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Just jack it off fammy
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Just jack it off fammy
probably one of the funniest memes I've ever seen, so accurate it hurts
If only we could have our post-masturbation conscience with us 24/7

the entire human dinamic revolves around sex and it's powerful grip on male behaviour. The only time a male has free thought is after sexual satiety
But after I masturbate I just feel sad that I can't cuddle into a qt gf's arms.
Is this what women feel 24/7?
This is why some people jerk off again and again as soon as the refractory period ends, it's the only way to keep a grip on reality. Nofap is a Jewish conspiracy, they want you to not think clearly so you help fuel the Divorce Industrial Complex.
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If you fap this is you.
Masturbating doesn't help me at all. What I desire is not so much sex, but rather intimacy.
that is because you are a faggot
Interesting. I was just reading about kabbalah (which is fuckin jewish) and it talks about "not spilling the seed" in order to harness the sexual energies or else you are a sick bad nasty goyim who will never become godlike
I think it's pretty much placebo.
This tbqh familio, if all I wamted was sex I would be just fine, but I want more than that and masturbation just makes me feel lonelier.
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I actually cried a lot after many masturbation sessions this year.

Being lonely sucks sometimes.
I've been fapping to 2d almost exclusively. At this point I find most 3d women physically disgusting. Between this and constant indoctrination on arcanine I have almost no desire towards women. It honestly feels pretty great just ignoring most women I meet. At this rate I'll never have any parasites draining me of my income, and the skies the limit.
Meanwhile in the real world you are a filthy psychopath that is wasting a life and will never know the joys of having a family or being important to anyone.

you know you can fuck an orangutan if you want? just go down there to borneo.
Woah buddy, you seem booty bothered
I'm sorry you think that not raising a family id a waste of your life. I'm enjoying my life quite a bit though and I know that I'm important to my family and friends.

If women weren't subhuman I would happily have children but I haven't met any exception and doubt I ever will.
I feel filthy after fapping, it's fucking horrible
you must be doing something wrong i feel fucking amazing during an orgasm and then i get tired afterwards
yes it feels amazing especially not doing it for three weeks then feels bad for not having a girlfriend
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