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Some of you guys are alright. depression sucks... I wouldn't
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Some of you guys are alright.

depression sucks...
I wouldn't hurt a fly though. I want to love this world, but people are so cruel.

meh, another day..

good night guys.
Don't give up anon. Never forget the beauty you may have once perceived
Well said. I share the same feels.
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drugs will help you

i used to be depressed 24/7
now i don't feel anything at all
Im ALMOST in the same boat as you OP, those suicide toughts are growing srtonger everyday but im still optimistic.
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the fall.jpg
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This is my favorite painting of Jesus.
Yeah until the drugs are gone. Then it's even worse depression, along with a horrible sickness.
Don't feel sorry for yourself
Cryings not gonna help
Good night Jesus
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Why don't you just snap out of it bro ?


You just choose to be weak bro
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me next.jpg
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doesnt matter
as long as im numb and can't feel anything, I'm fine

if the drugs some day end?
well, that's why you buy a gun. always have a plan b
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Don't listen to this guy. >>24941270
Drugs help until you stop taking them, and you can't take them/be high forever.

It's only after you sober up that you understand. You have to fix the problems in your life the hard way, the way you're ascared to do. But you have to take that first step. I promise life will be better if you do- not tomorrow, not in a week, maybe not even in months, but I promise if you try things will get better.
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This video inspired me
Don't listen to this guy. >>24941417
It's pointless to try and fix your life. You just put effort in and it all will come crashing down in the end anyways.

Nothing you do will ever be good enough
No one will ever care for you beyond their own personal benefit
Why don't you go ahead and kill yourself already you aspie fuck. Some of us have lives worth living.

Gay ass fuck

You can tell this guy takes buckets of cum.
How jelly are you of him tho?
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What worth does your life have? Fuck all. You have achieved nothing and will achieve nothing.
You live in a pointless microcosm like everyone around you, slaving to buy that house, slaving to get a wife, a son, a dog and that white picket fence and then at the end of your miserable life, when you are on your deathbed you still pretend as if it was all not a waste, you pretend as if anything in your life had a meaning.
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And yet, even if your assumptions are true, I'll still have had enjoyed my time on the ride far more than you have.

The irony of attempting to spread bitterness is that you expose your own bitterness. So enjoy the 5 minutes of attention you've gotten- I'm sure it's the most you've had in weeks.

You should read the Divine Comedy sometime, you might learn something about happiness.
bump for being yourself
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