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american thread post here if your american
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american thread

post here if your american
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I am a real American
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>your BMI will never touch 3 figures :(
Mudslimes GET OUT


well not with that attitude it won't
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even if it does, I'll still just be a fat British guy putting a strain on the NHS

>you will never shoot up a school and then get fed Taco Bell by the police so you open up about what happened
Typical americans misspelling and changing up words because they fail to comprehend the English language.
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>i correct the minor spelling errors of posters on a Mongolian cartoon imageboard
American here, hello boys~
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I'm not American but I'm posting anyway.
why cant we americans get a comfy thread like /britfeel/ ;_;
Well someone has to teach you guys the basics of literacy since your education system is going down the toilet. Stay mad pretzel muncher.
Most of the board is for American culture.
I'm not american but am also not one of those spergy euros who constantly hate on yanks. How's it going fellow white men?
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no american here, what u gonna do, respond me whit a pepe saying reee?
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>tfw Americans are the minority now
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non-americans report in
Slavland reporting
Pa ja glej da bos za zeta volil pol bo pa Slovenka prva dama
there isn't enough freedom in this thread
post some
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Where are my fellow separatists?
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non american reporting in
Come on, there must be some of you. Neo-Confederates? Angry Texans? Cascadians of the hippie or fascist variety?
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>Angry Texans?
Texit when
Texan here.


Frankly I wish you guys would just secede so that everyone else that wanted to could. My dream country would made up of New England, parts of upstate New York, Quebec, and the Maritime provinces.
>taking the bait
OP is probably from the same shithole as you
What a god awful meme that shit is
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Why can't people in North/South America understand that their countries are apart of the US? They call themselves North American but can't admit to being part of America?

baka Canada specifically.
Never met anyone in my life who refer to themselves as north american...
Canada here. Please for the love of god invade and take us over. Having a gamergate feminist leader is killing us. WE NEED TRUMP
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you just need to find your inner freedom, Canada
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>Bandit Keith
My fellow patriot.
Imagine California x10. That 70% of our country. We lost freedom and became Muslim loving feminists. I just want to move south and live in Dixie where non-whites aren't welcome.
>also would love free speech and to be able to conceal
>post here if your american
>your american

You're very obviously American.
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>falling for the bait
I bet you're european.
american is legit master race
influences the entire world via entertainment and money
get rekt you keked plebs
america is fucking the pussy and you are just sitting on the sofa watching
I just fucking love that it's a meme for the peace and love hipsters/hippies and simultaneously a meme for the Turner Diaries style Neo-Nazi's. It's hilarious.
Thread replies: 37
Thread images: 18

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