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What are you, /r9k/?
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What are you, /r9k/?
Shit tier. I didn't realize it was a competition.
1x Top Tier + 2x Shit Tier, all diagnosed no self-diagnosis bs
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what if I have one from every tier
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Schizo, bipolar, and borderline personality disorder, plus GAD and PTSD. That's all I'm diagnosed with right now at least.

It seems like I'd be on a lot of medication but I'm only taking like the lowest dose of an anti-psych.

>muted because youre comment was not original
Jesus, 4x Shit tier + 1x Top tier
>glorifying mental problems
>anything but god tier

Narcissism is basically a cheat code to greatness, you fucking ant
shit tier

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I hope you faggots realize this is pretty much what tumblr does. What with having a pissing contest of who has it the worst.

Fucking idiots.
Shit tier
Fuck off tumblr
narcissism and bipolar family
mid tier raster mace
top/mid m8
schizotypal + avoidant
tumblr is for porn gifs
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haha i guess im top tier. schizophrenic here.
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>personality disorder

That is the 4chan equivalent of the tumblr shit we make fun of like gender fluid, slutsexual, non binary trans woman.

It is made up nonsense. Even the idea that "personality" exists apart from an abstractum derived from a collection of behaviors which appear static across time is somewhat laughable. So to then categorize one personality type as pathological is retarded. Society is shit. Why would you care if your personality did not mesh well with it?
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Who else /psychotic/ here?

>didn't take my medication
>people are taIking to me through the panels in the wall
I have a schizophrenic person in my family...
It's a fuckin horrible disease and no one deserves it
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Oh really anon? Describe you thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and I will tell you whether you are actually psychotic.
>not god tier
dyslexia, no one gives a shit I'm retarded tier
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fixed it for ya bud
>that abstract feel when mentally healthy and you recognize it but worry that by saying "im not crazy" you are just deluding yourself and are actually crazy
Because if you can't/don't fit into society you will get ground into dust
By what or whom?
I am normie scum.
double shit tier
I don't want to share what they're telling me because it's a secret.
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the ego is the key to infinity
Triple shit tier but I've already fixed the anxiety and depression issues for the most part. Living with the ADD though. Dietary restrictions help a lot.

qargbagbqrgqv qwgqergqeegrqg q gaqgq
not sure how it is for everyone, but i told my family and they just got really offended, asking shit like "so you wouldn't care if i died?" and basically just see and treat me as an degenerate emotionless failed human. which i guess is right
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>Using mental illnesses to see who's better than who
>mfw mental illnesses don't exist
>mfw all of you are autistic retards
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avoidant here
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Dang son, how did you get such low results?
aren't autism and retardation mental illnesses
Diagnosed ADHD 2 weeks ago! The medication has done wonders for my willpower, and it makes me a lot less reclusive. My life is on the up, lads
top mid low shit

theyre not

people are stupid because theyre stupid
stop the self projection
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i'm a normie
All those things are made up bullshit
You aren't special faggot
Git gud
What about brain scans that can confirm the presence of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder?
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Damn son my psychiatrist has some work to do.
aspie here, fuck off tumblr
Anxiety and OCD, Some depression I presume. so shit tier I guess
They aren't psychiatric illnesses, which is why I am perplexed by them being grouped in with all these other illnesses. Perhaps because they are all prone to tantrums.
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fucking narcissists
This is fucking retarded.

Who the fuck glorifies mental illnesses other than the SJW's of reddit and tumbler
they want to "feel" better
even though they don't have feelings
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>tfw can't control my constant mood swings and need for acceptance
the sjw's of 4chan
>histrionic isn't shittiest of shit tier

>nothing to argue about
>xD projection xD

Kill yourself


ur mum
>Avoidant PD at top tier
>Anxiety at shit tier

You do realize APD is a form of anxiety right?
Schizoid PD + depression + anxiety. Technically I even out around low tier. But realistically having these things combined makes my life hell.
i make shitty charts with no meaning in ms paint for people to argue over

don't expect much
top tier mid tier and shit tier all professionally diagnosed
Everything on this is automatically inaccurate because "Histronic" is not in shit tier

>autism shit tier

enjoy your sub 140 IQ

well at least you know that autism isn't a mental illness, lel

autism is a developmental disorder like ADD/ADHD and not all autistic people are intellectually disabled, half are and the rest are average to above average IQ.
wouldn't god tier be having no mental disorders?
um... isn't antisocial personality disorder basically "mob thug"?
tier tier. Nice one anon
Schizoid. This is me just writing shit because of the robot.
you say it like mob thugs aren't god tier

>where do I fit in?
Sounds about right.

>you have to be autistic to be smart

>implying APD is a disadvantage in any way
>implying everyone here isn't self diagnosed
lol get fucked fags, I'm a self-diagnosed degenerate so I don't fit anywhere.

Completely fucking normal. Feels good.
I have none of those. What does that make me?
Dude, I haven't been outside since sunday - I have literally no friends and the only person I've spoken to in person this month is my mother. Where the fuck is that implication coming from?

My problem here is that everyone is wearing these labels as if self-diagnosing yourself with a personality disorder is something worth bragging about. You kids are fucking stupid.
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Beat my high score :^). I did this completely honestly too. I should probably see a professional.
>Megalomania isn't even on here

Top tier, schizoid.
what ever happened to that kid any way?
jesus christ, how do you even know if you have these?

how do you know you aren't lying to yourselves?
Mid tier with Bi-polar disorder
>romanticizing mental illness
Tourettes, ADHD, and OCD. Nobody else ever has Tourettes.
top tier avoidant/schiz. also surprisingly dependant. i'm not really sure how to feel about this. someone fill in the blank for me.
>listing personality "disorders" alongside actual neurological dysfunctions

fuck that is rough.

You don't. That's the thing about crazy people, they don't know that they're crazy.
He died attempting a suicide bombing. He killed nobody except himself kek.
Shit tier
How fitting.
/r9k/ is just the flipside of the crazy people on tumblr, half the beliefs they have are the exact same even.

>Women only want chad
>Men only want stacy

APD is a massive disadvantage, which you'd know if you had any actual clinical experience. They compulsively lie, rip off others, abuse substances and just have next to no impulse control. They're the sort of people that get addicted to heroin and ruin their lives, not the super successful hollywood psychopath bullshit that only exists in movies.
This list is bullshit though, having had schizophrenia (now symptom free, thank god), you do not want to have it at all. It's not anything to glorify, you'll ruin your life with it, and not even realise you're doing it, because in your mind living in a shed in an abandoned houses backyard is much better than living at home, because they know you're there. Even just not knowing if someone actually spoke or if you're just hearing shit, to this day I won't say "did you guys hear that noise?", because I can't be sure if it's even real or not. And personality disorders are just all complete messes, who live their lives miserably. Even narcissists are miserable, they just blame everyone else for their misery instead of themselves (see Elliot Rodger).

Stop glorifying shit that you have no idea about.
Sorry, I meant AsPD. Avoidant just guarantees you'll never be secure in any relationship you have with anyone.
It's pretty mild honestly. I only have minor physical tics, not the verbal ones.

All of these can apply to me I think. I realize they can contradict one another, and that's the problem I hate the most. Anyway this is my opinion based on what people have told me and what I've noticed, I might be delusional.
>shit tier
pick one
at least I'm about that life.
You are. No-one has that many personality disorders, schizoid pretty much invalidates any other one seeing as they just don't feel as emotional or worried about relationships. Avoidant and dependent alone are in complete contradiction to schizoid, as is schizotypal.

Everyone has traits of personality disorders.
top tier schizoid we in this i guess
probably shit tier considering i've been diagnosed with bpd, depression and anxiety but a different psychologist told me bi polar and some psychosis so idk where i stand to be honest
got diagnosed with schizoid
Makes sense. Shizoid is a sure thing so I guess I can rule out 3 others.
>about that life
>shit tier

Whatever. They give me adderall.
Unless you're diagnosed, it's not a sure thing. You also shouldn't bother thinking about it unless it's causing a lot of distress.
>anything but god tier

>Narcissism is basically a cheat code to greatness, you fucking ant

lo that is exactly what a narcissist would say
Avoidant PD, Depression and Anxiety
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