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>Take forever to find anything that really turns you on >Cum
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>Take forever to find anything that really turns you on
>Cum the second you do
Who bojack here?
>edging for hours
>not even taking the hand off my dick to snort stims and drink water
>find the perfect vid
>cum in two flicks
>worry your heart's gonna give out any second
>dat dopamine doe
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>come during a "filler" moment when there's no porn even on the screen
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>Fap to fetish
>Takes like 30 seconds to cum
>Fap to anything else
>Takes like 30 minutes
Holy shit this is the worst. It makes my orgasms 1/10 of what they should be
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>Can now only fap to dominant shemales/futas and their penises.

I've fallen and can't get up.
>remember tfw no bf
>stop fapping
I want my boipucci filled and fucked to a handsfree orgasm by someone I love.
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I don't understand people that are turned on by futa. It's the worst shit ever besides guro/scat. I tried fapping to it once and it's a shitty orgasm that I had to force by thinking of something else. Why do so many people like it? Literal gay, big, mandongs on cute anime girls. Why?

And I like traps. But feminine boy traps. Not futa tier, not visible man trait tier.
>Not wanting to suck futa cock.

lol what a faggot.
>Come during a close shot to the guy face while he is cumming
This will explain why.


Cut out porn and masturbation and soon you will be diamonds just seeing a girl naked like a healthy male should do.

Time to get up, Anon.
I fap to futas having sex with normal girls.

It's like a weird form of lesbian sex with a strap-on that's actually a real dick.

>Literal gay, big, mandongs on cute anime girls. Why?

The bigger the dick, the greater the pleasure over a greater surface area. I know it's not true, but suspension of disbelief is a key feature of fantasy. It's imagining a cute girl experiencing an orgasm of a magnitude she's not mentally nor physiologically prepared for that gets me.

Also, it's cute to see girls with dick trying to move their hips in a way they're not meant, especially when they're frantically trying to maximise the pleasure they're getting close to climax.

>tfw I am a trans lesbian

feels good desu

i've only ever fucked other trans girls tho. i'd like to fuck a cis girl quite a bit
But that's not the point.

The reason regular straight porn will always be the most popular is that just as much as the girl, the guy is also important.

I'm not talking about zoomig in on his face on the money shot. But the fantasy. That you are him. That's why as much as you say you don't want to see the guy in the porno, you'd never accept a fat guy with a tiny dick over a muscular 8x6". Because that doesn't fit into the fantasy.
>take 20mg of adderall in the morning to study and finish an essay for a class that is due today
>jack off for 8 hours straight and cum 4 feet
>I didn't get shit done all day

anyone else know this feel?
All of high school
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Feels weird to come here and have to tick "I'm not a robot" to post
Watched this entire show, it was horrible, even worse than Rick and Morty
Why did you keep watching if you thought it was horrible?
Because I'd repeatedly heard that it progressively gets better (Moral Orel is fairly shit until the final episode of the first season) and so that my opinion could hold some kind of legitimac
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>this entire video

thanks for sharing anon, very interesting stuff

>literally explains why futa isn't gay

I relate to this feel frogman
also explains why so many robots are so fixated on their dick size being the reason they can't get a gf.

explains why some people like futa and why liking futa doesn't mean you're gay
>edge forever
>snort mad stims and jerk off for hours
>feel like you're about to cum
>heart gives out
>with your dying breath x out the weird fetish shit you were finishing to
>save face in the afterlife
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Thread images: 8

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