybe this is all a tragic misunderstanding to be honest.
You are a representative of the fembots. You are their little kek meat puppet, ready to do anything for the possibility that they'll reward you with pity sex.
Bf says he likes black girls more. He says white girl are dull and are more into social norms then other groups. He is has a job which he is able to support my neet as but, I'm not sure if he truly loves me, has a strong fetish, or If he is just settling because, I'm easy.
asian women frequently have an attitude and demeanor that attracts me far more to them than most white women

being pleasant, engaging and trying to please and satisfy your partner is much more attractive to me than hedonistic and selfish attitudes more commonly and openly found in white women.
I dated a white american girl and I tell you never again for me. I'm going to find myself a nice pretty Italian /Russian blonde/ or Latina girl and settle down with that. But I'm done with white girls from now on.
>because I don't respect or care for women at all.
This is why the world is dying. Beta scum like your betray their nation, cultures and ancestors for the sake of being whiny cunts and fucking plastic chinks.
Because I never seen asian men act like any race of women but asian all look like "manjaw trannies" and then proceed to post kpop models and talk about how kawaii and innocent they are.
Her features aren't even vaguely white.

Asian snub nose
Asian upper lip muscle
Wide Asian jaws+cheekbones
Straight Asian eyebrows
Epicanthal fold, Asian eyes
Straight Asian hair
Asian skin

What is even vaguely white about her?

>fucking plastic chinks.

you are dangerously obsessed with this. somehow i don't think its your business who people choose to date?

practice what you preach.
>he thinks italian/russian women aren't white
>prefer white women to gooks
>y-you're just a white knight

Fuck off race traitor.
HAhahahahahahah holy shit.

You keks are hilarious.
op here, I prefer jewish women to asian girls
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im sorry, i didn't quite follow that. how do you know that asian men aren't posting the kpop models and talking about how kawaii and innocent they are?
Shut the fuck up you young impressionable normie cvckold.

The world is the same as it always has been, filled with shit people(like yourself).

Fucking cvck normie fags like you belong on /pol/, not here.
>somehow i don't think its your business who people choose to date?
It's my business as a white man to ensure that my Race doesn't disappear because you're attracted to androids.
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i am asian guy and i kawaii post asian women on 4chan.
Fuck off beta boy.

You fucks only like Asian women because you perceive them to be the female equivalent of beta white men.
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my good fellow.. i think you are confused.

the kawaii asian posters are asian men. lol
Angry fembot is angry.

Im straight (white/middle east mix) girl

I dont think hottest asians can compete with hottest white women tbhq.

But im not even sure why this is being discussed since attraction is entirely subjective
>beta boy

shut the fuck up C.U.C.K.

I don't like asian women anymore than I like white women. I despise all women.

Take your feminine sociaglism back to your cvck board.
People who look like themselves are attractive. Birds of a feather. Asians do find other Asians attractive. However, if all they consume is white media, then obviously they won't have that natural mindset.

No anime does not try to look white. Big eyes are an infantile feature and they use that to express emotions in a medium where the face isn't as recognizable. If you look at the face structure, hair texture, culture and behavior of anime characters, they are ALL Asian, except for this one.

You're basically hating on an entire race, 4 billion people, just because you feel insecure that some weeaboos on a Mongolian air painting forum like Asian girls better than you.
>they just fuck white and black dudes when they're young, then turn old and go try to settle down with some dorky asian guy.

And that's different from white women... how?

I love it when butthurt roasties try to drag Asian women through the mid but the worst thing they can do is make them sound like white women.
>asians use makeup!
so do white wimmin
>asians are gold diggers!
and white women arent?
>asian women will divorce you!
and white women wont?
>asian women just pretend to be nice!
and white women dont even bother pretending.
Why do fat white roasties always refer to the ass/tits argument? Your fat tits and cottage cheese ass aren't hot.
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This whole thread is retarded because it was not that long ago that black male and asian female was the biggest interracial relationship group.
>In their anime their women all look white
They don't. That you think they do just means you're an extreme narcissist or delusional white supremacist.

By the way can you tell me where I can find white women with natural green hair and purple eyes? Thanks.
Scrawny boy bodies aren't hot either fag

nigga please, only black men into asian women are weeaboo dorks that can't get black or white or latina girls

White arrogance knows NO fucking bounds lol
>By the way can you tell me where I can find white women with natural green hair and purple eyes? Thanks.

Where can you find asian women with natural pink hair and blue eyes then? Thanks.
Is your father middle eastern?

I was only reporting the numbers sir.
well short guys that are secure are my fetish so I didn't actually imply that
Nothing, "white features" is a meme.
damn asian chicks and white chicks are about to claw each other's eyes out if they could, to be honest.

i can feel the freshly polished and manicured cat claws coming out
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>nobody has posted this yet
>mfw i'm black and I find women of all ethnicities attractive, except pajeets and abbos

Wat do
>Why do you think Black guys heavily prefer white women

enough of this meme, crackers.

No one wants your pale cave bitches.
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>flat moon face
>yellow skin
>black hair and eyes
>nigger nose
Pic related. Just look at the beauty and diversity of the superior mongoloid race.
Date white women. Asian bitches are racist as shit and hate black people.
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Monica Bellucci (3).jpg
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White women don't behave like beasts, it's beneath us. And unlike asian women, we don't murder and eat innocent animals*cough* dolphins/dogs/cats*cough*
Truly the master race.
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I admire asian diversity.
I don't think school girls are allowed to wear makeup in Asia.
Did I say that Asian women have natural pink hair and blue eyes? I don't think I did. Then again, I never claimed they're representations of Asian women.

Why, it's almost as if anime characters are imaginary!
>says this when tons of black rappers have white women in their videos
>white women in black men's mags

Yeah, you're not fooling anyone.
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Picture 7.png
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Truly the most attractive and diverse race.
we get it, you don't like asian women.

how long are u gonna keep doing this?
Please continue to stay mad.
I love how their faces have really full and very round cheeks, making them have the appearance of a ball. It's very sexy I admit;)
its just all the more funnier when these plain school children grow into hot babes that cause so much rage within some people.
How is he mad? He's showing us how beautiful asian women are. It's so unfair, why can't white women be that damn sexy?
What? Scandinavians are the biggest consumers of whales and dolphins. I guess if you don't consume innocent animals you must not wear fur or eat pork, chicken, beef, lamb, or any other kind of meat. You must not use glue either.
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Who doesn't like asians? I'm pretty sure everyone likes piss colored skin, flat, moon faces and nigger noses.
wow I didn't know cherrypicked rappers encompass the black population.
Wow anon how did you know
Stay delusional, weeb. I can already tell you're going to start posting natural asians with bleached skin and hair, colored eye contacts and several facial surgeries.
Fuck Islam. Not even memeing or being edgy.

Fuck your goatfucker dad and fuck your hijab.
>boohoo I'm so mad :(
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Who doesn't like whites? I'm pretty sure everyone likes jizz and birdshit colored skin, crooked hook noses, and narrow bark textured twig faces.
This tbqh. Kill yourself, mudslime.
Oh wow I sure have not heard THIS feminist propaganda before! How original can one Anon be?
Look at that thing..plain, tall, and boring. Pass.
I'm not a muslim though, neither is my father :^)
Yeah I agree, I like my women ugly, short, and slanty eyed;)
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I agree with you completely. Mongoloids are simply superior.


>"hold on stacy im busy lemme call u back."
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I think Russian girls are the best looking. Those with a nice blend of features.
>not a race
Don't make me laugh, sandnigger.
So white nationalist models are actually a thing?
Asian men love their Latino women
Photoshop certainly is.
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Russian women look like fucking grey hybrids, no thanks.

Thats half sand nigger to you, anon

I hate islam tbhq I'd rather die than wear a trash bag because some man wants me to
If he's Christian that's ok then. If he's a half assed lapsed muslim then he can die.

Honestly fuck all semitic shit though
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Just like my animes.
The swastika and mein kampf are shopped.
Hybrids torture and eat human beings. They also put people in giant prisons, feed us GMOs, and sterilize our women.

They all look the same. Not even memeing.
I agree. Everyone loves a good shovel face.
>white woman
>first choice

>only put out for Chad and Tyrone
>get shitty degrees
>want 0-1 kids, usually end up mixed race

Latina women are vastly superior
>more sensitive, sexually
>like men in the most literal sense
>have their own personalities
>4/5 know they intentionally look like ho bags, but they enjoy looking like that
>go for better degrees

Asians are ok, only in so far as they're usually not raging sluts.
>still as bad as white women otherwise

I'd fuck black girls but
>would rather take 10 Tyrones than ask 1 white guy

Every women but latinas are incapable of showing affection to someone they want to fuck.
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>flat brow
>wide face, high cheekbones

can be qt tbqh
Latinas also look and dress like cheap whores

if you told me that chink was a dude with a wig on and a stuffed bra, i'd believe it.
I said that m8. Read the post next time.

Latinas love dressing like hoes, and love the attention men give them. It's a drug to them. Every other race dresses like sluts and then tries to get your money
No-one has black eyes you faggot.

Ranking of Females

>blue eyed white
>all other light eyed white
>brown eyed "white"
>pale asian
>pale latina


>dark skinned latina
>dark skinned asian


10/10 taste my melanin-enriched friend.
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You really are a kook, huh?
You're a whore anyways, you'll just be some pump and dump weekend fuck for an 8/10 guy.
>muh special qt anime azn gamer nerd girl

they're all sluts man
>tfw black but only attracted to females that are minorities, blacks and browns especially

I'm pretty sure white women hate me.
I surprisingly get along pretty good with Asians, girls and guys alike.
Most men don't want their gf or wife to look like a prostitute on a street corner or catch them in bed with other men. Women craving the attention of men make for awful partners. latinas are great for one night stands though.
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this is you hum?
>mfw no asian has tits like that naturally
Asians are personally my least favorite, but I'd date someone from almost any race (never seen an attractive abo)
be my half-sandnigger gf
Confirmed for itty bitty titty committee
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>tfw will never be apart of the kawaii master race
If I can't see your pupils, your eyes are black.
You're obviously a weeb shill.
amazing butthurt. double the butthurt.

asians dont like neckbeards just because they play video games and watch anime, give it up man
That face is fucking ugly. Looks like a baby wearing a wig. How come asian girls have such fat faces, do they ever go on a damn diet?
I love how Asians eyes look gooey, so cute
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i'm black and i prefer asian women though.
>why do you think black guys heavily prefer white women and don't go after asian women really?
shit taste
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Asians are blessed with the ability to have anorexic thin bodies but kawaii fat faces
Nom nom nom

Pic related
The fuck are you, some alien that eats eyes?

Most black men prefer white women, come on man, get with the program. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and think of that contrast when your dark dick enters a tight, white, pink pussy.
As a black male I can confirm that Asian women are indeed superior.
White women are huge bitches.
At this point, I'd probably rank them the lowest because they're so annoying.
I don't care if a woman's hot, if she's annoying to be around she's shit.

Tru-tier rankings:
1) East Asian
2) East African
3) Decent black girl (not ghetto)
4) Latina
5) White
6) Middle Eastern
7) Ghetto black girl
8) South American trash
99999) Abos
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>fat face
>a blessing

Yeah, no. White girls look like elves, asians look like goblins.
>come on man, get with the program
>Blonde hair, blue eyes, and think of that contrast when your dark dick enters a tight, white, pink pussy
i'm not joining your kek meme, louis.

also i generally have better luck with asian women desu senpai

Shoo shoo robot
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Asian girls look like they walked into a wall.

White girls look like men wearing makeup.

Black girls look like the missing link.

Mestizo girls look like horses.
Kek, look at this silly fucking kek bastard.
so women are just ugly then?
Thread replies: 255
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