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>mfw i find out a white guy is into dark girls
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File: 1446652005515.jpg (110 KB, 1440x1425) Image search: [Google]
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>mfw i find out a white guy is into dark girls
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Do they really?
latinas are the hottest desu
>nipple bars

That's kind of gross man.
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>Sorry, white boys only
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Im white and i love black qts. I feel bad for letting /pol/ down but fuck it
I don't fuck black girls because they are ugly but she is really cute. She is not even considered black
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>not posting what they actually look like

Stop memeing please
I can do it too senpai
Looks like a typical black girl to me
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>pierced nipples

And onto the subway tracks she goes
That never happens because black girls are ugly
Are you a dark girl? Would you like some cream in your coffee?
I work in a place with a bunch and they can be pretty qt.

>cute black girl looks at you and smiles
>tfw too much of a beta loser to try anything

Dat slutty-black nail polish.
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