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Tell me your worst experience >be me >9TH grade >always
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Tell me your worst experience
>be me
>9TH grade
>always the weird kid, I had a hard time talking to people
>new qt moves to my school
>really wanna work up the courage and talk to her
>think about it all the time the thought of being with her
>fast forward halfway through second semester
>she's kinda weird too she doesn't talk to people
>it took me a while but I work up the courage to talk to her
>stuttering like the aspie I am
>she laughs and it went alright
>start taking more start stuttering less every time
>eventually we go out after about a month of talking everyday and calling on the phone at night
>halfway through junior year we are still together so we've been dating about a year now
>social skills are built up by talking to her she still doesn't talk to people that much
>I get a job and a car all because I am not scared to speak with people anymore
>we take each others virginity
>things can't get any better we really are gonna be together for ever
>senior year about to graduate
>spring break she goes out to her grandparents with her mom and dad
>her dad gets hit by a drunk driver in the wrong lane
>kills her and her dad and mom makes it with serious injuries
Crying while typing this
>get the news and still haven't recovered now it's been about 1 year
Pic unrelated
It was bound to fail in the long run, so don't beat yourself up thinking it was perfect and would last forever. Move on
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Reading your awful story, underage faggot.
Sorry you went through that anon, and I'm sorry everyone here is too much of a dick to be nice enough, and I'm sorry you were too aspie to realise posting this here was a bad idea, I'm just sorry in general nigga bad situation all around
>senior year about to graduate
>been about 1 year
That's terrible, OP.

Have you tried keeping in contact with her mother? Maybe it'll ease the pain a little as time passes.

Her mother might even be able to introduce you to someone to help you move on if she thought you were a great person for her daughter. She'll want to help you out as best she can.

Failed reading comprehension, didn't you?
And that's terrible advice, sempino.

Fucking gross picture op, also kind of an asshole thing to do for people who need to iron clothes. When I stay in the hotel and have to cook I place aluminum foil over the iron and put my food to cook in the coffee pot in a plastic baggy. I find if you flirt with the receptionist and it's later at night then they'll let you use the toaster oven if you sweet talk them enough.
>take motorcycle training aged 24
>so bad at it instructor asks if I have learning difficulty
>fall off multiple times
>other 3 students aged 16-20 easily pass
>had to wait for my stepdad to pick me up
>screaming at me in the car for not passing the training
What part were you struggling with so much? The clutch and shifting?

If the instructor worth a shit, he should have made sure you were comfortable with finding the friction zone and braking before continuing any further.

If I had <10 minutes with you in an empty parking, I'd have you semi-comfortable with going on the highway, granted you legitimately don't have some learning disability or some kind of hand-eye/motor function problems.
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That so, big boy? I'd like to have ten minutes with you in an empty parking lot~
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You shouldn't tease so much, because I might just take you up on your offer.
I can't really remember. I didn't even want to do it, really. I was kind of forced into taking the training because I had already refused to take my (car) driving test.
God doing his based work.

Making sure autistic faggots like OP go extinct.
Oh...I'm not sure what to say that won't make you feel worse about yourself.

The instructor did nothing wrong.
That's ok m80. I don't blame him anyway.
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