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WouId you suck it?
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WouId you suck it?

I don't like how the camera is rumbling back and forth, so no.
If it were attached to a masculine, tall man then yes.
her cock is super masculine she is definitely a dude no way
watch that webm on loop while listening to this

i hate it when trannies have massive dicks while i'm stuck with an average one
ability for everyone to have a massive dick whn
I really wish whoever keeps uploading pics of this person would just dump all they have instead of sporadically dropping one in a thread every couple of weeks.
big dicks are only a measure of your worth when you're degenerate enough to judge your quality as a man off of the size of your penis.
is this the small dick version of manlet "it doesn't matter how tall you are"?
I'd let him fuck me in the ass
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fugg yes
This. Although most of them are probably really petite, which makes they're average/slightly above average dicks look huge.
This one isn't even big even though everyone on here says it is. It's average. The camera angle doesn't even help that much. I don't get it.
No, but I'd let her/him suck my dick.
No, I have a larger than average penis, but really if you look at this historically- the ancients didn't give a damn about the size of a mans penis. It actually wasn't considered great to have a big donkey dick, the statues of the gods and heroes were never endowed with 8 inch flaccid dongs.

The way I see it, people who put so much emphasis on penis size are basing worth off of one's sexual organ- implying that you have no other qualities more impressive than a basic body part that you were born with and in no way earned or deserved. It's kind of pitiful really.
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It'll be a long night senpaitachi...
>big dick/small dick
>have a fukced up phimosis dick
At least small can be pretty. Mine just looks deformed.
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She's such a cuter
But we don't live in those times anymore.
We live in an oversexualized society that puts huge emphasis on your dick size as a sign of attraction.
The ancients weren't bombarded by a whole storm of ass, tits and other sex-related shit as soon as they went outside.
Each time I look at Ray I feel like I could catch the AIDS through my screen, no offense
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l wanna eat the butt...
What do we call traps that are Stacies/Chads?
That's bullshit.
Women have always preferred big dicks, that's why people have the biggest dicks out of every other primate.
Is she mexican?
All I'm saying is look at the types this board attracts: lonely, depressed, nihilistic losers.

I'm not surprised everyone here is so obsessive about dick size. Everyone's looking for something to justify their loneliness and pain.
no, but he'd suck mine for sure. faggots
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>he thinks he can satisfy RayRay(tm) with his baby dick

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But I'm an ugly, small-dicked manlet.

Why wouldn't I see those physical flaws as what bars me from sexual success?
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Why is RayRay lore so deep?

There's plenty of ugly hung dudes who get zero vag because dick size isn't everything. The best you can do is to increase your dating market value through other attainable ways:
>getting in /fit/
>eating health
>dressing well
>learning valuable skills
>getting a good job
Do you think every schmuck with a gf is a handsome, tall, hung god? Obviously not. I look around all the time and see "ugly manlets" with gfs that all of us would consider eons out of their league.
There's such a thing has a "feminine" penis?
How do I get so stretchy that I can dickslap myself?
No, it's just mental gymnastics that closet homos perform to make wanting to do homo things "no homo".
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Be luffy from one piece.
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>tfw you'll never sniff his crotch

it looks like it smells nice
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>he doesn't know about feminine penises

Damn shame.
I guess this dude is the new meme on this board.
who even is this
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le big dick femboy

honestly I think his fuckbuddy is hotter, christ just look at those bawlz.
>her cock
oh senpai lmao

it's literally just him posting himself again and again
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I prefer RayRay-chan, but I'd fuck em/be fucked by both
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the fuckbuddy used to post them here too but since the bot came back I haven't seen him ;~;

come back i miss your giant nuts
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are you kidding me i'd love to have these things empty out inside me
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>that cut

Jews ruined a perfectly good dick
He is so hot, any of either of them cumming?
i wish, i really wanted the big balls to do a webm of him blowing a load
Whoisthisperson. Got name
What the fuck is wrong with you sick gay degenerates?
yes senpai

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